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Everything posted by timcalhoun

  1. Welcome Aaron, I live kinda close to you. I shoot USPSA a bunch and their is a club out in Dickson that holds a match once a month and an IDPA club that shoots twice a month. PM me if I can help you in any way. Tim
  2. Here is a USPSA club that shoots in Dickson 2nd weekend of every month both Sautrday and Sunday. NTPS Home Page
  3. Both USPSA and IDPA are practical shooting sports. Both will do wonders for your pistol handling skills. United States Practical Shooting Association International Defensive Pistol Association
  4. voted YES
  5. This is a good lesson for us all to always make a habbit of taking the mag out before racking the slide, then showing yourself a clear chamber, then hammer down. Just glad nobody was hurt. Whew.
  6. That is for sure. Here is what has me worried. The first president who tried this deficit spending method was FDR. As you know he served three terms and 10 of the 12 years we never got below 10% unemployment until WW2 happened and brought us out of it. Both sides of the isle believed at the time that deficit spending prolonged the problem. In 1949 during the next recession they cut taxes and spending and we rebounded tremendously. Then in 1962 during the Kennedy administration we fell into another recession. He learned the same lesson before WW2 that most politicians did and he cut spending and taxes and again we rebounded quickly. The next recession was during the Carter administration and we all know how that turned out. Yep tried the old spend your way out of it routine. Then Reagan got elected and cut spending and taxes and yes we bounced back quickly. Well, here we go again trying to do the old spend your way out of a mess routine with Obama. The thing is I don't think Obama is an idiot. I think he knows exactly what he is doing and knows the history that I have mentioned. But this is about the big picture for him. And like Harry Reid said "never let a crisis go to waste". This is about government power grab and socialism and nothing more.
  7. You are just wrong. This all started over the credit crisis. The credit crisis started because all the bad sub-prime loans. The bad sub-prime loans were a child created largely by the Clinton administration and has its roots back to the Carter years. Here is a link from the NY times archives. I love that their archives are coming back to bite them you know where. Pay attention to paragraph three. Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending - The New York Times
  8. I don't know, maybe it's because these types have been spewing the same tired crap for 5 years and it no longer warrants a debate. Moreover, they all need to realize that Bush is not president anymore! Move on for heaven sakes!
  9. Here is another great place for Dillon stuff. eguns.com: eguns.com: Dillon Precision, Aimpoint, EO Tech, M-Pro 7, Sordin, Inova, Streamlight, Leatherman, CED, and much more
  10. Not really. Their no BS warranty is just that. They are awesome.
  11. It is a great press. All Dillon presses are awesome. The only thing I could say bad about the 550 is that it is not auto indexing. Caliber change is really easy and quick. Actually I wouldn't say bad. You just need to be a little more careful not to double charge. But you always need to be careful when reloading. ; )
  12. That is what I understand. NRAILA sent me this: Statement From Chris W. Cox, Executive Director NRA - Institute for Legislative Action On Governor Bredesen's Veto Of House Bill 962 Along with more than 200,000 law-abiding Right-to-Carry permit holders in Tennessee, I am disappointed Governor Phil Bredesen vetoed House Bill 962. This bill would extend self-defense rights of permit holders to restaurants. This is a shock and a major disappointment to gun owners and supporters of the Second Amendment because Governor Bredesen had committed to supporting this legislation. 36 other states, including seven states that border Tennessee, provide this protection to law-abiding citizens. During the 2006 campaign, Governor Bredesen assured Tennesseans -- and the NRA in writing -- that he would support this effort. NRA's endorsement of Governor Bredesen that year centered largely on this promise. Today, that trust has been betrayed. In his veto message, Governor Bredesen talked about his concerns with mixing firearms and alcohol. But he conveniently failed to mention the absolute prohibition, with grim consequences, for any permit holder who has one sip of alcohol while carrying a firearm. He also ignored the provision which allows restaurants to prohibit carrying firearms in their establishments by simply posting a sign. The provisions of HB 962 are more restrictive than the laws of many of the 36 states that allow restaurant carry. And, it is important to note that despite Governor Bredesen's dire predictions, these states have not experienced problems because law-abiding gun owners are just that, law-abiding. The reality is that crime does happen in our restaurants. We are reminded by the headlines of senseless attacks on honest people that occur in restaurants, cafés and even fast food outlets all across our country, including in Tennessee. On April 2, 2009, Benjamin Felix Goeser was gunned down at Jonny's Sports Bar on Nolensville Road in Nashville. His wife, Nicole Goeser has a Right-to-Carry permit. But, she had to keep her gun locked in the car because of Tennessee law. No one knows what the outcome might have been that evening if Nicole had had her firearm with her. All Nicole wanted was a chance -- a chance to save her husband's life. House Bill 962 will not bring back Benjamin Goeser or ease Nicole's sorrow. But, it would give other good, law-abiding Tennesseans that chance to defend themselves and their loved ones. The Tennessee Legislature understood that. That is why this common sense measure passed both chambers with overwhelming, bi-partisan support. We pledge to work to override this ill-conceived veto. That is NRA's promise. And we intend to keep it.
  13. Really, well let me ask you this since you must have the most brilliant legal mind far beyond actual lawyers. Do you really believe that the (actual most brilliant) legal minds in DC that went though all this for Bush before briefing congress years ago are not aware of title 18? And furthermore do you really believe that congress witch is composed of mostly lawyers are not aware of title 18? Yet somehow you the great savior of our constitution and legal scholar who figured out how to google is aware of something they are not.
  14. Well, I'm not going to post here again... this will be my last on this subject for I'm tired of beating this dead horse. I agree totally with the Jefferson quote. My point is that no law was broken in this case. They do not fall under the GC or our constitution. The CIA carried out the interrogations. But we break laws everyday when the situation calls for it. If my son was injured and needed to go the hospital you can bet I will be breaking the speed limit. If someone was in our school shooting kids, you can bet I will grab my M4 and go in there breaking that law and I can go on and on. My point is and will remain that while the US has always signed the GC and agrees with it's principles and strives to operate within them, we and no other country in the GC have obeyed the rules 100% of the time, and never will. Common sense in some cases will dictate otherwise. But this case does not apply to those laws anyway.
  15. Y'all have probably seen this before and sorry if you have but in case not it is pretty dang funny.
  16. I let my wife read that and we are both cracking up:rofl: We are cracking up because if you really new me you would realize how insane that statement is. It is obvious to me now that you have a habit of largely creating reality that only exist in your own mind. I would never in a million years think that our government would never do it to me. I never have thought that the government has our best interest at heart. I am a believer of the words of Jefferson and more that any other founding father agree with him. But somehow you created this image of me in your own mind. If however you do want to worry about the constitution you should start to worry about the new administration.
  17. Maybe he was in the active reserve. I don't know. And I'm not sure it was a federal court.
  18. That is a huge leap. I don't know why you keep bringing up the constitution when it does not apply to these folks. If they were citizens it would apply. But they're not. History is not on your side. All through our history things were done that would not meet your criteria but needed to be done and were. During the cold war, I'm sure things were done that would make your skin crawl but thankfully some had the cojones to take care of it. And it did not hurt our constitution one little bit. On the contrary it helped it survive.
  19. No. If you are in the military you are not subject to anything but military law. If you commit a crime in the military you do not go to any state or federal court you go to a military court.
  20. Exactly. You just proved my point that these folks that we are talking about are not subject to 18.
  21. This is why we have a elected republic and the 2nd amendment. The power is with the people.
  22. Look justme, you can live in the world of high ideals all you want. And I and we as a country should aspire to them, and do. However, there are times when following the letter of the law is not smart and the cost would be so great that it is not justifiable. If you really believe that it is better for a city to be destroyed rather than beat on a guy for a while then I'm glad you are not charged with our nations safety. I only hope that if you were faced with this scenario that you would have the intestinal fortitude to save thousands and put your lofty ideas aside for the greater good.
  23. Yep. It is called the Bill of Rights. Not the Bill of privlidges that may or may not be granted by the states as they see fit. And of course articlde 2 ends with a period.


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