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Everything posted by Omega

  1. I hunt does, so unless it has spots or I can tell that it is a fawn I will harvest it. Telling a large doe from a medium one is difficult, specially when there is nothing out there to compare them to. As for bucks, yea I'll take a buck, but whether it has spikes or a 10 point rack makes no difference to me. I have shot deer that turned out to have decent racks, though due to the branches in the area I couldn't tell until I went up to them. That is why I don't hunt in areas where it has to have a 15" spread or other measuring guideline, just too much guessing for me. I check all my game online, makes it much easier for me since I like to take the hide and the head off before I take it home. But I don't misrepresent my harvest, even when a spike will keep me from getting another buck, just doesn't make sense to break the law in that way. I would rather end my season early than to do that. But at the same time I don't like the regulations to be written so as to put people in positions that may have them break the law. Just like the bait rule, there is no distance given so you can technically be cited for hunting over bait if your neighbor has a feeding station near your property line which you are not aware of.
  2. I still find it very difficult to classify him as such. Though some of the information he leaked helped bring issues to light, he also released much that was harmful to the US. Of course all he did was confirm the information, many already knew what was going on.
  3. It's law: Public Law 112-95 Section 336 But like you said words matter, so you may have a legit argument due to the fact that it does not state line-of-sight specifically under the hobby portion, only that But it does state line-of-sight for other operators within that law. I too am not going to worry about it since I fly in private property only, but it is good to know what rules/laws you are breaking to keep you from arguing a losing position.
  4. Oh I hear you, I see it the same way as far as it relates to speeding. But as with speeding I do see it as a regulation/law due to the fact they can fine you if you get caught. I don't think that LEO would welcome calling the speed limit a suggestion, so I would guess the FAA won't like that either.
  5. I don't know, that is not how this reads to me: http://dronelife.com/2016/08/25/hobby-fliers-need-to-take-part-107-test/ The FAA's pages seem to point to the fact that if you do not fly line-of-sight you need to be a commercial drone pilot. Even flying under part 107 you need to go through a certification class ($150ish) and have a background check. And while it may not be law, it is a regulation which may cost you some $$ if you break them. I don't own anything beyond hobby level drones so am not going to go through the hassle but it seems even then you may have to fall under part 107 unless you belong to a club. And they also add this: So I guess those guys that got their drone shot down would of had some explaining to do if they stuck around.
  6. I believe you are mistaken, the new drone rules make flying by camera or not within visual range a discriminator between needing a special (expensive) class and license or just being a hobbyist. And I'm not sure shooting a hobby drone falls under the Feds, local law maybe but not the Feds.
  7. Yea, how is that going for you guys? Seems the leftists have taken a page right out of that book, or is it one in the same?
  8. I wonder what type of restrictions will be leveled at reloaders? I know I have a good stash and am not even close to what others say they have.
  9. Seems like erecting some bird netting could take care of aerial trespassers. And there is nothing saying I need to retrieve it for you or allow you to retrieve it yourself. Most tree lines are around 100 feet or so, if you just need to go across private property then maybe you need to be well above that, or above shotgun range. Besides, I believe drones now have to be within eyesight of the operator unless commercially licensed.
  10. I see it this way, our Government may have its flaws, but I see it as the storm shelter that prevents that tornado from taking the life of my family while I am away. Do I think they can do no wrong, of course not, but looking across the globe there are very few places I would rather be. Freedoms may not be granted by our Government, but so far has been the one to help maintain what we currently have. Again, not saying everything they do I agree with, as like everything they (the people in it) can have their own agenda, but it is the form of Government that we have and at least there are a few checks and balances that try and make it so it's not a dictatorship. I am well aware of the runaway systems that our Government has allowed to be created and I feel that one day, maybe soon, we will have a reckoning to reset it (or attempt to) back to the way it should be. I hear all the rhetoric from those that say we are not free due to taxes, laws etc, yeah I get it, they want to be able to do as they wish without Government interference which is all well and good, until "they" decide that what they want to do interferes with my rights, then its on. Again, the Government, Laws, hell, society in general is not perfect but its far better than it could be, and I for one am glad to be part of it.
  11. Anyone is free to condemn my views all they want, it won't change my opinion of him any. But it may change my opinion of those who do, especially those that think it was right of him to use it as a platform. If he would of come out with a BLM armband, T-Shirt or hat it would not of even made a blip on my radar. That's like someone egging an MLK street sign to protest the blocking of public roads, it would get them the platform they desire but would tick a whole lot of people off.
  12. I think you have me confused with some weak minded individuals who are prone to Stockholm syndrome. I don't care how long I am held or by whom, the first chance I get I will escape and rain hell on them for doing so as soon as I am able. But that is a moot point, as I said the flag to me does not represent the government but those who fought for our way of life. Since I was young I decided that as soon as I could I would join the military and give back to this country, and did so for 21 years. If asked to I again would take up arms to defend it, and if people like Colin didn't like it then they could just kiss my 4th point of contact. I may not support a particular military or police action, but will stand with all the men and women who take part in it. There are good and bad people on both sides, and I support bringing them all to justice. But these incidents are far and few between and looting and burning your own community and calling for the killing of law enforcement officers because of it is downright un-American. I support the right of anyone to have and voice their opinion but I do not have to support that opinion. And BTW, I support stopping that kind of protest by any non-lethal means instead of standing by and letting it happen.
  13. I see showing respect for the Anthem and the raising of the flag as honoring those that have given their all for our way of life. I see the politicizing of these events as disrespectful to their memory. Those that are not paying attention while it is being played I see as being unintentionally disrespectful and would probably feel shame if it was brought to their attention, but those who willfully disrespect it are just spitting on their graves and have no shame. While I support their right to their opinion, I will also support the opinion of all of us that think he is just a sorry excuse for an American.
  14. What a waste, imagine the summer sausage you could get out of those deer.
  15. So TWRA has redefined what an antlered deer is and a button buck (nubs) is now considered a buck for reporting purposes. They have also now added the antlered doe to the definition though until last year I had no idea some does had antlers. I guess it now stands that if an antler goes above the hairline it is now considered antlered. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think last year it had to be more than 3 inches to be considered antlered, right? I think this is going to put some in precarious situations when they already harvested their 2 bucks, they will now either have to risk a citation or leave a buck to rot. My shots are no longer than 100 yards at any given time but I find it hard to see small spikes even at that distance. I won't knowingly shoot a button buck or a spike but I also don't hunt for trophies so smaller buck are fair game to me. I understand those that want to harvest bigger bucks will like this, but the rest of us should not be forced into QDM if they are meat hunters.
  16. I would have to concur, I know there is a team of writers that would not survive a blackout let alone a zombie apocalypse with how they are thinking these scenarios out. And now they are really trying hard to get Nicks character to be likeable, I'm not buying it. They did too good of a job at making you wish he would just become a zombie already.
  17. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/colin-kaepernick-national-anthem-black-lives-matter_us_57c1a1bde4b085c1ff299efd “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. … There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.” ~Colin Kaepernick~ Apparently this overpaid has-been (my Broncos made a good choice)has decided to insult what the flag stands for. And I guess there are a few who would agree. As for me, I'll pay for a few one-way tickets out of the US for these people. https://theintercept.com/2016/08/28/colin-kaepernick-is-righter-than-you-know-the-national-anthem-is-a-celebration-of-slavery/ As for the Star Spangled Banner, here is a better explanation of the lyrics http://m.american-historama.org/1801-1828-evolution/star-spangled-banner-lyrics.htm
  18. "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan." More like if you can afford your doctor!
  19. I've probably had them all at one time or another and can say all their CS can suck depending on who answers the call. Here are my thoughts on the ones I've had: Charter, service was decent though their coax couldn't handle too many HD channels. Internet was good, plenty of speed and was up most times up until around the flood, then it was down quite often because their junction box was underwater anytime it rained hard. Their cost was much higher than the others at the time. CDE Lightband, new equipment and fiber optic all the way to the house, then twisted pair or coax to the box. Their issue was that their techs either didn't know how to run the equipment or the infrastructure was maxed out. Alot of pixelation, freezing, and isssues with the listings. Internet was decent and never had issues while I had it. Price was good for everything but couldn't stand the tv issues. AT&T, Uverse pretty good overall but a bit pricey considering the limitations such as HD channels available at any given time, 4 at once I think. Direct TV. Ok, I think if their customer service was better I would stayed with them but I probably won't go back unless forced to. Let me explain; when AT&T purchased them I thought I could get the football package, but was, IMO, lied to. They said Uverse was being phased out (and it may be) and I could only get the football package with direct tv. I ordered it and before they installed anything all the football stations showed up on Uverse. When they installed the dish everything seemed good, but unbeknownst to me they installed an old model box that they knew had issues, when I called about the issues, the next day mind you, they diagnosed the issue and identified the box as the culprit but told my wife they would not send us a new one. When I called, they said they would send one out. About two weeks later, an empty box shows up. I called and asked WTF, they said it was a recovery box for the old box and the new one would show up later. Another week goes by, no box..called again and they again try and say they wouldn't send another. Finally got the call escalated, they said they would send a new one. I told them it needed to be the newer model, if it wasn't I'd send both boxes back and cancel service. Week goes by, old model shows up. I called and tried to cancel, first they said I needed to pay a cancellation fee unless a tech came out to verify the issues. I said fine, make sure he shows up with a new box. After a bit she lets slip that she was "like" a supervisor and had to get authorization...I told her to put me on with her supervisor. He finally checked all the call logs and waived everything and cancelled service. I sent back the boxes but they said to keep the dish, or recycle it if i wanted to. So, anyway back to AT&T Uverse but guess what, I now have Red Zone...I bet all the football channels will be next. I did like Direct TV's features though, specially being able to start a show from the beginning and it had more HD channels than Uverse but their CS lost me as a customer.
  20. The entire family is on Samsung 7, me an edge due to the bigger screen. I don't use the edge but it does take some getting use to on not inadvertently opening an app with one handed operations. The keyboard can be sized to get it away from the edge a bit though, which was my biggest issue. I looked at the regular and the edge and decided that I wanted the bigger screen, it's cumbersome at first but you get used to it, and now my other Samsung looks tiny. The only thing I didn't like about it is that it got rid of some of the sensors the 4 had (don't upgrade often), which I used while hunting or shooting. But overall its a great phone. I got a Samsung cover with a flap which is great protection from most things and it has a see through window for the time and a few messages and stuff.
  21. Since we lost one shipment you will have to settle for just one, can't get greedy.
  22. Well shoot, I guess my pen flares would just put me under the jail.
  23. I posted a pic of that on another thread, these are available to download but you can shoot at any target with a bull and use this as reference;
  24. I think you overestimate the thinking capacity of most criminals. If it is a criminal or crew with a well thought out plan they may avoid the well guarded target vs the one that presents a soft target. But most criminals knocking over a mom and pop shop or gas station I bet would care less, they are already there and will react one way or the other when presented with a threat to the successful commission of the robbery. If its one that will shoot no matter what, then it will make no difference probably, but if its one that only wants the money then the presence of an OCed weapon may push him to shoot. Me, I have always concealed carried and have only open carried a handful of times, and that has been because I was either on duty (military) or because I was out hunting or something. I don't base my decision so much on statistics or anything, it's just that I don't want any extra attention when I am out and about, positive or negative.
  25. Yea, when my MIL passed I ended up renting a casket (you buy a cardboard liner) for a quick viewing for my wife and kids before they cremated her. There was nothing cheap about the whole thing, I mean how much gas do they actually use to cremate someone? As a vet I am opting for a standard military burial in a state cemetery, I have enough insurance to take care of any expenses but may get some additional coverage someday down the road. I haven't warmed up to the idea of cremation, but who knows I may change my mind before its needed.


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