For the record I am a Christian, but some of this stuff has always bothered me. I don't go to church anymore, for various reasons, and I don't really keep up with "prophecy" stuff. Here's my thing,assumptions being made so take this for what it is, God doesn't operate on our time frame. Just because things are happening does not mean the end of the world is gonna be in a week.
People will find allegory in whatever they want. "The Lord of the Rings is about Jesus, so are all the C.S Lewis books," etc, etc. The truth is we just don't know. Throughtout modern history there have been many events that I'm sure led people to believe Jesus was coming back tomorrow, but we just don't know and I don't see what point there is in harping on and on about it.
If the greatest gift we were given was life, then why not enjoy it and quit constantly worrying about when God is coming to get us? When he does I'm ready, but to me the constant "LOOK AT THE PROPHECY!!!" stuff is like missing a bunch of fun weekend with your friends because you're waiting on your Dad to pick you up from your Mom's for a fun weekend in a month.