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Everything posted by cjohnson44546

  1. He's tried to backtrack on this… but the whole statement was stupid.  They should have asked him.. how does repealing the second amendment and banning guns remove them from the society?  Should maybe we ban drugs and murder too?
  2. I've never found anyone around here that has near online pricing...   I've been thinking of selling my Shield, but haven't quite brought myself to do it even though I haven't even shot it in 6 months… its a great gun, but I don't really use it any more since I got a little 9mm 1911 thats barely any bigger.  Its definitely a good gun to buy, but I don't think your going to be able to buy one locally for a decent price.  In fact I don't think you can buy any new gun locally for a decent price.   I normally look at Grabagun.com first, never seen local prices anywhere close.  Looks like $379+$6 for shipping there right now… then whatever transfer fee and background check you pay.  Watch out for some of the cheaper places that will be $5 - $10 cheaper, then try to charge $30+ for shipping.
  3. Of course MSNBC wants him… he's is more honest and has more integrity than almost everyone else there.
  4. If this thing also handled .454 Casull, then I'd being buying one right now… seems like it would have been easy enough for them to have done.
  5. A lot of commercials are basically saying to me….  "Look!! Idiots are our customers… we think you are stupid too, so come be our stupid customer!"   I've stopped going some places and vowed to not go to others because of commercials before.
  6. My eyes were terrible… wearing glasses since I was 7… best thing I ever did was get LASIK a couple of years ago.  They were able to get my right eye to 20/15 and left to 20/30.  To see normally without being half blind… no contact junk or warped glasses views, its fantastic.
  7. Those are not eye drops… they are for rinsing and storing contacts… you wear contacts?  That is a major piece of info that could lead to eye issues involving pain.   EDIT: if you aren't wearing contacts… you don't need those "drops" … 
  8. You may have some issues overusing eye drops which have preservatives.  You can overuse these and cause a lot of problems.  If your just having dry issues, get preservative free drops (they come in single use containers), and you don't have to worry so much about overuse of those.  If your needing to use any type of allergy drop in excessive amounts (more than once or sometimes twice a day), you definitely need to bring that up with your eye doctor.
  9. The numbers actually went down over that period because I stopped eating shellfish.  Its easy to prove… I stopped eating them, and the numbers went down.
  10. wondering what happened to that post… thats what I get for having like 50 tabs open to various places...
  11. oops
  12.   Be careful using too much WD40 .. make sure its very cleaned out otherwise before shooting, as WD40 is flammable.
  13.  not typical… tactical… just like CC vs OC, don't let them know until you can pounce!
  14.   Most states have open carry (and several now with concealed carry) without a permit… several states that require a permit also require no training to get the permit.  The blood and lawsuits aren't flowing.   The biggest problem in TN is that a "No Gun" sign should NOT have force of law… its ridiculous.  Its like having a "no food/drinks" sign up and someone getting arrested for having a candy bar in their pocket.  If someone wants to kick someone out for having a gun or a candy bar or whatever… then let them kick them out, not some blanket sign that has force of law.
  15. I love my Bianchi 111 Cyclone Holster fits the GP100 perfectly.  I also love the quick thumb break… keeps it secure and still easy to draw quick.
  16. Took less than 2 weeks to get mine… don't expect it to be too long.   Carry around the house for a long time just like you will carry when away and get used to it.
  17. I want to, but I'm thinking of waiting a few months
  18. Actually I ordered it from Grabagun.com, as they usually have better prices than Buds and don't charge credit card fees (and $6 flat rate shipping).  I don't think they have any in stock that I bought at the moment.  I got an alert they had 2 in stock on Thursday, so I ordered one quickly, as they hadn't had any in stock in a while… This is my 4th purchase from them, and they've always done great.   Looks like out of stock again... http://grabagun.com/armscor-ria-1911-tactii-semi-auto-handgun-9mm-8rd-cs.html   They have some other RIAs in stock though. http://grabagun.com/firearms/handguns-for-sale/semi-automatic-handguns-for-sale.html?manufacturer=2324   Looks like they have the normal 5in 38 Super in stock right now at $427.35 http://grabagun.com/armscor-ri-1911-38sup-5-9rd-prkd.html Hard to beat with the $6 flat rate shipping and can use a credit card with no fees.
  19. I just ordered a RIA 9mm tac compact… hopefully be here next week!
  20. only 6 in the mag?  I don't get it.  I think they could have done 7 or 8, or maybe 9...
  21. I have a RIA tactical double stack (hi cap) 45 thats been awesome… I love it.
  22. I have an 870 Express, but I changed it around a little bit and now it looks like this...
  23. I don't think thats very interesting… I do have a couple Chiappa Rhino's which are cool.
  24. all 4 passed with a Yes
  25. TN recognizes most state's permits.  If you have a license to carry, you can carry a handgun in TN, open or concealed.  If you do not have a permit/license that is recognized, then you can not carry at all, open or concealed.  Anything but a handgun is forbidden to be carried.  Your car is an extension of your home now in TN (as of July 1 2014), and anyone with or without a permit can have loaded weapons of any legal type, and legally possessed, in their vehicles.   If you look here, TN claims to have a formal reciprocity agreement with Washington, so your Washington permit should be fine.  TN honors the permit from any state that honors TN permits. http://www.tn.gov/safety/handgun/reciprocity.shtml   Also remember that in TN that "No Gun" signs carry weight of law, so you don't want to carry into places that are posted.  A normal "Gun Buster" sign of any size, shape or color is considered posted, as well as a long drawn out paragraph about disallowing guns and citing the TN code that allows it.


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