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Everything posted by timcalhoun

  1. They changed the vertical impact surface. Here is a pic that shows the cut (Ken Mays Pic). This will put way more stress on the lower barrel lugs.
  2. timcalhoun

    Kimber Solo

    Caster, I will be anxious to see how it shoots. Might be a good one for my wife too.
  3. timcalhoun

    Kimber Solo

    You know the USAF bullseye shooting team back in the 70s experimented with changing the direction of rifling. The thought was that it helped the FS come straight up and down verses a D pattern. It makes sense because of Newton's law and instead of kicking the bottom of your grip away from your hand it pushes it towards. It didn't help their scores though, and shooting two handed really makes the point moot. Schuemann makes a barrel that addresses the issue better IMO. Their AET barrel has graduated rifling so the bullet is introduced gradually to the spin.
  4. Remington has probably cut the barrel life of a typical 1911 by a huge amount. An average barrel will usually last close to 100k. I think that the R1 will start shearing barrel lugs off in 1/4 that amount. I realize that this is not a big deal to most shooters, particularly after reading an article in American Handgunner this month. The article mentioned a new study by the NSSF and gathered stats on shooters. "Motivated" shooters will only shoot an average of 1589 rounds in a years time, and that is through multiple handguns. Single handgun owners shoot way less. So, the R1 will give a lifetime of shooting when considered in this light. However, I will never recommend the R1 since I feel they made a bone headed move by changing the design. Plus there is no way to fix it other than welding up and recutting the frame, or milling the frame for a ramped barrel.
  5. I don't recommend the R1.
  6. Your stripper rail/disconnector rail is pushing the round underneath forward as it is chambering the top round. It probably need the edge broken slightly then polished, and the problem will probably go away.
  7. The novak dovetail is 65 x .495 and a bomar is 60 x .359 so unless it is welded up and then recut you don't have enough material to work with. Sorry.
  8. That's funny Mike!!! DMark, that is 30lpi on the flat top. Also, thanks for all the kind words everyone. I really appreciate them.
  9. I do actually. Here is a M&P I worked on recently.
  10. I usually only shoot once because it cuts my mikes in half.
  11. Bomar First: Then Flat top: Then serrations: Done for today: Cocking serrations are next....
  12. Stage five with the right color steel.
  13. Lord I hope he takes as many votes away from the left as he will the right or we won't have a snowballs chance.
  14. You can be the best architect on the planet and come up with the best designed homes ever, but if your builder totally screws it up, it doesn't really matter how great the plans were. Problem is, after this builder has screwed the last 10 homes, we are going to hire him yet again to build a giant apt complex. How f'ing stupid is that.
  15. You might want to research how we got social security after the scotus unanimously ruled it unconstitutional. FDR certainly got to that court.
  16. We don't know what it will be like.......maybe. However. I can not think of one government program that is not a giant broken mess. I think their track record is glaringly clear.
  17. It is one thing to tax to fund a program, it is an entirely different thing to tax to control behavior. This is a huge loss for liberty no matter how you spin it. To allow the fed to tax you for not doing something is a huge deal folks. We need to repeal this and then have a constitutional ammendment that restrains the fed from taxing behavior.
  18. I have just resigned myself to do all I can so that if one day I look into my great grandchildren's eyes, I can say that I did everything I could to preserve their freedom. It's very hard not to get discouraged when so many are so complacent.
  19. 6.8 AR - that was a great post with Ronald Reagan BTW. We as conservatives can try to see a silver lining or spin it in a manor that makes us feel better, but as I see it, this was a loss. Not a loss for republicans but a loss for our nation. When liberty suffers, we all suffer. It matters to me very little as to what authority they use to implement the law, it only matters that the law was implemented successfully. Facts are, that if you do not buy insurance you will be taxed/fined and if you do not pay that tax you will go to jail. It's not about healthcare, it's about an over reaching government who now can force you to buy anything it deems good for you, or levy a tax against you. It may be healthcare this time, and you may like that, however, next time it may be something you are vehemently against. What justice Roberts did was legislate from the bench. It was not his job to "fix" the bill by calling it a tax when it was clearly and purposefully written as a mandate under the commerce clause. Thomas Jefferson warned us about scotus, and it seems his warnings like that of federal banks should have been heeded.
  20. I have the CED M2, I would buy it again.
  21. I don't like the fact that Remington changed the vertical impact surface. I feel that it puts too much pressure on the lower barrel lug and I am concerned that after thousands of rounds you will start to see them shear off.
  22. The failure at the end was not limp wristing it was the extractor failing. Kimber abandoned that extractor BTW.
  23. timcalhoun


    Philippines I do believe.
  24. I don't know what they are supposed to use. Not my class.......not my job. LOL I just know they are good hits.


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