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Everything posted by timcalhoun

  1. Yep. Basically a wide body is a regular old 1911 with a fat grip so you can put more ammo in the thing.
  2. Para style parts? All of the ignition parts are the same in a single stack or a double stack. About the only thing that is different is the trigger bow and the mag release. Maybe that is not what you were meaning?
  3. I like C&S and EGW ignition parts. I like Ed Brown thumb and grip safeties. If you are going to do a trigger job I would replace hammer, sear and disconnect. The reason why I'll put better trigger parts when doing a trigger job is because stock MIM parts are often surface hardened only and will last a very long time from the factory, but once you recut the sear and hammer the metal underneath is not nearly as hard and will wear quickly. So you pay for a trigger job that goes away too fast.
  4. A trigger by itself will make very little difference and depending on the shape of the back of the bow, it may or may not affect your grip safety. Trigger jobs usually cost around 100 bucks but most guys will want to put better parts in it and that would be what I would do.
  5. timcalhoun

    Info on 1911

    I am not a fan of essex frames. They are frequently out of spec and I would never start a built with one. Also, if this is a non ramped barrel with a frame ramp, you need to be aware that at some point (because it is aluminum) the frame ramp will get dinged and kinda pitted (first 25k should be fine then not so much) and you will have feed issues. At that point, since you can NOT polish an aluminum frame, the only way to fix it is cutting the frame and fitting a new ramped barrel. And I think aluminum frames cut like that in 45 are too weak. Personally I would stay away from the gun unless you know it runs and it will not see a ton of rounds in the future. Depending on the builder I would pay 0 to 3k for that gun. However, since I can't think of a single 1911 builder (that I would use) that would want to build on either an essex frame or an aluminum frame without a gun to their head, I guess I'm thinking closer to 0.
  6. If I could figure out how to post the stages here I would. They are PDF files.
  7. Match Hotel info: The match hotel will be the Hampton INN in Dickson TN. Hampton INN 1080 E Christi Road Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 446-1088 Rate is $79 per night and is walking distance from many places to eat. When booking the room tell them it is for the "TN State Match" to get this rate. Also registation will be here from 7-9pm the 24th. Interim results will be posted at the match hotel Sat night as well. Also, there is an Econo lodge that is right across the street from the Hampton, and would be a less expensive alternative if you prefer. Econo Lodge 1025 East Christi Drive Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 441-5252
  8. All I can say is that in the weeks after 9/11, the silence and lack of outrage over the attack from so called "moderate/peaceful muslims" was deafening.
  9. While shooting good slow fire groups is a good start and a necessary skill to have, it has almost nothing to do with handgun application unless you are hunter or a bullseye shooter. Most carry a pistol to protect themselves and/or others, if this is you, and slow fire group shooting is mainly what you practice, you're almost better off not carrying a gun. Your goal should be this at 25yds: Draw and fire six rounds on a 25yd target keeping all 6 rounds in the A or 0 zone of a USPSA or IDPA target in under 4 seconds. If you can do that then you have something that can truly apply to your HCP and carrying in general.
  10. Kim Jong Ill is an wind bag.
  11. Yep, the prize table is pretty wild. The first year I shot the match and finished way down on the list I picked up a Benchmade knife off the prize table. LOL
  12. You're right. What do I know. : )
  13. This will be a 10 stage 250+ round match with lots of action. Here is the match website. 2010 Tennessee Section Championship If you want to check out some of the stages go here: 2010 TN State USPSA Championship - Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!
  14. Well, I guess you need to put oil on them and If that is heavy maintenance then so be it. I routinely during the competition season shoot 2-3k in between cleanings/lube and experience zero problems. And I can point you to scores of others that do the same. If you need something more reliable and trouble free than that you have way bigger fish to fry. Maybe he was implying about buying new over the counter 1911's. Then I would agree with him again since so many are very close but will have a slight problem that most who dabble in guns will not or cannot fix. However, if the gun is right, it is how I said, very trouble free and low maintenance.
  15. Overtravel either short or long will never cause low hits because the bullet is long gone before you can ever react to the break itself.
  16. What you are probably doing is timing the gun, which is not a flinch. Every top action pistol shooter in the world times the gun. It looks like a flinch to the untrained eye but it is not a flinch. Timing a gun is simply putting the proper amount of energy back into the gun after the bang to quickly bring the sights back on target. Example would be, If the round does not detonate for one reason or the other you will see the gun dip and many will say that they flinched. Not so necessarily. In your case, I think you are timing the gun before the bang mostly because you are slapping the trigger from what I gather from your description. Slapping is pulling the whole trigger all at once to break the shot. Almost 100% of the top USPSA shooters do not slap the trigger. They prep the trigger as they are acquiring the sight picture and then when the sights are right then they put a little more pressure to break the shot. So that sequence looks like this. 1. Draw, 2. Safety off after you clear holster (if applicable) 3. Prep the trigger as you bring the gun up more 4. Trigger is already prepped as you acquire your sights on target 5. When the sights looks good you break the shot 6. Gun recoils 7. As the gun is recoiling and you are putting your sights back to the sight picture, you are prepping the trigger again etc.... Basically I think you might be trying to run before you walk. Weather you slap the trigger (Rob Leatham is one of the few that does this with success) or you do the prep technique, you have to practice the sequence slow before you can go fast. If you just go fast before knowing what to do and when, you will most likely get the results you did. Hope this helps.
  17. I'm actually surprised you have an AR. I thought you would be more of an AK type.
  18. Basically all they are, are tempered steel that is bent to put proper pressure on the rim of the case. So, what happens is this: Say you need a new extractor for whatever reason. You buy a new Ed Brown or other top end extractor. Depending on how much you need to bend it will often influence how long it will run. Tempered steel has memory and will want to go back to where it was tempered. So you tweak it and after an unknown amount of rounds it will start to go back to where it was tempered changing the pressure on the case. And of course you start to have trouble. The way we use to get around this was to tune it and then re-temper the extractor. USPSA guys that have been in the sport for 15+ plus years pretty much all did this. They would run and run when following this method. But most folks didn't and don't know about it. When the aftec came out almost everyone went to it instead. But they are three times the cost of a traditional extractor so some guys still do the tempering thing.
  19. First let me say that I agree with Larry mostly. I think most gun owners are better served with a glock. But what Larry is really talking about is the extractor on a 1911. If a 1911 is built right, about all that can go wrong with it is that dang traditional extractor. No matter what you do, at some point you will have to address it, and though it is simple part to put in and adjust most folks simply will get frustrated and give up and call the platform unreliable. However, there is a fix. If you put an aftec extractor in it, all you will need to do is replace the spring in the aftec every 5k+ rounds and you will most likely need a new barrel before you touch anything else. I put them in every gun I own.
  20. 30-06 308 30-30 303 savage 50cal flintlock 25-06 22-250 44-40 45acp 40S&W 9mm 44mag
  21. Thanks for your service and watch your top knot. Come home safe.
  22. +1 The first ten amendments were written at the same time and "the people" means the same in all the amendments. Furthermore, the supremacy clause is pretty self explanatory, and to think that anything that is specifically mandated in the constitution would be left to the states to decide is not accurate. The tenth amendment then completes that picture as well.
  23. This is why we are losing our republic.
  24. I read it to the family every 4th of July. I Started doing it 5 years ago and will continue unltil I keel over.


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