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Omega last won the day on February 8

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About Omega

  • Birthday 01/22/1965

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  • Location
    Clarksville, TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing and the Outdoors
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 23
  • Carry Weapon #2
    XDM .40

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Postus Maximus

Postus Maximus (5/5)



  1. No biggie, like I said, it fits here too.
  2. But it fits here as well, hopefully some of the past regulations and anti-2A stuff they tried the last 4 years can get rolled back.
  3. Yea, I put it in the political forum because this is not legislation yet.
  4. He is actually on the ballot, from Canton Illinois.
  5. For those interesting in voting in the NRA 2.0 candidates:
  6. Oh yea, I know all too well.
  7. Mine was a flat top, but still has a high gas block. I just placed a SOPMOD hand guard on it, may go free float if I decide to make it a different caliber.
  8. I've seen many mods that file the front sight/gas block and reuse it, but I think it is too much work to do that, much easier and cheaper to just replace the gas block. This vid does a good job of showing the conversion of the hand guard over to a free float. I just think that there isn't much gained by doing that, unless like me, you dislike the front sight,
  9. They make handguards that use that style.
  10. If this becomes a law, it would be very difficult to overturn because they would have to have a great reason to do it, and it must pass muster with SCOTUS.
  11. Let's hope this passes, will make leftist heads explode! https://townhall.com/tipsheet/jeff-charles/2025/01/24/house-republicans-pushing-for-national-constitutional-carry-law-n2651083
  12. A total revamp needs to be conducted, and heads need to roll, not retrained, fired!
  13. Payment processor seems legit. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/software/authorize-net-review/ As to jlbillet.com they too seem legit but have concerns, though nothing too bad. https://www.scamadviser.com/check-website/jlbillet.com
  14. I contacted TFA, the NRA and GOA to see if they can at least push for passage of the Hearing Protection Act, will contact my reps as well, this needs to be passed while we have the majority.
  15. Oh, what the heck, I'll take it. PM inbound.


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