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Everything posted by timcalhoun

  1. My wife works for CB and the policy applies to OC only. The policy was in response to other quests concerns about OCers. I do not feel that this has anything to do with politics, but only the comfort of all quests. CB wants everyone to feel comfortable in their family friendly environment. No matter what we all know to be true about firearms there are many who are freaked out by the sight of a gun. CC all you want it will not be a problem. If you OC you will probably be asked to take it to your vehicle.
  2. Awesome!!! Thanks!!! I told my son that if I give him bullets and he shoots them, he does not have to earn them. However, if I give him bullets and he looses them he will have to work them off. So, he was scheduled for a work day this weekend and I'm sure he will be very happy with this news!!!!
  3. If anyone finds loose 20 and or 100 dollar bills, they are probably mine. Whether I'm at that match or not BTW.
  4. Does anybody know of a shop that has a 4 axis CNC machine in the Nashville area???
  5. Thanks, I'll run out tomorrow and see what I can find.
  6. So, my son left a box of ammo at the range and I was wondering if anyone found it? It was an open zero bullet box with maybe 150+ rounds of handloads in 40 using the black precision bullets loaded long. Not real happy with him right now.
  7. Well, normally I would not beat him (that open gun is hard to catch with iron sights and no comp LOL), but he was shooting a new gun that is not broken in and had a couple of malfuntions and that was enough for me to catch him. Christian had a great time and says that he enoyed meeting you too.
  8. As far as getting your extractor out, odds are you will need to clear the hook of the extractor from the breech face. So I take an allen wrench or a punch and clear the hook from the breech face while at the same time pushing it back. Once you clear the breech face you can then remove it from the rear as Dolomite suggested and there will be very little resistance.
  9. Well, speaking as one of those from across the hollow (and I think I can speak for the others) we all had a good time and hope that the run and gun matches with stages like those continues. I can easily see many more run and gunners making it a regular thing. Thanks for all your hard work. Tim
  10. If you have a lighter recoil spring you might want to try that.
  11. Well, you can call it whatever you want, but I for one am glad that the stages look the way they do, have the round count that they do, and will be shot under the rules and divisions that are posted. I can't tell you how happy I am not to have to drive to Owensboro, KY and instead can come to Dickson!!!! I will be there and will be bringing at least a couple more run and gunners!!!!!
  12. I LOVE this round!!! I have killed tons of ground hogs and fox with it through the years.
  13. There will be 7 stages with 4 classifiers ( CM-0605, CM-0904, CM-0912 & CM-9902 ), 2 long courses and 1 medium course. Total round count : 116...DVC
  14. I'll echo those in favor of the 35 if you reload. If not, then 9mm of course will save you money per round. But if you reload, 40 is by far the way to go. Above and beyond the division applications, a minor load in 40 (even when shooting a higher PF) feels much more controllable than factory 9mm. It will drop steel better and can conceivably change a "C" to an "A" because of the larger diameter.
  15. Yep loads up fine for me. I'm on a mac too.
  16. The link and application for the match is now current.
  17. Well, I guess we should just go with a smooth bore since a ton of urban combat is well inside 100yds.
  18. I would like to see a piston gun in something larger as well. I like the 6.8 or the Gremlin that the AMU is messing with.
  19. I wish I could have been at Sam's and Elizabeth's wedding, but Christian had his last wrestling tournament yesterday.
  20. Yep the new app is not there yet, that is last years info. Should be updated soon. The info I posted is good about the new fee and format.
  21. The TN Sectional dates are August 12-14, 2011..We are having the match in a different format this year.. Match fee: $100 , Shooting preference: Friday only, Saturday only, Sat am/sun am or Sat pm/sun am..awarding plaques + cash payout.. 10 stages - 300+or- rounds + chrono. Please check TNS website for the match app and info when available. 2011 Tennessee Section Championship NTPS Home Page
  22. Here is an idea!! Let's arm all the CC and OC guys with airsofts. Then we go at it as we live our daily lives and lets see who wins. Let us see if OCing is not a huge disadvantage for them.


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