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Everything posted by dunndw

  1. Posting from my Evo. If you spend any time on forums that use it..like TGO then It's worth it
  2. Wonder if someone can setup a firing range using the "unprotected" land as a backstop/impact area. Sounds like a fine place to have a full auto funfest :-)
  3. I started flipping thorugh thouse and the only thing that came to mind was "ya broke into the wrong G###D###recroom didn't ya"
  4. dunndw

    HTC EVO 4G. test

    I don't understand the people complaining about the battery. With all the radios the Evo has...it's a power hog. I have a USB cable at my desk, a charger in the car and a charger in the bedroom. I can't believe people don't plug their phones in overnight. Is it that hard to plug in a phone? I can understand people who work outdoors/construction, etc for 10 hours a day. Turn off some of the radios and you'll be fine. I haven't ran into any more battery issues than I did with my Touch Pro II, or any other smartphone
  5. dunndw

    HTC EVO 4G. test

    I picked it up driving back from The Outpost....Pandora rocks!
  6. dunndw

    HTC EVO 4G. test

    There is 4G in Donelson, Hermitage, Brentwood, Franklin, MBoro...at least on I24. It isn't "live" yet...but it's dang fast. Yes...I stood in line Friday to get my Evo...and I LOVE it
  7. Does anyone know if this will be handled today?
  8. People can fail the shooting portion. I've had two. One was using a old pair of glasses and couldn't see the front site, the 2nd was using a very old DA wheelgun. She was a novice and the DA trigger pull was throwing her shots all over the place. Several of our classes have had people in there for their 1st experiance shooting a handgun. With the proper training and instruciton MOST people can pass pretty well. Failing the written portion takes a special level of stupid...it's open book. If they can't read....doom on them Practicing what they have learned is another story all together.
  9. we're all DOOMED...they're armed now.
  10. I was watching the news tonight and they were talking about the metro schools outsourcing the janitors. I don't like outsourcing. Being in the tech field I've known numerous people who have lost their jobs to outsourcing. Then they said the janitors union was SEIU....I quit feeling bad for them. Lay down with commies....reap what you sow
  11. I wonder if there is a market for remote triggered CS canisters in that area now
  12. Sherry Mullins Homes-Nashville Real Estate-Hermitage Real Estate-Remax Carriage House- Re/Max homes for sale-Realtor for buyers and sellers-Mt Juliet real estate Friend of mine, she will take care of you
  13. With all the flooding in Nashville has any of our gunstore owners had any issues getting NICs checks back?
  14. That's a sad end to a nice car. Take the shifter knob as a keepsake and replace that thing...too many electronics that will be damaged/destroyed.
  15. I've got several gallons of water stored up. Not that KR Harrington his flooded out, water pressure in Donelson is very very low...the mayor is talking about possible shortages. The water treatment plants won't be back online for several days. other than that the only thing I used was rain gear
  16. Willis...were you the fella in the Ed Brown shirt? If so they remember you :-)
  17. dunndw

    glock question

    I've done the same switch with a couple of Sigs. All that was needed was the barrel. My .40 cal mags work fine, no issues with recoil springs so far. I can't imagine your Glock being any different.
  18. Defuse the situation if possible Deescalate the situation is possible Escape the area if possible Evade your attacker if possible If none of the above is successful, do not hesitate to use any and all force needed to protect yourself. Its one thing to play the “what if” game in front of your computer, don’t allow those thoughts to make you hesitate if the time comes. Thinking about what I should do when the bad guy is running at you is the worst thing you could do. If you don’t have it figured out by then, you’re going to be behind the curve even more than you already are.
  19. but are they posted properly? the one's I've seen wither weren't posted properly or not at all. I know Skyline IS properly posted, I'd think the other TriScar hospitals would be or will be soon
  20. The Austrialian SF guy on Tactical Arms...Tactical Impact....whichever it is holds his ARs the same way.
  21. I was with my brother today running his gen 4 G17. He was having a ton of problems with Monarch ammo. Switched to Remington...no problems
  22. GROUP BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you imagine a Magpul Handgun class using those
  23. I live in a 'nice" area of Donelson...only one group home that I've been told of right down the street from me. Or course I was told this by the MNPD officer that came to my door wanting to know where the heavy set black fella that walks up and down the street lived. He also pointed at my 1911 on my hip and said "good idea" The guy was wanted for kicking in the door of a lady he thought was pretty. I'm the one around here that will follow shady people around when I see them come out of someones yard and let them see me on the phone to the LEOs. No I'm not going to move. I'll keep pissing 'em off until THEY move, or I get to do some pentration testing of 7.62 rounds on a moving vehicle...whichever comes first.
  24. I have a Glock 32 on my hip right now. I think it's easy shooting in .357 Sig. I like it alot. I shoot the G32 better than the 229 in .357 Sig I have. I like the cartridge much better than the .40. I've never like the recoil impulse of the .40...it's just me. I carry it when my 1911 might bet in the way. Like today I was under desks and in ceilings all morning looking at wireless access points. I almost forgot I had the Glock on. I don't like the 30 or the 36...something about them just doesn't fit my hand properly. the 32 is Glock 19ish enough to fit well. If I knew damn good and well I was going to get into a fight when I went out, I'd still pick one of my 1911s in .45 over anything else...other than a rifle :-) but I do carry my G32 quite a bit.


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