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Everything posted by Omega

  1. Had never heard of him, but yea, I like the sound. But, as was stated above, he really should stick to singing. I did catch the psychopath part, and took it to mean anyone shooting a thief was one. Though I can see it may also mean just him, without any qualifiers I still think he meant everyone.
  2. I've always used the direct link version, since many of the forums automatically add their code, and the ones that don't have a button that will add the appropriate brackets to the link to display it. Before they went away from the signed in version on the web page, getting to that page was easy, now on my tablet it forces me to go to the app, which sort of hides that option. Now, you have to press on the image until it displays the full size, then use the share link to get the correct url to post your pic. I always check it has the .jpg at the end, that way I know it will work. The one without that will not display correctly on many forums.
  3. I'm not diminishing the fact that the man lost his life, he is the victim no doubt about it, or am I advocating for her to be given a pass. But it seems to me that some of you seem to be overly harsh on her for no other reason than she was a cop.
  4. I hate word games! When you are in a situation where your life is in danger, and it's either you or him, I vote him. They "teach" us to use words such as nutralize, and stop the threat when you really mean shoot to kill. Why, because a dead threat can't continue to be a threat. Nobody is advocating doing a coup de grâce on a downed perp, but definitely keep shooting until the threat is eliminated. Her (one of many) mistake was voicing that idea in such a manner. If I was a juror, I would have voted to downgrade to manslaughter, she did not set out to kill this guy, did not make the decision to enter his apartment. A grave mistake is not murder, even those who killed someone while driving under the influence are charged with manslaughter. and you can argue that those who drive drunk choose to drive so are in that situation intentionally.
  5. I'm not gonna second guess his actions, as I wasn't there, but it seems to me that it could have turned bad quick. I've seen, as many of you probably, videos with situations where a gunfight ensues in the blink of an eye. If you have the time, sure, take your time, but be prepared to act. If alone, I may give someone the benefit of the doubt, but if the house is occupied by my family I doubt I'll take that chance. Ok, so just got done watching this freaking video, and...wtf? Really? Douchbag breaks into that many houses, putting himself, and anyone unlucky to be home in mortal danger and he feels sorry for him, says the "system" is putting them into these situations??? I applaud him for making the conscience decision not to engage, but to feel sorry for him, nah, sorry, not after he, twice, knowing that the dog, at least, was there, broke into his home. By him making the decision to return, he was willing to take care of the dog, by what ever means he could return with, what would he of done if the rolls were reversed? Here is another no shoot video, you tell me that things couldn't have turned out much worse for these guys. Punks, IMHO would have no problem killing or seriously injuring the home owners, so by not taking care of business, they may then go and do it to someone else, who may not have the means to defend themselves, so they suffer the consequences of your inaction. https://www.ammoland.com/2019/09/home-invasion-stopped-with-ar-15-ruger-ar-556-video/#axzz61AU1fZ1U
  6. Yote for sure, I've got dozens of pics of them rascals. Kinda spooky when it sounds like the entire pack outside my travel trailer is calling me out.
  7. No, roads won't help you find civilization, but it will help civilization find you. So when you still have the energy, get yourself to a road, it will make it easier for the search party(s) to find you. If injured, or just exhausted, then stay put and quit moving your location to avoid moving into an area a search party has already searched.
  8. So, 67 yo "avid hiker" doesn't know the basic rules of hiking? IDK, it's not like the park is terribly large, seems to me that had he known of escape routes, he could have found a road. Basically you choose a direction which even with a small margin of error you will hit a road, in this case north to Little Marrowbone Rd. Either way, good on you and the rest of the volunteers, and glad he was found ok.
  9. Name me someone that you voted for who aligned with your moral code? Myself, there is plenty of wiggle room when it comes to alignment, as long as they do not actively work against my interests I can care less what they do in their personal lives. Like Clinton POTUS, I don't care that he had a good time in the oval office, I care that he lied to congress about it and took us for fools trying to use word semantics (is is) to BS us, and made us look weak on the world stage with NK and his red line.
  10. As much as I trusted him the first time around; but I sure ain't going to vote against him, which I would be if I didn't vote for him. The bumpstock issue sucked, and it isn't over yet apparently, but I am sure glad he hasn't actively gone anti-gun, because he has pretty much accomplished most of what he has set out to do. While the Dems, if they win, would probably not pass much, like Obama, I don't want to keep looking over my shoulder each time they are in session.
  11. You know, if they want to buy my Palmetto State AR they need to let me set the price. But, seriously, there is no way this gets through the Senate. Just more Dem stupidity, giving the conservative base more reason to get to the polls. It almost seems like they want to lose, you'd think there is an inside conservative minded Dem group feeding them bad advice on purpose.
  12. I seen that, and I have a good place to plant them where they will be pretty shaded. There is a large persimmon tree just off my property (fruit drops on my side) there though, so it may or may not help get more deer to that spot. I planted some date and fig trees a couple years ago in a different spot, a few took, so maybe they will spread out from there. The only tree that has actually survived for longer than three years, so far, is a plum tree but it is stunted and has not grown more than 5 or 6 feet.
  13. Might take you up on that next time I visit the daughter in Charlotte. I can probably get the seeds to grow, I have a heated seed tray which does good to germinate most of my garden seeds. It's usually the transplanting where I lose most of my trees, that and the area out where I hunt. I don't think the soil is very good for fruit trees. I usually dig a large hole and use a bag of miracle grow dirt to help them along, and I got a few of those water bags so I can water them unattended. Now that they are building a church next to the house, clearing trees, I want/need some trees to screen myself from the street. So I figure fruit trees would be a good start, intermingled with some sort of cypress to create a wall once the fruit trees take.
  14. I cheated on the first two tidbits, so will leave it for others to guess. The rifle looks like a win 94, but the barrel is too long for a 30/30, so I'll guess a 94/22.
  15. I disagree, they do have the authority to decide if a device is legal or illegal; what they do not have authority to do is decide what constitutes a machine gun. That was the gist of the article, that they changed the description of what makes a machine gun, instead of using the current description to decide.
  16. Thanks, I put myself on the notify list for when they come out next season. I'll also check with a local guy, by Joelton, that I get many of my fruit trees from to see if he carries them.
  17. Never heard of these, I'm going to try and find some seedlings to grow out on my land, see if they will take.
  18. Pretty much; I wonder how many more lawsuits will be forthcoming from those that destroyed theirs?
  19. Sent my emails off; I had read about this letter in another thread, the gist is that it seems they (Barr and Co) may be shopping for a rep to sponsor a bill like this. It didn't seem to me to be coercion, of any sort, but a push to try and bring this up. What I don't get is why. Why so close to 2020, do you want to alienate a big voting block, on your side most time. I know there are some lib gun owners, but I have to think many are, given the alternatives, likely to vote republican. As to the scanning, read it and start asking...WHY???: https://www.forbes.com/sites/frankminiter/2016/03/28/the-atf-shows-off-its-gun-sale-record-mess-why-come-in-and-see/#33510784295e
  20. She did ask this question, as if is the responsibility of the investigators to answer that. She should be asking the parents what they were doing out in the middle of the night, wearing masks; Why they "confronted" the other family. Maybe they real question is why they were not in bed, getting a good night's sleep for school that morning. Maybe she should be asking if they have been doing this kind of thing before, and not getting caught, or possibly killed someone doing just that in the past.
  21. Seems the "good guy with a gun" ideology is working. It defies logic when you hear the family try and defend the criminals and say that they did not have to be killed, specially when they were shooting first themselves. What did they expect to happen, that the victims just take it? https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article235158072.html Gunfire that left three masked teenagers dead in Conyers, Georgia, is being investigated as a possible “stand your ground” case, according to local authorities. Rockdale County deputies responded to reports of shots fired at a home in the Atlanta suburb shortly after 4 a.m. Monday, according to the Rockdale County Sheriff’s Office. When deputies arrived, they discovered “three males with gunshot wounds and began administering first aid,” the Sheriff’s Office said. Two were hospitalized and died, while the third was pronounced dead at the scene of the shooting. Those killed were a pair of brothers, 15 and 16, and another 15-year-old, WSB-TV reported. “At this time, it is known that all three males that were shot do not live at the residence and arrived at the residence with their faces covered,” deputies said. Deputies said that “the investigation is still in the preliminary stages and the homeowner is currently being questioned as to the details of the shooting.” Investigators said “it could possibly be a stand your ground type of case,” according to WSB-TV. https://www.11alive.com/article/news/local/conyers/conyers-attempted-robbery/85-d344d527-7110-4d98-b06e-d655c76c7ab0 CONYERS, Ga. — Family members identified two of the three teens killed after authorities claim the teens were involved in an attempted armed robbery in Rockdale County early Monday morning. The Rockdale County Sheriff's Office said the teens, two 16-year-old boys and a 15-year-old, were killed during an exchange of gunfire. A Sheriff's spokesman said late Monday afternoon that the teens were attempting to rob three people in the front yard of a home, and one of the teens opened fire on the alleged robbery victims. The incident happened just after 4 a.m. off Flat Shoals Road on White Oak Court in Conyers. Family members identified two of the teens killed as 16-year-old Isaiah Reid and his 15-year-old sibling Jaime Hernandez. “They was loving, they was brothers," said LaShawn Thornton, their aunt, Monday evening, speaking of how close they were to each other. Rockdale County Sheriff Eric Levett told 11Alive News earlier Monday that the three teens had come to rob the homeowner and his family in the middle of the night. “When deputies arrived, they did find masks on the [faces of the deceased] young men," Sheriff Levett said. The Sheriff's spokesman said late Monday afternoon that investigators had concluded that "the three now deceased individuals had their faces covered as they approached the residence and attempted to rob three individuals in the front yard. One of the attempted robbery suspects brandished a handgun and fired shots at the residents before one of the intended robbery victims returned fire. The victims of the attempted robbery were all uninjured, but the three attempted robbery suspects were all shot during the exchange of gunfire and succumbed to their injuries, one on scene and two at a local hospital after being transported." The brothers' aunt, Thornton, said the family is aching for answers, wondering why the teens went out in the middle of the night wearing masks, wondering why they would have confronted the other family, wondering if the teens had been shot in the back as they were running away, wondering why the three members of the other family--the homeowner, his mother and one other person--were outside in their front yard at 4:00 a.m., wondering why the teens would have walked all the way down that street to the last house in the cul-de-sac, wondering what ballistics tests will show, anxious to get answers about everything. "I hope that someone can come forward and let us know what’s going on. Because this is, like, devastating to my family. There are three teens that are dead, now," she said. “And we all loved them.” The homeowner, getting word to 11Alive through a neighbor, said he is not ready to comment. The sheriff said his office is still investigating, to decide whether the homeowner will face any charges or if this will turn out to be a case of self-defense. 11Alive Legal Analyst Latonia Hines explained how the "stand your ground law" works. "Basically what stand your ground allows for is that you can defend your habitation, property and others with possibly using deadly force," she said. "It's going to require a lot of investigation here," she added. " You've got to look at the facts you've got to look at they're talking to the individual who did the shooting, you're also looking at the shell casings to figure out if this really matches what the witness statements are."
  22. So here is something I didn't mention; about a week before my VA teleretinal exam, and two before my full exam...more on that later, I was doing some chores outside, I thought a bug was buzzing me now and then from the top right. I'd swat at it and carry on, persistent little thing I thought. Then, I started seeing flashes of light, in an arc from the same direction, no, didn't think it was a firefly. I stopped what I was doing and went inside. I noticed when I closed my eyes and rolled them, the light flashes would increase. Went to google and discovered that it was a Weiss ring, well at least I hoped so, as it could have been retinal tear. I had a week to go so figured the VA exam would verify it. So, on the exams; I had thought that the VA exam was a full exam, but apparently it is a way for the VA to avoid hiring an ophthalmologist, as a nurse does the exam and sends the results in. Anyway, my next appointment, full exam, confirmed my Google fu was strong, and stupid. Seems that a retinal tear can lead to blindness if not treated immediately, and the teleretinal exam may not find it. I guess as we age, the gel in your eye shrinks, and creates pressure, a separation from the back, the Weiss ring, is preferred to relieve the pressure. So long story short, see your eye doc immediately if you notice something abnormal.
  23. I wear contacts, doc gave me a pair of multifocal lenses that help my far and near sightedness. Seems they are like a bullseye, with the center for close-up and the subsequent rings for further away. Before I had to choose one or the other, I chose far and got some cheap glasses, 1.0s, for reading. Then I decided to try one far (dominant left) and one close (right), that worked good for a couple years. Now that I got these new ones, I notice the depth perception issue, slight, but there, with the mixed ones. With these, I give up a little of the far vision, a little fuzzy beyond 100~150 yards, and a little of the close up, fuzzy if closer than 6 inches or so. So that range should work for me, tablet, phone and pc are clear, deer hunting ranges should be good to spot them, and the scope clears it right up.
  24. For some reason that link won't work here. But, it seems they need to modify that request to only include downloads from overseas locations, which would assist the investigation into the actual people of interest. A blanket request should be denied as it sets a bad precedence.
  25. Maybe, but then them joining the Everytown For Gun Safety terrorist group puts them squarely in the anti 2A camp. https://tennesseefirearms.com/2019/09/walmart-partners-with-everytown-for-gun-safety-and-michael-bloomberg-to-advance-gun-ban-agenda/


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