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Everything posted by dunndw

  1. Guns and Leather, Greenbrier (pistol) The Gun Room in Lebanon TN (pistol, shotgun) Sumner Gun and Supply (pistol, rifle, shotgun slug only) I'm not sure if nRange still allows rifles or not. Honestly after they moved I went one, the ventilation was horrid so I haven't been back
  2. Rocky at Franklin Gun Shop would be my first choice.
  3. I've gotten refunds from gun stores before...the federal thing sounds like BS. I bought a Norinco Uzi many moons ago. I took it back the very next day for a full refund. I was offered a refund from another gun store here recently for a badly malfunctioning Sig. I chose to swap it out with another one they had in stock. The issue comes into play that it can't be sold as new any longer. Sounds like this one shouldn’t be sold at all unless the factory fixes it. I've never had good luck @ On Target. Last time I was in there I asked the guy behind the counter if they had any AAC flash hiders. He made some derogatory statement about AAC and how they won't carry their product...all while wearing an AAC t-shirt. He wasn’t amused when I pointed that fact out. I doubt I shall ever darken their doorstep ever again
  4. Birds of a feather....
  5. yea...wait until you decide to buy a supressor. There are some days I wish I could be frozen until the nannys give me that expensive little stamp
  6. David...get out of my head :-)
  7. TICS shouldn't be required for permit holders at all.
  8. yea...went about like I expected.."We're not in the position to pay for other schools at this time" figures
  9. He made his millions off the gun owners in Tennessee...sold his shows, sold his strip clubs and now must be bored and needing something to get him out of bed in the morning. The SOB should take up golf or knitting or something. He's burned bridges and a few gunstores as well from what I've been told.
  10. Good review. Sounds like a solid class. I hope to take it next month. You can NEVER have enough training. I'm a certified NRA instructor in pistol and rifle....and I need to knock the rust off some of my basic handgunning. I noticed last time on the range I was getting sloppy I DO have to take issue with: 2. The art of the draw. Please note - bring plastic holsters and magazine holders. Leather is too slow. I disagree. the RIGHT leather is quick enough for social work. I'm a fan of Kramer leather/Horsehide rigs. My reloads from low ready with my leather/sharkskin mag holder is under a second and a half. Inexpensive leather can be slow to reholster.
  11. I just forwarded this to the owner of the school I teach for. He bragged about gunsite and claimed he's cover the cost of the other instructors training with "the right schools" I'm calling him on it :-)
  12. no...I can't speak spanish
  13. Volunteer Pistol club shoots IDPA every other Sunday. They're in Brush Creek TN, other side (from Nashville) of Lebanon
  14. EMP gererators anyone
  15. I would have turned him and his litle scooter into a damn speedbump or a backstop...my choice
  16. I found 12000 plus 5.56 rounds in a barrel at The Outpart Armory today...for the low low price of 6K
  17. Hannabil approves :-)
  18. I agree with David. If I walk up and ANYONE is in my wifes face..they're getting to know just how much of a SOB I can be in very short order. I'll go as far as they want in order to defend her. That's the promise I made to her parent, grandparents and myself.
  19. I was contracted today by a real estate friend of mine because I'm a "gun guy". He thought I might know of someone with some land for bow and muzzleloader hunting. If you know of someone who has some land who would be interested in talking to this fella I would appreciate the contact info.
  20. I'd like to lock him in a round room and tell him to stand in a corner
  21. These two statements tell me all I need to know 1 "There are at least ten 01 FFL's that run businesses out of their homes in Williamson County. If the BATFE decides I cannot then I will attempt to shut the other FFL's down" I wonder how many times the other FFL holders have been held at gunpoint over criminal stupidity as Lenard has 2. " We reserve the right to refuse to do business with anyone at our sole discretion, that includes pigs" Again with the spoiled rotten brat routine. How old are you again Lenny? I wonder...when he goes to KY to try to get arrested again...can we change the locks on the Tn border to keep him out? this guy is SUCH a Brady bunch plant...it's pitiful. He has no intrest in gun rights for himself or anyone else. All he wants to do is cause trouble for every normal, sane gun owner. Sooner or later he'll end up in jail or worse if he keeps going down the path he has chosen. Hopefully he doesn't take anyone with him
  22. I think he wants to attend as a journalist completly above board, not as a "Investigative reporter" as in one of bloomburgs hitmen goading people into saying or doing something to paint all gun owners in a bad light. For that I think he deserves some help if it's out there. I can understand the gun shows issues with letting the media in, ya'll dont have a real good track record on being on our side. Wish I could help. The only one I know is Bob Pope, and he's already nuked that bridge with his latest antics
  23. I believe the shots (been a while since I held a class) 3,7 and 21 yards. 3 and 7 are easy. 21 opens up everyones groups. Just practice like you normally would. If the class isn't too large we give students a chance to practice prior to the "real" shooting. DON'T overthink it. the XD will be fine. I've had students take it with HiPoints they bought at lunch from the pawn shop next door :-)
  24. Yes I had the gun in my left hand, pointed about mid-thigh (on me) through the bottom part of the door. I was kind of gansta ghetto sideways pointing it. I never was really freaked out about it, just hacked off at myself. I picked up a specific briefcase setup EXACTLY for this situation and when I thought it was time...I spaced on it and went to the hip. Tonight I specifically made myself orient the briefcase properly, and verified the HK was in the proper position, and was easily assessable. Hopefully the lesson sticks and doesn’t fade away with time. I’m definitely going to practice the hip draw belted in/seated as well…just in case muscle memory takes over once again.


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