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Everything posted by Punisher84

  1. Another Fort Knox guy here. 63J was my MOS. I enjoyed the time I was in. Getting hurt and medically discharged pissed me off, but life goes on.
  2.  You said it all right there, man. My first wife was a wild child and so was I, no surprise we ended up divorced to anyone. Now, my current wife I went for the good girl. Family oriented, church involved, master's degree, career goals, etc. Couldn't be happier and we both have zero trust issues. That's a great feeling.
  3.  LOL well I figure it'd be quicker for her to gather her crap and GTFO!
  4. 5.11 RUSH bag knock off basically. I have the 5.11 bag and love it. I'm sure that pack is cheaper made, obviously, but dang for $30 bucks it'd make at least a decent camping bag or something.
  5.   Love is a funny thing. Something tells me there is more backstory on the wife here. Past affair or at least enough distrust by her husband that his first thought when he saw Greg was to kill him because he was sleeping with his wife. I agree though it's not worth killing for. If I suspected my wife was sleeping around and I came home to "proof" dude would be out on his ass and the ole lady would be right behind him. No beatings, no shots fired, just some name calling and suitcase packing.
  6. Keep an eye out and you can always report it as suspicious activity to the PD or SD. You'd be surprised the information that you think is nothing that could end up helping catch someone.
  7. My wife and I are going to be competing in LUVGLO benefit 5K at the end of April and part of it is raising money for the cause. The charity is Habitat for Hope here in Memphis. HFH gives families a place to stay while their children are being treated at area hospitals for life threatening illness. They provide housing and amenities for the families free of charge. This is a cause very close to our hearts and if any of you can donate we would love the support! We are looking to raise $250 a piece, but every donation, big or small, helps reach that goal. If you can't donate then say a prayer we reach our goal and don't injure ourselves running lol Thanks in advance!   Here is the link to my page: http://www.crowdrise.com/luvglo/fundraiser/chucklane   and her's: http://www.crowdrise.com/luvglo/fundraiser/elizabethlane1  Feel free to share the links on Facebook or Twitter.
  8. Hey no worries lol When he first started talking I thought the same thing and I was like "Screw their comfort...oh wait"
  9. You have to look at it in the full context of what he was saying. He was being sarcastic and basically saying "the whole purpose of this crap is to make liberals feel warm and fuzzy even if that costs you the ability to defend yourself". That's why he said he was sorry to her.
  10. Liberals need mental help. Anyone who can sit across from a rape survivor and say something like that deserves to suffer the same fate. Don't talk about things you know nothing about. I hope Colorado revolts and sends everyone of the pieces of crap to the unemployment line or worse. Worse is perfectly fine with me.
  11. www.handgunlaw.us I don't travel without checking it and the state's website.
  12. Picking mine up in a week or so. Came into the shop used, but in great condition. I like your setup, man. I'm adding that Mako foreend to mine and a KNOXX stock to save the ole lady some recoil pains since it'll be an HD gun i want her to practice with. I like a pistol grip stock on an HD shotgun. Not because it's tacti-cool, but it gives you a better grip on the gun. Standard stocks are fine, but I have always felt that I had more weapon control with a pistol grip.
  13. I got a reply from Kelsey about the bill the other day and he seems to be for it so I'll wait and see what his reasoning is. He should have let it go on through, but maybe he knows something we don't.
  14.   This is my thought as well. Everybody has a breaking point and eventually a large portion of this country is going to hit it. When and what will cause it I have no clue, but it will happen. Whether that ends in a shift back to way it should be or ends in bloodshed and only a short pause in the wheels of the machine, who knows.
  15. Right now everything is hung up in committees. I believe they are stripping most of the meat out of Feinstein's bill and going the background check route. Basically an AWB/Mag ban bill has very little chance of passing at a federal level so it won't likely happen. I won't tell you what to do, but I personally sold my Bushmaster AR a few weeks ago to pay off several bills. I've got a stripped lower I'll build on when everybody quits selling stuff for ungodly prices.
  16. I'd like to when I can afford it, but for now I just rock the annual.
  17. Weak sauce.
  18. I'm glad he wasn't charged. Maroon, I think you're taking an extremist view on this. not saying you're wrong, just that you're leaning heavily to one side of the argument. I don't know how WI law is, but I doubt he'd have been charged in TN either. Mr. Simpson was never an aggressor and actually, by TN law, was well within his legal right to not only follow the man who robbed him, but he could have also used reasonable force to detain him for police. Am I saying that's what i would have done or what most should do? Not in the least. However, there is legal standing for such actions. There was a case in Mississippi not long ago where a suspect attacked a woman and stole her car. Her son followed the guy to guide the cops to him and in the process the suspect fired at him and they exchanged fire. Cops ended up catching the guy and no charges were filed, rightly so, against the victim.
  19. I'd like to see this get passed. I wouldn't mind carrying a switchblade lol
  20.   Yea that is true. I thought they were doing good there for awhile, but I haven't paid attention in a few years. My ex-wife was from there so I used to pay closer attention to the laws and changes since we traveled there often.
  21. If I say what I want to say I'm going to get a TGO vacation and probably a visit from some "agency". That is despicable.


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