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Everything posted by dunndw

  1. Thanks for the heads up, I'll swing by and see if it's still around
  2. I spent Sunday driving from The Outpost Armory all the way to Royal Range, no joy so far
  3. Not the full rail model, this one
  4. I've done the rounds of my usual crack, err...gun dealers looking for one of the new style MC Operators ( Factory G10 grips and the checkered front strap) yet they're nowhere to be found. Has anyone stumbled across one in their browsing lately?
  5. I went with the Trijicon HDs for all my carry guns. 46 year old computer eyes LOVE the big green front sight
  6. I've had Kimbers, Colts, Springfields, Wilsons, and Nighthawks. Still have the Colt (M45A1) and one of the Nighthawks (GRP) Just told my dealer to be on the lookup for one of the new Springfiled MC Operators   I have a sickness when it comes to good 1911a
  7. I had a logo laser engraved on my SBR at Southern Trophy House on Nolensville road
  8. yet another reason to stay far FAR away form Walmart
  9. I kept telling one of the guys to get him liquored up and get him talking, no dice :-)
  10. Stopped in and got to meet him, seemed like a nice down to earth kinda guy. Got a autographed pic. With I would have had the $$$ to take the class he was teaching, but it wasn't in the budget this year. Hopefully he'll come back to the area. From what I was told he brought a MP5SD and a Glock 18 for funtime on the range. 
  11. I am a DIEHARD 1911 fan. I find them easy to carry, I shoot them well and I think they are the best looking handgun out there. Something gentlemanly about a quality 1911 that just speaks to me. I run them better than pretty much any other platform out there. I can reload one in under 3 seconds (on a timer) from concealment...blah blah...   All that being said, after the recent Ferguson dustup, the fact that more crimes are being committed by groups of people, possible threats of retaliatory strikes against soft targets from the JV ISIS team the 1911 is in the safe and the G19 is on my hip in it's new Incog holster  loaded with quality HPs with two spare mags. Sometimes quanity IS better than quality :-)
  12. My wife watches ALOT of the reno shows on HGTV. On one of them they made a butcherblock/magnetic knife holder. It was slick. They took a chunk of butcherblock, routed a slot on the unfinished side and glued in a bunch of strong magnets. She wants one. Now...my woodworking skills fall under...suck. Don't have the patience nor the tools. Is there someone on here who could drank one or two out. I'll pay, buy the materials, get the measurements...etc. All I need is someone nearby with the skills to cut and rout out the slot. I know it sounds easy, but without the skills or tools it might as well be rocket surgery.  
  13. The Car Dr in Old Hickory is a friend of mine, does all my work. Reasonable prices, good work and he's a gun guy
  14. This CAN'T be a good idea. Ship 'em to Diego Garcia along with the staff to treat them.
  15. The wife and I stopped in this past Saturday after dinner to let her test grip a G26. Stood there for at least 15 minutes while "employees" wandered back and forth, with a "I'll be wight with you" tossed over their shoulder as they passed by. They had I believe 4 employees at the gun counter, and 3 groups of people scattered about. The only thing I can think of is one of the groups had a hot girl in revealing clothes, because 3 of the 4 were huddled around one group of customers,not making eye contact with anyone else   No one ever did come help us, so we left. You can advertise as "Tennessee's largest gun store" but with lacking customer service, I doubt I'll be back unless I need to waste some time
  16. I am of two minds on this. As a constitutionalist I'm all for people being able to exercise their rights without government meddling, taxes, permits, etc. Dems would lose their minds if the restrictions placed on the 2nd Amendment were placed on the first  As a firearms instructor, I'm actually appalled at the idea of some of the people I've seen in class having the ability to strap on a pistol and do a walkabout. After hours of instruction I've still had loaded pistols pointed at my chest with the hammer back. There are some people who just don't learn. Non "gun people" who haven't had the experience or training to handle firearms properly don't need to carry them. I also think there should be some kind of training required. I can only imagine the media feeding frenzy if some bonehead shoots someone's toy poodle while carrying.   At the end of the day, I'll fall on the side of the Constitution and hope and pray that at least SOME of the people who decide to carry will at least watch a damn YouTube video on the subject. Perhaps we should buy stock in Uncle Mike, I foresee a run on cheap nylon holsters if this bill passes.
  17. If  I were outfitting a .gov agency I'd choose Sigs or HKs as primary sidearms. If I were outfitting a small group of people who were going to be very proficient with their sidearms, I'd look at higher end 1911s.   The 1911 is not a gun for non guy people. Equipping a police dept with 1911s is like giving them classic cars for patrol cars. There WILL be problems, a ton of them due to lack of maintenance.   I have complete faith in the Nighthawk 1911 riding on my hip today. I carry it pretty much every day, and I run the occasional IDPA match with it.
  18. My primary carry is a Nighthawk GRP that I picked up from a friend for about that much. Can't speak to a piece I haven't seen, but I LOVE mine. I also have a GRP Recon with a threaded barrel that I've never had any issues with
  19. I'm 45, and the only shape I'm in is pear. I started Krav at a Hermitage gym, then the instructors and the gym couldn't work out things to keep the classes there so I went to Nashville Krav and took the intro classes. Missed a couple of weeks due to head colds, went back and joined yesterday. Kinda feels like I've jumped into the deep end of the pool, watching students from the earlier BJJ classes rush in and join the level 1 Krav classes but I'm planning on sticking it out. For me it's more of getting into shape and losing some of this keyboard fat :-) The skillset is a bonus IMHO. I get bored easy going to the gym by myself.   RE: the self defense aspects. It's the same thing I tell handgun carry permit students, do everything in your power to defuse the situation, drop some cash and run, give them the car, etc, whatever you can do safely to remove yourself from the situation...but never forget that once the time comes you have to be able to "flip the switch" and deliver some nasty high order violence on the person trying to main/kill/rape/rob you or your SO. I carry (at least one) gun, and a couple of knives. Krav might give me another tool in the toolbox. It will at least (hopefully) get be in shape enough that I can beat feet and get away before I'm wheezing and out of breath.
  20. Whats up Robert
  21. depending on how many you need, you can setup a VPN connection through http://pertino.com, then use RDP across the internet. I think you can have 3 devices for free connected to the VPN If that doesn't work, then Team Viewer would be the best bet
  22. I have a buddy who is Mt Juliet PD. We went round and round about how it was legal for ME (non leo) to carry a switchblade. According to him it WAS legal, it felt odd debating him. HOPEFULLY this year he will be right. I will be very happy to be in the wrong
  23. My primary carry is a 1911, secondary carry is a Sig (either a 220 or a M11A1) Sometimes I'll feel tacticool and carry one of my HKs, It depends on how I feel, and whats on the schedule for that day. I practice with all of them, so I'm comfortable carrying any of them.
  24. I don't play, don't even know how to properly HOLD a guitar but if I had a spare grand, I'd be all over this


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