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Everything posted by timcalhoun

  1. So, both ke and momentum uses mass and speed right? So the more energy an object has per ke the more momentum it will have. Increase the numbers in either mass or speed and both the ke and momentum are changed in the same direction. This is why I said for our purposes. We are really splitting hairs here. Silly really.
  2. First you were the one to change the numbers that you posted not me. Secondly, winchester white box chronos out of my 1911 with a spread from 897-920 fps depending on the day and conditions. My handloads will reach 900 very easily without pushing the pressure at all. You were the one that referred to foot pounds and KE in the same sentence as if they were the same thing. Not me. Both KE and momentum are ways to consider energy of a moving object and that is why I said "same thing for our purposes". My example of recoil was fine. I said take "two glocks" (they weigh the same basically) then shoot the two calibers, that way you can feel the energy comparison. So why don't you load your 30-30 round in a snubby (wow imagine that gun) and see what recoils more. But I would love to see your math. Here are some conversion tables and if you use your original numbers you will get the same answers I did. Kinetic Energy Calculator Grains to Kilograms Conversion Calculator CalculateMe.com - Convert Feet per Second to Meters per Second
  3. Bottom line, the 45 will hit harder and we don't need math to prove it. Just take a couple of glocks in 9 and 45 and shoot them back to back and see which one recoils more. Every action has an equal and oppisite reaction. Same reason a 30-06 kicks more than a 243.
  4. Well we can move the fps around how ever you want but all the published data puts them roughly at 900 and 1200.
  5. Same thing. For our purposes anyway.
  6. No I'm not. where M is the mass and V is the speed of the body. In SI units (used for most modern scientific work), mass is measured in kilograms, speed in metres per second, and the resulting kinetic energy is in joules. So if you want to talk in kilograms and Joules. 230g at 900fps = 560.76 Joules 124g at 1200fps = 537.47 Joules
  7. Oh I see now you were confusing foot pounds of energy with kinetic energy. But even in foot pounds you are wrong. 230g at 900 fps = 413.6 FPE 124g at 1200 fps = 396.42 FPE Here is a cool link to use to calculate about everything. ENERGY CALCULATOR
  8. I'm confused, I thought kinetic energy was weight times velocity? 124 x 1200 = 148,800 230 x 900 = 207,000
  9. Hmmmmmm.......Not necessarily. Some manufactures may use faster powders with their lighter bullets than with their heavier ones and that may have given life to this theory of lighter bullet should = shorter barrel. However, depending on how fast the powder that the manufacture is using, it can either eliminate or exacerbate any drop in fps within an inch or two of barrel length. Most (not all) over the counter pistol ammo uses pretty fast burning powder and chances are good that any loss of FPS will be well within the standard deviation and probably would have more to do with barrel specs/wear etc. than it does barrel length. You may be aware that Speer and a couple other ammo companies are offering short barrel ammo. This is just ammo made with faster burning powder to help eliminate powder that is burnt after the bullet has left the barrel that results in wasted energy that would normally push the bullet to faster velocity. So, 230g ammo using very fast powder will loose practically nothing in a shorter barrel. Conversely, 185g ammo when using slower powders can/will.
  10. That's funny. The first link proves that the 45 penetrates every bit as far or farther than any faster moving 9 or 40 and the bullet expands to the same percentage..... only bigger in actual measurement. The second link is from the FBI study and let me quote from the conclusion: "Given desirable and reliable penetration, the only way to increase bullet effectiveness is to increase the severity of the wound by increasing the size of hole made by the bullet. Any bullet which will not penetrate through vital organs from less than optimal angles is not acceptable. Of those that will penetrate, the edge is always with the bigger bullet.
  11. http://le.atk.com/pdf/PierceCountyWorkshop.pdf FBI Handgun Wounding Factors and Effectiveness - FirearmsTactical.com
  12. Well, even though my last name is the same I will not be giving them my money.
  13. First and foremost there is no need to be rude with rolleyes and saying things like "before opening ones mouth or keyboard". We are all on the same team and these are just opinions. I could not care less what you carry. As long as you carry. Now back to the topic........ Please share your source data. I thought almost all law enforcement/FBI has pretty much abandoned the 9 and I was told it was because of poor performance. No? I know hunting deer with a pistol is not the same but I can tell you that performance with the larger calibers stopped the deer I have taken way better (I have been taking deer with pistols since 91). I have taken many deer with 357mag, 45acp and 44 mag although I only hunted one year with the 44. I have always used the same bullets I used for carry, gold dots, xtps, golden saber etc and loaded them to the published fps. But the biggest thing I can tell you is that the hype about the "modern bullet" is just that.... hype. I have retrieved 11 rounds that did not exit from the animals and some rounds did just like they were designed and some did not. Not consistent at all. So, I am very leery of all the gun rag experts shooting into gelatin because like every magazine they are selling add spots to keep the mag going. And going through bone and tissue is very different. I believe they all perform well in gelatin since it is a consistent medium.
  14. Bullet design that made the "modern day defense ammo" in 9mm relevant was also done to the 40 and 45. The gap between them did not shrink. Bottom line for me is that a 45 doesn't need to expand to be effective. But if it does.......awesome.
  15. Long legged mac daddy!!!!
  16. The first amendment is a real bit%h every now and again. Thankfully we have the 2nd as well.
  17. Now were talking.
  18. With the 1911 and the Hi Power your right thumb should ride the safety. Every Pro shooter I know does this.......Rob Leatham, Todd Jarrett, Frank Garcia, Max Micheal, etc.....etc.....etc.... It also helps you get higher on the gun and help with recoil management.
  19. World class ribs are more of a work of art and really can't be done on a whim in the back yard. Unless you can invest a ton of hours and know what you are doing they will most assuredly not turn out well. Dry rub in particular.
  20. So, I'm hungry for ribs and want to take the family tonight and of course I'll be carrying soooo................Who in the Nashville area has the best DRY RUB ribs? And a place where I can carry.
  21. Welcome, and thanks for your service.


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