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Everything posted by Omega

  1. Why is that even legaL, Or is it?
  2. Well, seen this too late. I called in an HVAC company and $202 later I have a new $10-$20 capacitor in my unit.
  3. Well, at least they are responding: http://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2015/03/18/harwell-asks-committee-leaders-to-open-secret-pre-meetings/24971507/ Looks like enough people brought up the subject to make them react. Will this change anything? Maybe not but we need to keep at it.
  4. Your router should not be broadcasting it's ID, if you want someone to connect you will tell them your router ID and password.  That setting is available to most routers, but its best to access the routers settings through a hard line not via Wi-Fi.   As for your phone, only the phone name should show and I think it records the MAC address if you connect.
  5. Exactly what I did to all on the list: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/86679-tennessee-house-mailing-list/?p=1252391   To whom it may concern:  I have watched closely the bills that have been submitted concerning gun laws in TN and am a bit concerned.  Though I am originally from Denver, Co., I decided to make TN my home when I retired from the military in 04'.  There were many reasons but one of the most important ones was TN's support for my 2nd Amendment rights.    I know there are many issues concerning TN that you as representatives of the voting public must concern yourselves with and some of these bills may not seem to be as important to you.  All I ask is that you, as our representative, listen to your constituency and voice your opinion about these bills and not use any backdoor way to keep from bringing these up to the floor for a vote.  If you do not agree with the bill, so be it, vote that way and defend your position with your constituents.   I am a member of many gun related organizations and have steadily been seeing more and more of our members posting in disgust at the way some of these bills have been shelved due to lack of support from supposed 2nd amendment supporters amongst you.  I have also heard mention of possibly illegal pre-meetings discussing pending legislation; do we not have enough shenanigans coming out of Washington that we need to do this here?  If you support the 2nd Amendment then let your voting record reflect that, if you have issues with how the legislation is written, then vote against it or work to correct it.    Sincerely,   Jose L. Ornelas Clarksville, TN
  6. Yup, the height issue was a given.  I looked over some rack examples online and it looks easy enough to do.  The drums were food grade, I used them as a water collection system for two years.  I am contemplating using them as a back stop at my range to strategically make holes through them :woohoo:
  7. Anyone tried planting in half 55gl plastic barrels?  I used four white ones of these for water recovery for a year then discovered they created too much algae so I replaced them with blue ones. I have to move my garden area so instead of a traditional garden plot I wanted to try something new and figured if I cut these in half and raise them a couple of feet it could be a good raised garden..thoughts?
  8. What BS, who assumed that I would not like to be armed if I travel the less than 10 miles into KY EVERY SINGLE DAY? I for one would keep my permit for the simple fact that I do travel into other states and would enjoy reciprocity with it.
  9. There should be no physical difference between dry fire and live fire on trigger squeeze. Mental, well too many unknowns there. If the injury was weapon related then there may be a mental block going on, if not it may just be that you have developed a recoil flinch. Myself, I quit hunting for a few years after my rotations overseas. Just could not get back into it, no flinching, no ptsd just lost interest for some reason. One day I decided to ease back into it and not let anything change me, started with some range time then some hunting and all was well. You may try having someone load your .44 for you at the range. 5 snapcaps and one live, aim at your target and squeeze; let the live one surprise you.
  10. I have an understanding with the IRS, they send part of my federal taxes back to TN in the way of hwy funds etc...problem solved.
  11. Just reported the video as : scam/misleading.  They remind me of ISIS with their bs social media ads.  
  12. Many guys used crylon paint to camo their rifles which they needed to clean upon return.  We had a nice weapons parts cleaner that would clean them right up.  I never painted mine, I used spandoflage, a camo non stick tape they use when medics take blood.  On the original sights, the numbers are white paint.  Not sure what kind, but they would not desolve in solvent.
  13. It reminds me of the fake gun to make you look like you are OC.
  14. No, many news stations reported that it was a gun.  They have not said what caliber yet but I doubt it was a .44; seems that would of not stopped in the guys head.   At 125 yards, it was most likely a ball 9mm or .45 not a 5.56 or 30 cal type round due to the same reason above.
  15. Not BS perse, but at 125 yards I would not be surprised, unless its a 5.56, that he may of intended to either hit the crowd or over everyones head.  The drop at that distance is considerable so he had to elevate his aim to lob it in if he meant to hit anyone, if not, then he elevated to hit above everyone not realising how much it would drop.
  16. Meh, just sit back and have a drink of Soju you won't notice the floor  :yum:   Seems like formaldehyde is in everything in the far east.
  17. Ok put your tin hats on, what if its "revealed" that it was a 5.56 shootin green tip out of a pistol with a Sig brace. :ugh:
  18. We had two passports, a brown official military (DOD) passport, and a civilian blue passport.  Depending on the country and mode of travel decided which you would present.  Many times it was only the Mil Id card that was needed.  Since I was in civies many times, I would only carry and use my blue one. 
  19. We have an ACE that still sells guns, it's called Grandpa's on 41A in Clarksville.  Never bought a gun there though, prices are not very competitive but have had my bow strung and a scope mounted a few years ago.
  20. A wide stiff tight belt helps, not so tight to be uncomfortable but tight.
  21. I got the opportunity to deploy to Botswana, Africa.  We landed at Sir Seretse Khama International during one of their diamond shipments and almost started an international incident.  Seems their security personnel did not appreciate a Military C-130 with fully armed US Rangers (I am not one) landing at that time.  We had to stay onboard under guard while the shipment was completed...fun times.  But they did get our passports and stamped them for us, but no exit stamp.  We also landed in the Ivory Coast which was a little more tense IMO, we slept in the hanger and maintained guards.  Every other country never even asked for a passport.
  22. I haven't used those myself but shoot cast bullets all the time.  I use a mix of alox and Johnson's liquid wax to coat my handgun bullets with no leading and it leaves my bore shiny.  Some will shoot theirs quite fast (+1000fps), I haven't pushed them quite that fast though.
  23. Maybe we need to do like Colorado did and do a recall on Haslam.  If our elected officials are not doing what we hired them to do then maybe its time they look for a new job.  I think this would be a wakeup call to those under him too.
  24. I used to do the same thing as far as full (or close to) case of powder but lately it seems that many powders are hard to come by so had to use some that would work but not leave the case as full.  In another forum I seen where someone had a SEE (Secondary Explosive Effect) due to the case not being full so am thinking if this powder availability issue is not fixed soon I am going to start using Dacron to top off the rest of my cases to try and prevent that.
  25. Roughage? 


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