Not sure what you mean exactly. I am not aware of any significant amounts of AK-type rifles designed to be semi-auto only that were military issue used by any country. If you get a US-legal semi-auto AK rifle it won't be a rifle "actually issued and used by the military".
Are you only interested in Soviet/Russian AK's or would one from another Warsaw Pact country that manufactured their own rifles be OK? Are you looking for a true milled receiver AK-47, or would a stamped receiver AKM type be OK? I guess another question would be are you only interested in 7.62x39 or would a 5.45x39 AK-74 type rifle work?
Most of the Russian AK-type rifles in the US are the conventially stocked Saigas. Great rifles for the price, but they take a lot of work to make them look like a "normal" AK. There are Russian AK-47 and AKM parts kits that have been imported into the US and built into functional rifles using US-made or other AK receivers that are semi-auto. There have been many Chinese milled receiver AK-47 type rifles imported.
If an AKM from another Warsaw Pact country would be OK, you might consider a Hungarian FEG rifle or an older Romanian SAR-1. They are semi-auto versions of their respective country's AKM-type military rifles (a SAR-1 would be the cheapest). There are many stamped semi-auto AKM-type receiver Chinese rifles in the US too that were made at PLA weapons plants.
Semi-auto Bulgarian milled AK-47 types rifles have been sold by Arsenal (they make the Bulgarian military AKs), although the most accurate copy of an AK-47 would be their "Classic" that goes for anout $2K these days.
If an AK-74 type rifle would do, Arsenal has sold SLR-105 rifles in the past that are basically semi-auto versions of a Bulgarian AK-74 (they're pretty expensive these days too since they're out of production). Arsenal has also recently started importing "Legion" rifles from Izhmash in Russia that are fixed-stock semi-auto versions of a Russian AK-74.
You might also consider a "kit build" rifle built with a US-made receiver (NDS are best) and an AK parts kit. There are several established US builders that make great rifles.
There are many possibilities depending on what type of rifle you want, how accurate a copy you want, and how much you want to spend.