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About jmevis

  • Birthday 08/25/1988

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    Telecom Project Manager


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 19 Gen 3

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  1. ISMI Stainless Steel Guide Rod and Flat Wire Spring.
  2. You know I'm not sure... They changed it from stock to a metal guide rod. Im assuming they changed the spring as well. It is a single spring not sure of the #. I'll ask them.
  3. Well yesterday I finally got my TiN Agency Barrel. Its basically a S3F Solutions barrel that is machined further by Agency. I have to say, man it looks good. I haven't shot it yet but i have no doubt that it'll be accurate. The lock up is tighter then my Silencer Co & Stock Glock barrel. There is still some play if you press down on the chamber but it is very minimal. Especially compared my other options. The feed ramp and crown are polished thats a nice touch, we'll see how it looks after a few hundred rounds. The fluting is very nicely done and I can feel that this barrel is lighter then my SiCo barrel, but that could also be because the SiCo is threaded. I honestly don't think there is anything else i can do to it. Maybe some TiN receiver pins, but IDK about that. Let me know if you have any questions, or if you want specific pictures.
  4. We're good man. I didn't think you were. It didn't come off that way either. Mine doesnt have any brass marks yet. Haven't shot it enough yet. But I'm looking forward to earning them!
  5. No I don't believe so. But I've had stove pipes with 100% stock Glocks too. Heck even double feeds. Got videos to prove it lol. Yeah the DQ was definitely a learning experience with the red dot. Can't be upset about it, just learn and move forward.
  6. So last night I shot an IDPA match with it. Had my first "malfunction" probably right around the 500 round mark at this point. I had to fix it quickly since it was a match, I couldn't take the time to diagnose what happened. But I believe it was a stove pipe. I started to do a tap/rack to fix it, but just tapping the mag fixed the issue and I was able to keep going. You should be able to see the issue in a video I am trying to upload. In the interest of full disclosure, I did end up getting DQ'd last night.... first time. (I have been told that it happens to everyone.) Unfortunately I did not get it on camera. But the short of it is, that I shot the edge of cover. If you want to know the long of it I will post it further below. Since I was DQ'd I only was able to shoot 2.5 stages instead of all 4. Which also means I didn't get my score. It's nobodies fault but mine. I ended up sticking around to help score, paste targets, and clean up afterwards. Click the pic for the videos. The stove pipe is around the 11 second mark. So far I am loving the AA glock and the RMR is a very nice touch. Not one time last night did I find my self searching for the dot, I just let mechanics take over. I will say it was faster, and I felt more positive about taking shots with no-threat targets around especially at longer distances. I didn't have any FTNs or Non-threat hits, How ever I only shot 2.5 stages. Agency puts the factory minus connector in and I'm not sold on it, the trigger is a little mushy, more like a rolling break than a felt wall with a crisp break. Which in theory is what I like better. I might change the connector back to stock or maybe a gen4 "dot" connector if I can find one. However things like that I only noticed in dry practice during the match It didn't bother me at all. Ok now to my DQ.... My gun ran dry but did not go to slide lock. I don't count rounds so if the gun stops working I start to fit it. Slide was forward so I did a Tap/Rack and that locked the slide back. So I completed a reload behind cover, came up to break the 2nd shot on the target before moving to the next position, pushed the gun out got my red dot on the target and squeezed off the shot. And it went right through the PCV frame that holds the wall up. This was the fist time anything like this has ever happened to me in my 5-6 years of shooting local IDPA matches. I am left eye dominate and right handed. In my haste to get the gun back up and running I didn't verify my off set. My left eye seeing the dot through cover and my right eye seeing the target around cover I sent a 9mm round through the PVC pipe. Funny thing is, is that I still hit the A zone. And I guess you can't hit cover unless you are more than 6 feet away. And I was probably 3 feet away. RSO called cease fire and I was benched the rest of the night. I shoot IDPA once a month so I continue to shoot matches with it.
  7. +1 for Ares Gear. I've had one of their Aegis belts for over a year now, and love it. I've had my Ranger belt for 5-6 years still going strong. I wear it 6-7 times a week. Was thinking of getting another because its boringly reliable.
  8. Yes. Actually only about 50 rounds have been fired with the light attached. Idk but I've never been able to tell a difference with a light attached or not.
  9. Ok, so over the weekend I put about 350 rounds through the gun zero issues, I have yet to have a malfunction total rounds about 450. The gun shoots flat and to an experienced shooter there is a perceivable difference in felt recoil. I let 3 other people shoot it at the range. 2 of them loved it, one couldn't tell a difference. Ill say it again this gun wants to be shot fast. The trigger reminds me of a geissele sd3g trigger. Where its more of a rolling single stage trigger then a defined 2 stage. You can take the slack out to a wall, it just takes practice to find the wall and not over drive the trigger. After shooting on Saturday my Trijicon RMR (RM06) showed up and I installed in on Sunday. I still need to trim one of the mounting screws. I'm doing that today after work. I have never shot an RMRd gun but am excited to do so. Ill go out and sight it in this weekend. I am wondering if adding the RMR will change the felt recoil. Agency says that the RMR is lighter than the steel that is removed from the slide for it. But for your viewing pleasure here a pic with the RMR installed. I am still waiting on my Agency Match Grade TiN barrel.
  10. Oh yeah I have nothing against Big Dots. I put them on my wife's 19 and I can tell you they are some of the fastest easiest sights to use. I just remember trying a demo gun at the 2015 NRA show that had the XS suppressor height sights and a RMR and it was like a absolute co-witness. Where as the Ameriglo seem like a lower 1/3 co witness. Now it also could be different with the MOS glock the RMR might sit a little higher then a milled glock.
  11. Excellent write up. I can appreciate all the time it took to write and post this especially with pictures. I recently purchased an RMR 06 (LED adjustable) It'll be here on Monday. How do you like those XS sights? I tried them on a demo gun and they seemed almost too tall. I went with an ameriglo blacked out rear white tridium front.
  12. jmevis

    glock 19

    Try a grip force adapter. They are cheep and worth a try. With that said I carried a 1911 for many years. About 3 years ago I switched to a G19 as my EDC. It takes getting use to but is totally worth it. 1911's are all about '"feel" glocks are all about function nothing else.
  13. I shoot IDPA every month. You are more then welcome to check it out.
  14. Thanks man! Once I get the Agency Barrel that they owe me i'll try to sit down and sand bag it see what it can really do.


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