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Everything posted by cjohnson44546

  1. There are probably several idiots who believe that sign makes it safer now... and that nothing bad would have happened if the sign had been up earlier.  Those thugs would have seen the sign and went "awww shucks"  and left...
  2. While its nice that Papa John was upset and went to the funeral and is paying all the related bills... he should feel really bad because its his company policy that left Gordon alone in an unsafe condition with no means to defend himself.   Sadly, when it comes to most companies, we, the employees are replaceable... its often cheaper to replace us than protect us.
  3.   A correction for you... the US Constitution recognizes the right, it doesn't give the right.
  4. From what I've read... there is some court case that found that the TN Constitution actually does protect abortions in some way (don't recall the details, but it sounded like twisting of the words by the judge).  Because of this ruling, nothing will ever be done to affect abortions legal-wise.  They want to amend the Constitution just to say "this doesn't protect abortions" so people can't use that court case any more... and other laws can (can, not will be) passed to cover abortion.   Pro-abortion people don't want this, because with the court ruling, they basically have a constitutionally protected right to abortions.   That is not a small change... changing it to Guns is huge.  Where in the US Constitution is killing unborn babies a recognized or protected right right?  Where in the TN Constitution?  There are people ("Judges") who have claimed that is the meaning of some words in the Constitution, but it is not directly addressed in the Constitutions.  Guns are directly addressed, which is why your changing that one word is a HUGE change.
  5. I'll wait for the Tactical version.
  6.   So they will skew it anyways... so you vote to just give up and give them all the power anyways?  makes sense...
  7. Please vote NO on amendment 2.   For years, judges have been given their jobs unconstitutionally.   This needs to be changed...   Some people want to change the constitution, and take all power away from the voters.   Others want to give the power back to the voters, the way the constitution is written.   If you vote YES on Amendment 2, you are tying the hands, and preventing anyone from getting the voting power back to the people.   There are many politicians who want to, and WILL get this power back to the voters the way the constitution reads... but to stop them, the control freaks who don't want the people to vote are trying to get a constitutional amendment through first to stop them.  They are basically lying about what the amendment means, and trying to fool the voters into giving away their right to vote on judges.
  8. She can just end up making it "Members and approved guests only" and not open to the "public" ... Have in the terms she has the right to revoke membership for any reason... then she just doesn't approve the memberships of whoever she doesn't want, including Muslims.  If they don't like being asked if they're Muslim, then refuse their membership.  Its pretty easy to do what she wants to do within the law.   But i do agree with her that Islam is not a religion, but a theocracy, much of which is at odds with the Constitution.
  9. You are crazy to go to a place like that... why not take a trip to the middle east instead?   You can get thrown in prison in NJ just for being in possession of hollow point rounds, let-a-lone a gun.  Do not bring guns into MD or NJ unless you want to take a huge chance of being charged with a felony and lose your freedom for a while, as well as your gun and voting rights in all 50 states forever.
  10. I don't get the watch really... $350 wrist strap with a screen that has to be paired to a iPhone in my pocket?   I'm not a fan of big phones... but the 6 and 6+ (really a phablet) do look pretty nice... and its nothing to do with the screen size.  Most people who don't understand the details just see the screen size and say "someone else already did that!"  Thats as bad as someone releasing a new semi-auto pistol with a 5" barrel and saying "thats not new, someone already did that!"
  11. Neither are posted... neither prohibit guns.  They just publicly said that they'd prefer people not bring guns... just to get the MDA to shut up and go away.
  12. no stupid kids getting ice cream or other food all over the place....   no stupid kids skateboarding around causing problems and hurting people...   No idiots running around half dressed and disgusting...   People carrying weapons...   Sounds like a great place to me.   I haven't shopped at Kroger in over a year... guess I'll go there today, I need a few things.
  13. I'd like a 9mm SR1911
  14. Sadly I have to head out of town in a different direction for Labor Day weekend... but I need to try to find something like this again in the future.  It sounds fun, but I can only learn so much from watching youtube videos :-P
  15. Wish I was close enough to go... I don't have a clue what happens in a competition let alone how to get started
  16. I don't leave mine holstered if its pushing in a way I think could be a problem... most of the time I'll unholster in the car, which makes it easier to use if needed...  If for some reason I have to ditch my car and can't grab the gun for whatever reason... I have a backup in my pocket anyways...
  17. I've been looking at them... they seem to be very hard to find anywhere though.  I'd love to be able to shoot one before buying, but I doubt that would happen.
  18. I would assume its very similar to the tactical shotgun class... but I have not yet taken it.  I would take it, but I don't have a Carbine... and the only one I really want is a Tavor, and I don't have $1700 to spend on a rifle right now  :-)
  19. Tactical Shotgun is fun too... they have one coming up in like a week.
  20. you are NOT supposed to give away that last one... now if someone reads this and takes the class later, it will be ruined for them  :-)   I've taken level 1 - 4 there... as well as some other classes.  Would like to take a few more, and wish I could find even more classes, as they are fun, not just good for learning.  Maybe in a couple years I'll retake them all again.
  21. Here is my problem...   PA has no class requirements.  She was able to buy a gun and get a permit without any requirements to know the law.  She only had the gun for a week when this happened... She assumed her permit was valid everywhere... They should cut her a break, but there are many evil people in this world, and many are in government.   Does she have some fault for being ignorant?  Yes... should she go to prison for several years, and be a felon for the rest of her life?  NO!
  22. have to have huge pocket cargo type pants...   I pocket carry a LCP in jeans, and it just barely works.  I cannot even pocket carry my M&P Shield unless I want to go with cargo pants (which I hate).... and its smaller than a G26.
  23. This judge is not very bright.   She says the the second amendment is about the right to have a weapon in your home to defend yourself...   She also said that semi-auto rifles are just as dangerous, or even more dangerous, than their fully automatic counterparts... what type of stupid is that?
  24. I love my Desantis Nemesis, though mines for a LCP, but it works fantastic and easy to draw from.  I think it would work great for any size gun (in the correct size of course).
  25. Walmart generally follows local laws.  If a customer complains about open carry though, they will ask the person to conceal the weapon if legally able to do so.


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