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Everything posted by Omega

  1. According to the article I read, they will reimburse you if you have already replaced the walker trigger, which is the target of the new recall. Mine was sent in for the x mark recall, but I would be happy to trade it for a walker trigger if anyone is interested :)
  2. Unless you shoot an AR with just irons, all your firearms will be the same, no nose to charging handle.  In basic was the only time I actually did it that way, since I hunted I was used to getting a good sight picture and an M16 is nothing compared to a 30/06.
  3. I find that putting your nose on the charging handle is unnecessary when dealing with optics.  Just a good solid shoulder pocket and a decent cheek weld will be enough.  The reason the nose to the charging handle was taught, was because in basic many had not fired rifles in their life and it was an easy reference for the iron sights.    BTW I have two scopes with the BDC reticle, not in love with the reticle it takes up too much target and field of view.  But the scopes work great, I have a P-300 on the 300Blk rifle, and another (can't recall which) on my .223., I use an ap called strelok which replaces Nikon's Spot on, makes adjusting POA a breeze.
  4. Just ordered a box, it said in stock.  We'll see if they ship.
  5. I thought I had, but its a .45 http://clarksville.craigslist.org/spo/4789270548.html
  6. I don't use it unless I need to upload a pic, but I dont like the feed either. I would rather it come up with a list.
  7. Welcome to the site; never shot there, I usually shoot on my property but on occasion I shoot on post when I don't want to spook the deer and I need to zero something.
  8. I hope you didn't lower it because you didn't serve; no need to. The military is not for everyone, and we need to have the homefront supported as well. At Rural King I was getting some fencing supplies and after I paid she said, next time you should ask for the military discount. I asked if she could just adjust it and she said no, ok I left. Couple days later I went for something else and was given the discount, a day after I went again and the cashier tells me they don't let new cashiers give a discount; Crazy place. A few places only give it to active duty, not retirees, it don't bother me either way. It usually doesn't amount to much, at least not enough to make a big deal about it, or lie to get it.
  9. Had to look that one up, must be one of them $10 words I hear about. :huh:   Yea, many people seem to embellish their stories a bit, some more than others.  I blame the fishermen.
  10. May not be flash, my tablet is an android and doesn't support all flash.  And it only happens on some vids and not others.    Yea, I got there just after the 3rd ID got there.  The Rangers have to go through Airborne School and Ranger Indoctrination Program (RIP) before they actually go through Ranger School for the tab.  Failing one or the other can get you washed out, along with other disciplinary reasons.  Of course Airborne School is also something that some units can send you to even though the unit itself is not Airborne, its mainly an additional skill type school not a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS).  As Riggers, we must be Airborne qualified before we go to our Advanced Individual Training (AIT) and we must stay on status or lose our MOS.  When stationed at Ft Bragg I was detailed out to Corp EDRE, which had us at Ft Stewart to activate the bases 18 hour deployment sequence at least once a year, sometimes twice.  That was where I first experienced a close encounter with the local alligators and swine.
  11. I agree, I used mine for years. It is accurate but it is sensitive to airflow. I finally got an electronic one about three years ago when midsouth put them on sale. I think the electronic one is better since it has more features and has a tare funtion so you are not limited to the pan it comes with. But the lee one is good to start with if you dont want to spend alot right away.
  12. I get the same thing on some of the videos, you on a tablet? I am on a samsung galaxy 10.1. Oh, and the Regiment is headquartered at Ft Benning, GA along with its 3rd Bn. I was stationed at HAAF, GA., technically assigned to the 3rd Infantry but supported and deployed with the 1st Rangers. Once I got assigned to Ft Campbell I supported all three BNs. Oh and so nobody gets the wrong idea, I was a Parachute Rigger, not Infantry.
  13. If you have a choice, I would use bolts.  While Lags will work for a bit, MDF will sooner or later loosen up, specially with the humidity.  I would get you one of these: http://www.midwayusa.com/product/113651/lee-bench-plate-kit?cm_vc=ProductFinding So if and when you want to get another single press or other reloading component you can rotate them in and out easily.  The extra holes will allow you to use lag screws and distribute the stress out better than the presses 4 holes.  
  14. Ok, I agree with the car part but there is a reason they pay the aircrew more to stay on than us to get off.  No such thing as a perfectly good airplane, remember going up is optional, going down is mandatory.
  15. Just go to Harbor freight, much cheaper and almost as good. I have their 5lb brass tumbler and it works great. They also have a wet rotary tumbler if you decide to go with ss pins.
  16. I will give this vet a pass, I dont know that I could of done much better in his situation. When you have friends die in combat, and you have this POS and many like him take their accolades for a measly 10% off their purchases and other monetary gains just pisses me off. While I was in uniform, and still, I would have people say "Thank you for your Service" and on a few occasions buy me my lunch before I could protest. I am always polite about it and acknowledge their thanks. But deep inside I kind of feel like poop, because I am home and many of my friends are not. And yes, I still shed a tear at Taps. These guys deserve much worse treatment!
  17. Makes sense, this is an 80s model. I do have the powder measure, and it mounts on all my 3 die sets, its the FCD that is missing. But I mount it on my single stage for rifle rounds that I have one for. I get real good accuracy and performance out of all my pistol rounds without the FCD so probably ain't going to get one for those.
  18.    I still think the warden was mistaken, according to this: http://www.tn.gov/twra/checkinplaceholder.html It all says that the app is sufficient, and then you only have to show proof while transporting the deer. Once it gets to your house and you have processed it, your done. If you leave it at a processor, then you have to leave them a copy to show if needed.
  19. Well...I think I can add a third, maybe. After looking at the vid, it looks and acts differently than mine. Here is my old workhorse: Like it shows, mine is a three hole but maybe a classic too, just can't tell. They sell a four hole conversion but I have mostly 3 die sets so not looking to give myself the excuse to buy the missing 4th die and all new 4-hole turrets on all my sets.
  20. I did 1k cases of 300Blk with the hand held.  I got the three jaw chuck for the case holder and used my dewalt drill.  I managed over 500 before I got the wooden handled cutter.  I guess I am just cheap, but that does look like a nice setup.
  21. I like the case holder part of that setup, it seems it would be a fast way to change out cases. How is that cutter mounted?
  22. The way the cheaper one works is that the case gets put in the shell holder, the case length gauge gets threaded into the cutter and you turn the case until it cuts no more.  Oh, and you will have to get this for the case holder http://leeprecision.com/lock-stud.html   I think midsouth carries the cutter and stud but not just the stud: http://www.midsouthshooterssupply.com/item/0000690110/Cutter_and_Lock_Stud_
  23. You will need one sooner or later but that one is a PITA to use.  Unless you shoot thousands of rounds, you can just get the cheap one: http://www.midsouthshooterssupply.com/item/0000690114/223_Remington_Case_Length_Gauge_With_Shell_Holder_?clicks=box2 and: http://www.midsouthshooterssupply.com/item/0000690275/Cutter_with_Ball_Grip_ They make one without the wood handle, but you will want this one.
  24. Yea, I have heard that.  But in our M16s we didn't have any issues with any of our reloads doing just the neck sizing.  I currently full length size my AR rifle rounds now because I have multiple rifles in the same caliber so I may not of put this method to as much of a field trial to get a definitive answer one way or another.  Of course you get those that insist that a small base die is needed on ARs too.
  25. Don't be fooled, that cherry picked date and stories to cover are a thinly veiled anti-gun theme. How many crimes were prevented by guns?, how many guns were legally purchased to commit a crime?, why has crime gone down? This could of been more of a question about how we as a society have become more violent, and how we as a society have become fed up with bad guys having their way so we are arming ourselves and preventing violent crimes. But no, they pick stories where most anyone can sympathize with the victims and where a weapon was used for evil purposes.


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