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Everything posted by dunndw

  1. I took the wife and two of her cousins shooting last Sunday. The cousins are taking my HCP class Saturday. When we were leaving the wife suggested that we start having "date night" at the range. She also acted like I gave her the moon when I presented her with a SOG tomahawk :-)
  2. One on the hip One in a pocket One in my briefcase
  3. Had to dig into the ammo stash this morning to find some 7.62x39 for a trade. Found a whole ammo can full of 9mm I forgot I had :up:  :up:  :up:  :rock:  :rock: :rock:  
  4. No one other than law enforcement is going to scan anything off my license. My FFL writes down the number on the form. Hell I think he has it memorized. Target tried to scan it when I purchased one of the Call of Duty games. I told the clerk AND her manager no. She said it's store policy, I said its MY policy to be rather private. Either sell me the game after you verify my age on the front or I'll walk next door and buy it, doesn't matter to me. Store policy was "waived"   I would have asked to speak to a manger and requested my personal data be removed from their system while I stood there. If they're that worried about security they need a autolocking door with a push button to unlock it....orf friggin move out of the ghetto
  5. One tree limb down in the back yard (Donelson near the airport) Power outages up and down Lebanon Road between Donelson Pk and Briley Pkwy. I'm in a FOUL mood due to the lack of sleep. Seriously thought about tossing the weather radio and the smartphones out the windows in the middle of the storm
  6. Dear Chuck. Please go to the nearest toilet and insert your head so the cr@p that spews from your piehole will be in the proper place
  7. Clean as a whistle...at least as far as guns go :cool:
  8. As a HCP instructor, I'd really like to see additional training requirements past the "standard" state HCP course. We ALL know it's not all that. They need to be trained in drawing from the holster, strong and weak side one handed shooting...etc. Something along the lines of Personal Protection Outside the Home. I don't have kids, I'm not a big fan of other peoples kids, but I'd sign up to patrol a school for free one day a week in a New York Minute
  9. Shrecmanager I have a question. What are the requirements for the ROs? Is it something like the NRAs RSO course or does the state look for something more
  10. I expected zombie Billy Mays to pop and with "BUT WAIT THERES MORE"
  11. I disagree on one thing. He states "Dealing with them will easy. Because there will be so few". The first few will be easy...the last few will be very very messy.
  12. I'm not sure what's going on up there. Some of my recent visits have been shall we say less than stellar. I understand dealer vs retail pricing but the "deal" I was offered yesterday was outright attempted robbery. Granted I wanted something rather hard to get and was willing to pay a premium for it I felt like they were trying to break it off in me. I just might be done as well. The funny thing was there was a older guy who walked up as Brian was making his "offer" I said something to the effect of I'd have to be drunk and brain dead to take that deal and the old guy piped in with "damn I told him the same thing" so it's not just us. Perhaps the loss of Useltons has hindered the ability to haggle
  13. Nice to have you and hear from "the other side' I do have to agree with a few of the gripes though. I've been there several times and some of your RSO, unpaid or not have serious issues dealing with the public. Some of them are great. I've had some that were very helpful....then I've had some that had no business being around another human being. if they don't like what they're doing perhaps there is another position they can help out with that doesn't involve dealing with the public.
  14. I have the PDW model of the PTR 32. Fun to shoot, even the wife likes it. Haven't found any mag/ammo combo yet that it doesn't like.
  15. Cannon fodder...brownshirts....I can think of a lot more things they can be called but I'll keep my mouth shut
  16. From reading and calling the TWRA, it sounds like I can get a apprentice license to see if it get the bug or not (and if the wife doesn't lose her mind)One thing I found odd was suppressors are good to go but not NODs "Any electronic light amplifying night vision scope or device while in possession of a firearm or archery tackle between sunset and sunrise." is listed under illegal weapons.
  17. I don't generally. Wife is a critter lover, I'm fine with it. However I've been told that her parents are having a Horse -vs- Yote issue and would like the yotes thinned out a bit. I'm "in the family" and have been able to break the "no shooing out here" rule (they have a bit over 100 acres) Would I still need a hunting license to go after nuisance critters?
  18. I use one pretty much all day. I spend ALOT of time driving, and I hate to hold the phone to my ear
  19. Too much work to riot...they'll run their traps on Twitter from their obama phones...they can do that from their couch within reach of their beer and within ewarshot of American Idols got talent. If some of them were to find the will to do anything else...hopefully they run into someone prepared. Funny how watching your riot "leader" turn into a canoehead will stifle the rage. Guess getting spatterred with your homies gray matter will change your attitude
  20. I'm glad you slipped through the SWAT dragnet and made it home with your new toy :-)
  21. PLEASE report him to the Tn Dept of Safety....he needs to be charged as the fraud he is. Funny that website is dead now
  22. One day class...I believe it was 75.00 per person Heres their website http://www.academyofselfprotection.com/default.asp
  23. One of my clients does/did Flyball with her dogs...they loved it
  24. The wife and I took our baton training at the Academy of Self Protection, aka Joelton Gun shop. The look she had on her face as she was flat wailing on the training pad I was holding was a bit scary


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