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Everything posted by timcalhoun

  1. Great, now I have to practice my draws with a freakin' dryer sheet around my grip.
  2. I think the only thing for me to do is to stop carrying altogether. I simply can't choose. If I oc I might get shot via the shoot me first theory. If I iwb I get more lint in my gun and I am sadly not a deterrent. Truely a sad day.
  3. I always ask every obama voter I talk to if they can name the three branches of government, and so far they are 0-23. Unbelievable is right.
  4. No I'm cool. I just wrote it for folks to enjoy. However, I originally wrote it for the Brian Enos forum and it was really enjoyed there. But after reading it again I just think it is too specific to folks who compete in IPSC/USPSA. I just thought in light of the 98th anniversary I would post it here.
  5. It's a JOKE!!!!!!!! + Check your avitar. Also, it is a little inside........USPSA folks would get it more.
  6. Never mind. Wrong crowd
  7. Why would you carry open if you don't have to? You throw away a huge advantage.
  8. Thought I would share this with you all. I started carrying way back in 1990 in FL and have carried practically every day since. I have always carried using a pancake holster and a 4" 1911. Recently, I switched to a milt sparks summer special IWB holster. I have to say I like this way better. But here is the skinny. About once a year I would completely tear the slide and frame down and give it a good cleaning. Well, after about 6 months of carrying with the IWB holster I tore the gun down and was stunned at the amount of crud that was everywhere. I had caked up junk (mostly a lint and oil mix) on the sear, sear spring, hammer strut ect. ect. I can see if a person carried like this all the time and never stripped the grip apart at some point I could see the gun failing. WOW. Just a heads up for those IWB carriers.
  9. I guess folks do this for different reasons and we all manage springs and do up-keep differently. For me, I can only approximate how many rounds are through my guns. But it doesn't really matter. My #1 competition gun has somewhere between 50,000-60,000 rounds through it. I shoot about 15k through it in a year so I change the springs in it about 3-4 times a year and inspect everything closely when I give it a good cleaning. Once I knew I probably broke the 50K mark I now shoot groups every now and then to see if I need to replace the barrel. So far so good. I don't shoot my carry gun near as much so I just replace the springs in it when I change the clocks. And replace the mag springs once a year in both my carry and competition guns (this is a little overkill but springs are cheap).
  10. I'm just wondering why you try to keep records of this?
  11. Oh good a link to a link to a link:p
  12. Could someone please forward this to him. I don't have his email address.
  13. Yep. Here again is why we need folks to get involved in paying for their own healthcare.
  14. +1 That is why we need to make sure everyone is paying. But if you want to opt you can. But we have to have the will to make them stand by their decision.
  15. Well, even if it is as low as 20-25% as you suggest it would be a good start. No? Also, I believe a huge reason for the insurance companies paying out a high percentage is because of abuse. My wife is guilty of this as are most of the people with good insurance. She will take our boys to the doctor when they have a cold or has a fever more than a day or two. She says it's just 15 bucks. And 99% of the time the doc says "it's a virus...it will have to run it's course.....that will be 100 bucks.That would not happen nearly as much if it was really our money. And I'm not suggesting getting rid of insurance all together. Insurance should be just that...... insurance against a catastropic happening. Not as a way of life. So, your insurance would kick in at a much larger amount and cost very little. Also, the 10,000 grand a month thing is such a tiny percentage and would certanly be addressed by catastrophic insurance policy. All I know is we (conservatives) are going to have to do something or we are going to wake up one day and think we live in france.
  16. I couldn't find SP primers and I had to buy federal SPM primers. Just had to bump the powder down one tenth. No, big deal. I wish this shortage would end.
  17. Well, for sure not with the Obama plan. We have the best HC system in the world and the left is willing to throw the baby out with the bath water.
  18. Well leading folks away from socialism is the whole idea behind this. I'm all for someone who is willing to opt out and die a horrible painful death if that is what they choose. And also giving the right of healthcare folks to refuse care for a history of none payment. Hell, if someone doesn't pay me I'm not going to continue to do the work. Also, if I could I would opt out of the social security system for sure. What my attempt is with this, is to make sure everyone is out of the wagon and pushing.............not riding along and enjoying the ride.
  19. Health Care: So we all know the health care system needs to improve. While the US has the best HC technology in the world it is very expensive and more people need access. How do we lower the cost? The best way is to address the problem at its source? And that problematic source is largely insurance companies themselves. The amount of overhead a doctor has in dealing with insurance companies is major to say the least. Also, an insurance based system keeps the free market from doing what it does best, lower cost. If you can remember back in the 80s a CD player cost 800-900 dollars. Now you can go to wal-mart and pick one up for 20 bucks. Also, insurance companies greatly limit competition between hospitals and private practices. One hospital will accept your insurance at its full value and another one will accept it a 50%, but that one will do BCBS at 100%. They are not competing for the same customers. If it didn't matter where we went we would choose the place with the best healthcare at the best price. It would cut most healthcare procedures by 50%. Here is an example. When I look at my UHC statement the doctor charges let's say 100 dollars for procedure X. The insurance company paying 100% actually only pays 60-70 bucks and the debt is settled. Now if you have no insurance try to pay 70 cents on the dollar and see where you get. But here is the deal. The doctor, even with the insurance company only paying 70% of what was billed still makes a decent profit. Now if you get rid of the overhead of dealing with insurance companies what could he or she charge for procedure X. Yep. So here is my plan: Healthcare savings accounts have bee around a long time and basically this is a giant expansion on that idea. First, every individual or family has a Healthcare savings account. The goal here is to get enough money in these accounts so that everyone is eventually self insured. How do we do that???? Well, initially we will have to come up with a number that represents an adequate amount per person. Then at first the government would insure each account to the full amount (I know I know....just bare with me here). Employers whom currently pay healthcare benefits would no longer pay that to an insurance company but instead will go directly to your HCSA. Those people who are self employed or whose employer does not pay healthcare benefits would contribute to his or her accounts at a certain percentage. Once the HCSA is fully funded you no longer need to deposit money in that account. So, the healthcare benefit that is paid by your employer now goes in your pocket. And the percentage that self employed deposited stays in their pockets. And here is the best part. That HCSA is your money! Now before you start to dance a jig, there are some strings attached. The account can only be used for medical expenses and if you use a potion you will have to go back to depositing money again until it is fully funded. But, since it is your money, you will be able to (in the event of your death) pass it to your children or in the case where there is no children you can will it to a person/persons of your choosing. Also, since the family medical account is greater because of the children, that portion alloted for them goes with them when they leave the nest greatly reducing the amount they will need to deposit in their own accounts. Of course this is just a working idea that I know needs more fleshing out. But I think the left and the right could come together on this. Any thoughts???
  20. +1 (In the interest of info only) I have to add that if I had to pick one thing that has done the most to increase accuracy in my guns it would have to be loading 5-10 thousands off the lands. Granted that has only been with maybe 16 or 17 guns in the last 20+ years but they all responded well to this. Also the VLD (very low drag) bullets rock!
  21. Well, that is what I do. Day after day after day. And after all these years it still doesn't feel like a job (well mostly). My life has always been about the "three G's"..............Girls, Guns and Guitars!!!!!!!
  22. You would never substitute loading out to the rifling for crimping. The reason to load out to the rifling is the accuracy that is gained. It is one of the many things you can do to customize the load to the rifle.
  23. Here is the best video I know of that explains grip/trigger control that I am aware. The only thing that he doesn't address is to keep your elbows slightly bent. If you look at 3:22 you will see what I'm talking about. The pad of his trigger finger in laying flat and parallel to the gun. This lets you pull straight back into the frame of the gun. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4584332856867071363&hl=en
  24. Well, given that your gun is sighted in properly it is a trigger control issue. I would ask you if your trigger finger is laying flat and paralell to the gun (left to right) and are pulling the trigger straight back into the frame? That is usually what causes left/low left hits.
  25. And the sad thing is we will probably have bigger fish to fry.


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