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Everything posted by timcalhoun

  1. You have to bend the sear spring leaf that pushes on the grip safety. When looking at the sear spring in the gun it is the one on the right.
  2. Here is a link that has a ton of photos of different set ups. May give you some ideas. Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo! -> The Gallery I went with two pieces of 3/4 pylwood glued and screwed together for the top and then 2x4 construction and then tapconned into the floor. FWIW
  3. I know, but I come back to what good ole Ben Franklin said. "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." I think that really applies to this company. Nothing illegal about selling this firearm related gear. Yet they choose to purchase their safety at the expense of liberty.
  4. I stopped using paypal and ebay when ebay stopped selling firearm related goods. Cancelled both accounts.
  5. None of mine rattle when I walk. You might be able to increase the spring tension and get rid of it.
  6. Still the king of the hill for me. Shooters Connection
  7. Our founding fathers did not advocate slavery. It was just legal to own a slave and some had slaves and some didn't. Adams hated slavery and thought it to be a sin against God and he was not alone in those thoughts.
  8. It was awesome!!!!
  9. I don't think you really understand where the venom comes from. Let me elaborate and please forgive my grammatical errors for I have to do this quickly and go to work. Ok, I'll even concede that the left is somewhat less venomous. But you need to realize why. Let's pretend for a second that America is a supply of eggs. And I as an american love eggs. They are good for you, they are a great source of protein and give you lots of energy. And the left have grown up eating eggs too. They have led a great life eating them. But they don't really like eggs. They want to change things. So what they want to do is beat these eggs and mix them with flour and sugar and make a cake out of them from this day forward. Well, I hate cake. It is bad for you. It is way more expensive. It will make you lethargic, increase your waist line and make you less productive. But they want to force me to eat cake. Well I'm sorry, I'm not eating your F$#@ing cake!!!! There are a ton of countries that eat cake and they are all fat and unproductive (comparatively). If you really like cake, move there and eat that sh*t until your full. We never forced them to eat eggs. They have nothing to bitch about.
  10. Well look, when you have the daily barrage from the left that is attacking the very foundation that has made this country great, it is easy to be vitriolic.
  11. mrnick, I'm just wondering if you would elaborate on what you think is so divisive? I imagine most of the comments you would point to, I would consider a joke. Also, attacking someone for their grammar is very petty. After all, most newspapers are written at a ninth grade reading level, but that does not mean the articles are invalid.
  12. Well, I guess all we can do right now is to attend a tea party near you. I'll be at the legislative plaza.
  13. A big +1:up:
  14. I'm there. Nashville that is.
  15. All right guys, I'll deflate this. Can we at least agree that the declaration of independence was the catalyst to the writing of the constitution which in turn confirmed the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
  16. Dude, I know it is not your fault, you probably went through the public school system like I did. They simply do not teach U.S. history worth a darn. And even getting my degree from the Univ. of Miami I can tell you that even the American history classes taught there were less than ideal. But saying our founding fathers never claimed wisdom shows real ignorance on the subject. Did you know that Thomas Jefferson's personal library was donated to start the library of congress? And in the first 56 years of its existence his original donation made up over 50% of the books there. And it is said that Adams' library was even more extensive. Your whole second paragraph does not have a sentence in it that is not flawed. Sorry. Obviously I cannot (in this forum) share with you all I need to in order for you to see my point.
  17. Dude, OMG!!!! Nazism refers to the ideology and practices of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party under Adolf Hitler!!! Dude, crack a book.
  18. You see you operate under the premise that a right is whatever the state or government allows you. I reject that and so did the framers of the constitution.
  19. This is no difference in what I'm talking about and the heller decision you mention. Folks in D.C. rights were infringed upon for decades until it was challenged properly. Then some of their rights were RESTORED. Heck, supreme court justice Scalia carried his rifle on the subway in NY to school when he was a kid and no one thought anything of it. He talked about this very subject at the National Turkey Federation. And agrees with my premise. No one is saying that if you go around with a loaded gun you and don't have a permit you won't get arrested. You just shouldn't.
  20. My point is that states have infringed on our unalienable rights. For the first 150+ years there were practically no gun laws. Only an occasional town ordinance that was unconstitutional then. The right to bear arms does not end at your property line. Just because some states have made it so does not make it right or legal.
  21. It is clear to me that you do not love this country and you do not consider yourself an american, and you are only here in the role of a parasite. One who truly loves the ideas that this country was founded on would never spew such hatred toward her. I have traveled the world in the music business and I feel much the same as rightwinger. You cannot bridal me with your accusation of ignorance of the world, I'm quite sure I have logged more miles than you.
  22. First off lets get our facts straight. The bank debacle got its legs when the socialist idea that Clinton initiated to let folks buy houses they couldn't afford. They simply strong armed banks to make this happen. Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending - The New York Times Secondly, the bailouts never should have happened. The idea that a company is too big to fail is a farce. Capitalism survives on success and failures. For every large company that fails there are hundreds of smaller companies vying for those accounts. They have to be allowed to fail. Yes, that means GM, AIG, etc. If the government would have kept their nose out of it, GM would have had to go to chapter 11 and rework. So, now we spent billions on them and they will still have to go chapter 11. AIG it seems will likely have to do the same.
  23. Both the former soviet union and china had or has as much or more natural resources than the U.S. And of course I was not referring to 3rd world countries. I don't think you really read what I wrote. Or didn't understand what I wrote? I said nothing about other countries hating us. Or plots for our demise.
  24. Well said.


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