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Everything posted by Omega

  1. My first truck was an 80s model, same size as a tacoma but not the same name...could of swore it was a hilux.  Anyway, it was a 4x4 with a 4cyl 22r engine and it was a tank.  It would pull my 17' trihull boat from Ft Bragg to Wilmington,  NC almost every weekend during the warm months and during hunting that little truck would get me in or out of anywhere.  In 92' I decided to upgrade to a fuel injected 4cyl a 90' or 91', and what an improvement.  Today I have a 2010' and so far so good.  I have had to take it in for a few issues, the stupid mat recall (not done), the heater fan which I don't think they totally fixed, and the radio which I didn't get replaced due to the deductible on the extended warranty. But mechanicaly it has run great.  Its the perfect size for me, I traded my sequoia for it due to it not doing so good offroad and getting the same gas mileage as the tacoma...should have started with it.
  2. Some people are real resistant to change and some just like to complain ...most times it's both.  
  3. New powder in stock: http://www.midsouthshooterssupply.com/item/00034IMR41661/IMR-4166-with-ENDURON-Technology-Smokeless-Powder-1-Lb   Haven't tried it yet but it's marketed for .223 so should work ok.
  4. I have been using all ten digits for some time now since I only have a cell phone.  My work landline is VOIP which has the local area codes (270, 931) built in because some numbers were local while others were considered long distance. 
  5. So here I am thinking you borrowed the Gen Lee for the vid, but low and behold you pull along side me on 41A going into gate4 this morning.  Just had to look to see who was driving and even got to see your temp tags, had me cracking up; other drivers probably thought I was nuts.  Would of waved to say hi, but I didn't want you to think I was a Gen Lee fanboy.
  6. I have, and seen many an x-ray and seen close up how good that ammo is, even at distances far beyond what the M4 was intended.  Make no mistake, many a larger caliber would do a better job, but that does not mean that the 5.56 is a bad round.  I feel it is a good trade off, light weight base load, round capacity and effectiveness on target.  Even the soviets have developed a smaller caliber for their weapons, 5.45×39mm, as well as the Chinese 5.8×42mm. 
  7. Yea, right handed, left eye dominant here as well.  I shoot my long guns and bow left handed and handguns right handed, I tried to get used to a left handed rifle awhile back but feel more comfortable shooting a right handed rifle on the left side.  If he is uncomfortable shooting left handed, get him a good scope and correct for his right eye.  Tape his left shooting lens on his shooting glasses so he has to focus with the right, it will strengthen the eye and help with the shooting.  Depending on his age, covering the left eye for a few hours a day may help get that eye to work better, a few of my friends had to do that when I was young.  
  8. That is why they make good technicals all over the world. https://www.google.com/search?q=toyota+technicals&safe=strict&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=JtD0VI_oFMG9ggTXuYToDA&ved=0CCsQsAQ&biw=1920&bih=1071#imgdii=_
  9. Bonjour!   :popcorn:
  10. I use my lead sled to zero my rifles in this manner. First I setup so my crosshair is right on the bull, I fire; reset to where my crosshair is again on the bull; then make adjustments to the scope so the crosshair is on the bullet strike. Adjust the rifle on the sled so that the crosshair is once again on the bull, fire again and repeat the above until my bullet strike is on the bull then repeat two more times so I have at least a three round strike on the bull. My .270 and .308 took 5 rounds to zero. Thinks to consider: Weight on the sled; I have two bags filled with lead shot on my sled to absorb the recoil. Loose rings/scope; if you cant take three consecutive shots and hit within a few cm to each other then something is moving. Cold barrel; some rifles will shoot the first round differently with a cold barrel than with a warm/hot barrel and clean vs fouled bore. If a its target rifle don't start adjusting the scope until you have at least a couple of rounds though it. If a hunting rifle, give it 10 or 15 minutes and clean the bore between shots if you plan on cleaning the bore before hunting. If you leave your bore fouled then just zero normally. I don't clean my bore unless I see major fouling or if leading occurs; I just run a clean patch through it. And make sure you are using the same batch of ammo you plan on using to hunt or target shoot, it does make a difference.
  11. And I say so what! That is why I own a few ARs, to have the capability of taking on a large contingent of opposing forces should the need arise. It is my Constitutional Right and my American Duty, which I consider a privilege, to be able to come to her defense. All this BS talk about sporting arms has nothing to do with our 2nd Amendment rights, we need to start defending our rights to self defense and defense of the Constitution; not sporting arms. All these anti-gun laws are illegal in my book, the acts themselves should be regulated not the equipment. Its already illegal to rob, and murder with or without a gun so why does the gun need regulation?
  12. I would start with the Lee turret press. I don't load thousands of rounds per session so a turret does fine for me and with it I can do a few hundred in one session. I spend my money on powder, bullets and primers instead of the so called hi-end reloaders and equipment. I started with the Lee single stage press in an anniversary kit which included most everything I needed even a set of dies which were 9mm for me (now they are separate). As I progressed I got the turret press and even though it indexes to the next stage, I still use it as a single stage due to how I reload. You will eventually want to get things like an electronic scale, and maybe a better powder measure but the kit has everything you need to get started. In dies, I like Lee, you will hear many decry the brand but I and many others have used them and they load a good quality bullet. If you are a competition shooter, or have that kind of money, then you won't go wrong with other brands but if you are just a plinker or hunter then Lee will do just fine. If you can, get with someone that reloads in your area and see if they will mentor you and show you their setup and let you use their equipment to reload a few of your bullets. This way you will get the feel of what you like and don't like before you commit to a brand or type of reloader.
  13. The buyer is the one at issue first sentence: A person may only acquire a firearm within the person’s own State, except that he or she may purchase or otherwise acquire a rifle or shotgun, in person, at a licensee’s premises in any State, provided the sale complies with State laws applicable in the State of sale and the State where the purchaser resides. A person may borrow or rent a firearm in any State for temporary use for lawful sporting purposes. [18 U.S.C. 922(a)(3) and (5), 922(b)(3), 27 CFR 478.29 and 478.30]
  14. Go to the craft shop on post and take the safety class, it has all kinds drill presses but not sure about mills. Its located by the post office where the theater is, while there you may ask to see if they have a problem with you working on a weapon part. You may take some literature in to show them that its perfectly legal to be doing it though since they may not be aware.
  15. Welcome neighbor, I guess the army did you a solid.
  16. Yea, I was wondering the same thing.  Short of breaking after a few years and not finding the same spout I have not had any major problems and no spill issues with them.  I have a couple of smaller 1 or 2 gl cans too with the button thing to stop the flow which I use for my saws, weedeaters and other small engines.  I also have three or four 5 or 6 gl cans and a couple of the plastic US GI cans with the DD spouts for my diesel tractor, again no issues there either.  Of course these are older cans with the standard spouts not any that look like the pics.
  17. Ah, that changes the equation quite a bit.  My bad, thought it was 22lr for some reason; and yes that is not bad for 100rnds of 45 ammo.
  18. Yea I know about TN, I think it was TX that is now allowing hogs to enter the feed the hungry program and maybe FL too.  I am sure that when they get here in large numbers, TN will have to adapt to accommodate reality.  Right now its about not having them relocated for sporting purposes like it is alleged happened around Ft Campbell.  I was stationed in GA, and when they finally got onto Hunter Army Airfield they destroyed the area I used to hunt in.   There was a large pipe that went under a highway next to the base which they used to get into the base during a drought; luckily it was easy enough to wipe them out there since it was all fenced in but it took a few months.  At Fort Stewart just up the road from us they had to use the hog panel traps sometimes to get them out of residential areas.
  19. While he may of softened his words a bit I am going to have to agree with him.  That is not a very good price for 100 rounds of 22lr, my last order from Cabelas was only $25.99 for 500 rounds of Remington's Thunderbolt ammo.  I know 22lr is like the mythical unicorn but it is available at better prices but you have to jump on it when you see it.  When we purchase from these local shops that overprice their ammo, or anything really, all we are doing is hurting the community in the long run.  I know ammo is not being purchased for that much more from their distributers, and if the distributers are selling that high then maybe they need better distributers.  Just look at what is happening with the possibly future banned M855 5.56 ammo, it is skyrocketing and nothing on the supply side has changed except the price.  It is being sold for a large profit margin because there are some that are willing to pay that much; and its not even that good of a round.
  20. I dont think the drill could produce the torque required to raise all that weight.   I like this, but I've seen other low tech traps that capture a bunch too.  One thing I didn't see, if trying to harvest vs exterminate, is a way to get them out one at a time.  Some companies are capturing pigs and taking to feed the hungry programs which require the  coralling of pigs like this.
  21. But what is not taken into account is the numbers of potential victims from underwear, shoe and printer cartridge bombers.  Just because our current victim numbers are low does not mean we sit back and wait until we have another incident which adds a few more hundred or thousand to the numbers before we do anything about it.  I know there is a fine line between safety/security and freedom, but to dismiss all of what they do would be foolish.  I don't have any solutions to this complex situation, but in todays world its wise to be vigilant and quash any threat that we see.
  22. Thats the beauty of it;  due to the freedoms we enjoy, you can easily and legally setup a compound to train others for any reason or mission you deem fit.  There is very little authorities can do about it unless it crosses into an illegal activity.  I watched a video where it showed a school bus riddled with bullets, disconcerting maybe, illegal,  no.  But that is why we must remain vigilant and keep an eye on activities such as this; not with routine "welfare checks" mind you but a community watch would not be out of the question.
  23. While I think it was listed as satire, I have seen prices going up all over for it.  I hate it when some dealers raise their price due to a perceived shortage.  Its not even that good of ammo vs standard fmj and you can't even use it for varmint.
  24. I picked up a few pounds of IMR's new powder from midsouth to reload my .270 and 5.56. IMR 4451 and 4166.  Since its new I am not sure how good it is, but its still available while others are hard to come by: http://www.midsouthshooterssupply.com/Dept/reloading/smokeless-powder?FilterBy=InstockOnly&CurrentPage=1  
  25. A simple one is made with a wire hanger and it works great.  I sent out three of them as a pay-it-forward on castboolits not too long ago, I sent a complete one and a kit with instructions to make at least one more. 


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