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Everything posted by timcalhoun

  1. I don't know, I think the car analogy is a pretty good one. But I would say it is like a stock car verses performance mods that make the car faster and turn better. An ambi wider safety will help if you are forced to shoot week hand and if your hands are wet you can find it and disengage it easier. Plus the wider area lets you ride your thumb there helping to manage the recoil. A match barrel will of course help with accuracy as long as it is fit well and some have graduated rifling that will lessen the amount of cam in the gun. 20 or 30 LPI cuts on the front strap and main spring housing helps with your grip and will enable faster follow up shots and better control in general. Night/better sights..........well, self explanatory. Most aftermarket grip safeties will require metal to be removed from the frame, and the end result is that you can grip the gun much higher and again enabling one to manage recoil better. Extended mag button and beveling of the mag well will of course let you complete a reload much faster. But I do love the mil-spec too. The new remington is in my future.
  2. CBOB
  3. Well, I'll ask if he took any and if so I post em.
  4. We shoot a bunch of steel at our monthly matches and have steel challenge matches twice a year. NTPS Home Page
  5. Todd Jarrett just posted on facebook that Colt unveiled their 100 years of service 1911 at the NRA show, and will start selling them in 2011. So in addition to the Remington I have to get one of these as well. I predict that the year 2011 will be very expensive for me.
  6. Well, ramped vs unramped was never about reliability with competent 1911 builders. It was about case pressure. The 38 super that has about the same case pressure as a 9 or 40 would often experience case head separation. In the 80's when 38 super took off in IPSC the guns were built with non ramped barrels and when the gun went boom (in a bad way), it was commonly/jokingly known as "super face". The problem was multiplied by reusing cases for reloading. The fully supported chamber that a ramped barrel offers eliminated this problem. I would recomend a ramped barrel for 9 too or 40.
  7. I got one of these for Christmas for myself. They are great but a little heavy.
  8. I'm originally from that state and it has really went to h#*l the last bunch of years. Turned blue the last couple of election because of the philly and pittsburgh area and taxes are up it really breaks my heart. My dad gave me a bunch of land in central PA and I can't bring myself to even think about moving back there.
  9. Wow!! Awesome!!! Thanks so much for your help it is greatly appreciated. Great idea about the rip-rap and will do.
  10. I think I just have to buy one. I can't help myself.
  11. Don't do it at all. Most all handgun extractors are designed for the round to cam up under the extractor. As I said before, with a spring assisted extractor it is not that big of a deal (I still say don't do), but with a traditional 1911 extractor you are really adjusting the extractor to have less tension on the round (or worse). To adjust a traditional 1911 extractor all you are doing is bending it farther one way of the other to adjust the tension. And making the hook go the whole way over the rim of the round is bending it too far.
  12. I think we need clarification from the OP as to what exactly he saw. If you put a round in the chamber and then slam the slide home on a 1911 with a traditional extractor you can mess up the tuning of the extractor. If the 1911 has an aftec or something that uses a spring for the tension on the round then it's way less of an issue. When in slide lock with nothing in the gun and you release the slide, most times you wont hurt anything. But if it is not your gun then I consider it rude and you should walk the slide down even if it is a glock. A 1911 with a light trigger job it is particularly important not to do this because the hammer and sear will bounce off of each other and with habitual frequency you will reduce the life of a good trigger job.
  13. So it's kinda like a 500 dollar poorly concealed tax.
  14. No. When the gun cycles the rim of the round cams under the claw and then the breach face pushes the round in.
  15. Well, if it is a traditional extractor you can ruin the tune on it for sure. Bottom line there is no good reason to do this. The same idiot will wonder why at some point he starts to have FTE issues.
  16. timcalhoun

    New Gun, Or Not?

    BTW, my vote is to buy ammo and put another 50k down range. It is never the arrow it is always the indian (a better arrow helps but that glock is a very good arrow). In the mean time go and try as many guns out as you can. You are welcome to try my 2011's I'm sure you can try my buddies 9mm trojan. I think the spartan only comes in 45. A CZ is a good option too there are a couple of those over at NTPS too. Don't know anyone with a witness right now, but I have shot them a good bit and a buddy of mine was sponsored by them for a while.
  17. timcalhoun

    New Gun, Or Not?

    I love the Hi Power. But if you ever detail stripped one you might think twice about having if for a competition gun. Just changing the hammer spring is a real PITA. You have to drive out a pin for the ambi safety and it helps to create a tool that will hold the hammer back after you remove the sear. I imagine you can find something on youtube that will show you what I'm talking about. Everything else is on there.
  18. Went to check things out today. I think the bridge is structurally sound and only needs put back together, but I'm not a structural engineer and I don't play one on TV either. Mostly gravel and grade work. On the NTPS side the bays are all good but the areas behind bays 4, 5 and 6 will need grade/gravel work as does the culvert coming into the parking lot. I will be there Saturday.
  19. There are very few things in this world that are as beautiful as a well made 1911.....
  20. Okay, I guess I'm done with this thread. I just want everyone to know I'm not anti glock or any gun for that matter. I've shot 10's of thousands of rounds out of a glock. I've competed with glocks. I've won with glocks. I can detail strip them and fix most anything on them. My experience with the 1911 is easily 3 times that. And I prefer them because what they have proven to me plain and simple. Deerslayer, let me know about your challenge to me and we will make it happen and we can post our results here. Although for the life of me I don't know what that has to do with anything.
  21. What conversation do you guys want to have. Reliability or who is a great shooter? Is this thread about who can beat who or about reliability? I would shoot a glock or a Sig or anything if I had a good sponsorship deal. That proves nothing other than the two guys you are touting are great shooters. It still does not change the fact that an overwhelming amount of limited and open shooter choose the JMB platform over everything else. Particularly when they are not sponsored by a gun company. And none would put up with a gun that wasn't 100%. BTW, I've shot with Dave several times. In fact, one year and GA State he asked me about my 2011 and we went over to the safe area. I said "I thought you were a glock guy?" and he said "well that is my job but I love 1911's. He asked about my builder and said he was going to build a couple. Later when talking to someone about it they said they thought maybe his contract was up and wasn't sure what was going to happen. So, I think atleast one of your boy's prefer God's gun.
  22. And I'm not saying that I could not be as competitve with a glock. But I know for a fact that it would take me way more rounds down range to get where I need to be. So, when you are a sponsored shooter you do what ever you need to do the job.


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