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Everything posted by ted

  1. It has to do with , a design flaw http://www.wxyz.com/dpp/news/local_news/investigations/watch-out-for-that-motorcycle-in-front-of-you%3A-bikers-claim-design-flaw-puts-drivers-at-risk
  2. do you eat the cheese after you cut it or do you melt it .
  3. that's kcolg for boat anchors .
  4. Here ya go http://ammoseek.com/?from=resultspage&gun=rimfire&cal=91&grains=0&mfg=&keywords=&sortby=cpr&.submit=Search
  5. published Wednesday, May 29th, 2013 Employers can still fire workers over guns in parking lots, Tennessee attorney general says http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2013/may/29/employers-can-fire-workers-over-guns-parking-lots-/ and http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2013/jul/16/tennessee-lt-gov-ron-ramsey-says-gun-law-needs-cla/
  6. My wife loves her shield 9mm and she can rack that slide very well .
  7. If any thing why don't thay tax the gangs for violence , lord knows thay make more off of drugs than the average working man gun owner , and the billions of drug dealers that get cought with drugs and money , the trillians of cash thay confiscate every year and keep oh but thay want more and more to fund their nonsense to pad that pocket even more . Clean up the gangs and thugs and those problems first , instead of coming up with bull s##t to put that mutch more of a burden on the middle class working man you have already taxed us to death with your common sense no nonsense bull cr#p. RANT over but could keep going , I think I'll go get me some crown royal I'm going to need it jest to calm down ,
  8. Wow a whole 325 likes on Facebook page not to popular it looks like , a whole 7.00 dollars in the jar , not to many contributors must not even be worth it . Did not see any body around the table , must not want to bee see around that kind of stuff , hehehe
  9. And how many yards is that
  10. Go back to sleep and find out what happens in the rest of the story and give us a update , hehehe
  11. Fox News about it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qew2kVnhq-Q
  12. My wife's cks ok , what I'm wondering can they jest quit working .and if the triggers can go out at any time , does any one know ?
  13. [quote name="TripleDigitRide" post="1020918" timestamp="1377379863"] His Youtube this is one on crackers http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WlMwJ-BUVec
  14. you need one of theses hahaha
  15. I hear ya
  16. The KillTec zim1
  17. Better off jest to buy a used or new rifle http://www.coolguyguns.com/Classic-Ruger-10-22-Receiver_p_18.html
  18. Has any one shot the browning 22lr auto rifle and if so what do you think , are thay any good , would like input on them have been thinking about getting one .
  19. http://gunssavelives.net/gear/breaking-smith-and-wesson-issues-safety-alert-for-mp-shield-handguns/
  20. you are so funny Spots I bet you are a cut up to be around , hehehe
  21. And the place you will be hunting , state , town , reservations ?
  22. My friend you have been hit by the speed trap kings in tn. http://www.speedtrap.org/city/10653/Ashland%20City and http://www.tennessean.com/article/20060422/NEWS02/604220336/Traffic-trap-flap-spurs-petition-oust-mayor?nclick_check=1
  23. Far as the gas key me personally have never seen a key broken , me personally have seen 3 loose one being a AR I had before . Now that being said I personally have never ever had a rod breakage or spring problem and that's with over 9,000 rounds down her not one FTF or FTE at all . My other two AR-15 that I use to own I can't say that about them , Jest my experience . Now far as the bolt carrier tilt LWRC does not have that problem because of there design . And yes you are correct Each system does have its own little quirks , for me I jest like not haveing to clean all the Crud out of my bolt and carrier and upper housing every time I go to the range .
  24. http://realpages.com/sites/canes/ and http://www.custommade.com/by/quotablewalkingstick/ all made in tn.
  25. Welcome to TGO .


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