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D Stuart

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  • Location
    Bowling Green
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    business owner


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  1. A gun with a brain.......do you think they can hear to? Good shooting Mark even with you issues.
  2. Chuckstur You get to shoot it once it leaves the trap it's more fun that way. Just bring a box of Shotgun shells and a shotgun and of course the four dollars heck bring a friend too.
  3. Scores posted on club website www.bggrgc.com
  4. Green River Tactical Rifle match Saturday 20th. Five stages 108 round count minimum. Sign in at 8:45 Shooters mtg 9:15 no AP or LAP ammo chamber flags required and will be available for sale. See ya there. bggrgc.com
  5. Mark, one limited stage 20 rounds Rest can be thirty rounds. Mark I'm not sure how many chamber flags we have. I'll buy some from you if you have any or email where to buy.
  6. I'd like to thank everybody who donated to the Toys for Tots we had $90 in donations over and above the match fees so we donated $345 to Toys for Tots.
  7. It looks like you might be having a match this weekend ?
  8. We will be donating all match fees to Toys For Tots so any extra cash you want to bring it on or just bring a toy or two or three. Thanks you.
  9. Green River Gun Club Tactical Rifle Match this Saturday 22nd. 5 stages round count 135 minimum. Chamber flags required. Slings are your choice. Set up 8am sign up starts at 9:30 rounds downrange 10am. We are using the pistol range only.
  10. Thanks Mark and Brooks the scores are posted @ bggrgc.com
  11. Welcome aboard
  12. All right I owe a apology Did nothing but rested on Sunday Monday truck broke down worked on it till 9pm Tuesday was my Brides Birthday so she took Priority over all of you !  I worked till 9pm tonight came home ate dinner hot tub and did the scores. I appreciate you keeping score for your group when you could have been pasting targets like everyone else and thanks for interrupting during scoring targets to update your nook.


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