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Everything posted by timcalhoun

  1. Yep, it's just a flat trigger. Many people like them and many companies make them. Caspian, EGW, SV...... It's just personal preference though. SV makes one with quick change pads that go from short to long to flat etc....
  2. That's a problem. The link has to pull the barrel down like this.
  3. When you pull the slide back the barrel will come back and then down.
  4. Well, first you need to go buy a lottery ticket immediately. I'm assuming that you are using factory ammo, the hammer is down after this happens, and the slide stop is through the link??? Usually if the slide stop is not in the link the gun will not go into battery at all. If so, then it's a pretty safe bet that you have a timing issue. The link is not pulling the barrel down before it hits the VIS (vertical impact surface). Do not shoot this gun. If it is a timing issue you will probably see peening on one or all surfaces of the lugs/barrel feet/VIS. It's hard to know for sure without putting my hands on it, but you need to take it to be checked/fixed.
  5. More info here: http://ntps.org/index.htm Here are the stages: The Classifier is 06-01 (14 rounds)
  6. As been said, the profit on guns is very, very small. I do a good bit of transfers for folks and I don't care what they paid as I'm not in the gun selling business or would want to be. Basically you have to be big enough to buy in bulk to start making money on guns, otherwise you need to make your money on accessories. Aslo, as dolomite said, the law is clear that you are suppose to pay tax on out of state purchases...........it's just not enforced. Here is an interview on out of state sales where Haslem was interviewed: In an interview with TNReport recently, Haslam said emphatically that he believes Congress will do the right thing and help the states. "Ultimately, they're going to have to," he said. "It's not just the states. If you're a mayor, it's killing you, too. You also get property tax revenue. If you're a mayor, you have to have new growth, but am I going to build a shopping center in today's world? Probably not, because I used to think I would get a store, like a Barnes & Noble, to be an anchor. "That new growth is what helps local governments. I think eventually the cost will be so big it will have to be looked at." But would a member of Congress go anywhere near such a thing? Why look like a tax-raiser when you're not getting any of the tax? "That's the problem," Haslam said. "I'm afraid the problem will get so severe Congress will say, 'Oh, wow, these folks are getting hit with a double whammy. Number one, we're sending them less money from Washington as we start to cut the budget. Two, a bigger piece of our economy is now transacted online, not subject to the sales tax. These local and state governments are getting smeared.'" Haslam does insist he sees both sides of the issue. "It's a hard issue," he said. "I understand why people think, 'I've got a book store here. I'm paying property tax, sales tax, I'm supporting local government and state government. They're not doing either.' Believe me, I really get that. "I also understand Governor Bredesen's point. If you don't let them build here, they're going to build in Georgia or South Carolina. That's a pretty compelling argument, too." Tennessee feels the crunch in ways many other states may not, Haslam said. "Ours is a little more stark, because we live off the sales tax. We have no income tax. If I'm talking to the governor of Virginia on his list of priorities, it's probably No. 52. It's not that big a deal to him. "One of the issues is in Tennessee if you look at our tax base, we live off the sales tax. There are a lot of exceptions and exemptions to it. As Internet sales pick up, a smaller piece of our economy is subject to the only tax we have in the state (not having an income tax). That's an issue." And the problem is likely to get bigger, not smaller, Haslam said. "Amazon doesn't just sell books anymore. You can buy a refrigerator from them if you want to. You know what I mean?"
  7. As far as practical accuracy goes, I always thought that if you can do this in the par time with good hits you are a very good shooter. http://www.uspsa.org/classifiers/03-14.pdf
  8. Allen, PM sent.
  9. I agree all drinks on Brad!!!!
  10. Oh no, you gotta come shoot. The pin shoot was just a side match and you promised to come shoot with us. Besides all work and no play makes hognut a head.
  11. How many of these "murders" were committed by people with records?? How many were drug and gang related??? How many turned out to be justifiable?? How many were accidents? What part of the state did they occur, and if most were in a certain area......why??? The idea of doing a story about gun murder rates by itself is agenda driven. You are only linking guns to murder and ignoring the bigger picture. Unless you dig deeper and investigate the societal ills that are at the cause, the article is just old fashioned toilet paper. The gun in every case was just a tool, and what we really need to talk about is the why/what made these folks kill.
  12. Here are the stages for the match. NTPS Club Bulletin Board :: View topic - October Stages Plus the classifier which is 09-14 (six rounds)
  13. My intentions was to have the pin shoot this weekend but I forgot about my 24th anniversary on the 8th. So, I cannot run it. I was going to have it as a side match during this weeks NTPS match but of course I want to stay married.
  14. Na, I think we have enough pins in the trailer. I'll check tomorrow since I can now come to the match. I got enough done today/tonight to make it happen.
  15. I'll tell you about it at the next NTPS match.................of wait..........you've never been there:biglol: Seriously, I am going to hold you to your word about coming out to the Oct. match. All is well, but I have to work Saturday so I can buy bullets (and pay the morgtage etc...)
  16. Well, doesn't look like I can make this one after all.
  17. Gonna try to make this one. Looks fun.
  18. Guess I'm one of those stupid guys. I have hunted a lot with my carry guns and in my experience, they have performed as good or better than my bow. More times than not they piled up in under 50 yards, and many dropped in there tracks. As with anything shot placement is imperative. I have had similar results on much larger deer as in this vid. FWIW
  19. Well, finding the pins was not a problem. But I forgot that Sept was a trophy match at NTPS. So, unfortunately I will have to do it in October. I'm really looking forward to it though and will post info here.
  20. The hook to breech face clearance should be at least .070, .075 being optimum. I have seen them out to .085 and still run fine, but much longer than that and the hook starts up the case bevel (not good). The case rim itself will typically measure .040 thick, so you should see +.030 gap. If you have a set of gauge pins it's very easy to check. You can actually fix the distance from the breech face to the hook if needed. Depending on what is out of spec, sometimes the only option is to weld up a extractor and recut the notch to get the hook right. Many times the slide itself is out of spec and buying a new extractor and FP stop will not get you where you want to go.
  21. I'll check on the pins when I'm out there this Saturday. If we have them, I'll talk to the match director and try to schedule the pin side match for Sept 10th and 11th. I'll let you all know what I find out.
  22. You know, I think we still have a bunch of bowling pins in our storage trailer. I will check, and if so, maybe we can do a bowling pin side match at the Sept NTPS match. Can't do August since we are hosting the TN state USPSA match. It's a blast shooting pins!
  23. The extractor tip should be adjusted to clear the rim bevel. The rim should contact the inside of the hook and have somewhere between 3-4.5 pounds of pressure on the case. The depth of the hook should be .035 and the hook to breech face clearance should be close to .070. The rim itself will typically measure .040, so it is normal to see the round sit up off the breach face. Now, you can definitely get it to eject better. Once the extractor is right you still may have to address the ejector. Bottom line, the shorter the gun the trickier it is to get a consistent pattern. As a gun gets shorter the opportunity to get that fat case out of the gun decreases because of the reduced slide travel.
  24. You are not the lone ranger there Matt. I tried to shoot the star stage all from the middle position during my open run, and got completely hammered. Not a very wise decision.
  25. Scores are up.... http://ntps.org/2011 Match Results/july/MAINMR.htm


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