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  1. I have Dead Air Sandman S/K and like Cevans experience they have been great. I know Dead Air had some QC issues with some of their newer products, but I've had all of my DA cans for 5+ years now with no problems.
  2. Mid-Tenn's Pawn & Loan in Murfreesboro is $30 for 2 transfers, and then $10 for each additional. They have their FFL on the website so you don't have to go back and forth with the FFL and the dealer which saves time.
  3. RIP to a legend, no one had any idea he was sick. He had one of the all time peaks in NBA history before his injuries and was just such a chill guy all around. "Walton described doctors looking at his X-rays at the hospital after he arrived in Boston: "And then Red, he bursts in through the double doors ... and he's smoking his cigar in the hospital, and he walks in and says, 'Who are you guys and what are you doing with my player?' And they're saying, 'Red, come here. Look at this. Look at his feet. Look at his face. We can't pass this guy.' And Red says, 'Shut up. I'm in charge here.' And Red pushes his way through all the doctors, comes over. I'm lying on the table there in the doctors examining room. Red looks down at me. He says, 'Walton, can you play?' I looked up at him with the sad, soft eyes of a young man who just wanted one more chance. One more chance to be part of something special, to be part of the team, to be with the guys one more time. And I looked up at him, and I said, 'Red, I think I can. I think I can, Red.' And Red, through the smoke, with a big, cherubic grin on his face, looked at the doctors, looked at me, and he said, 'He's fine. He passes. Let's go. We've got a game.' And we were able to go out and win a championship. I'm the luckiest guy in the world. Thank you Red Auerbach. Thank you Larry Bird. Thank you Boston Celtics. Thank you people of New England. Thank you Celtic nation. Wow. What a dream come true."
  4. I've been running the Shield mags and release for years on my G43X. I'd always test each new mag to make sure it would run with no issues and never ran into one.
  5. I owned a Pro Series 627 (first revolver purchase) and it was a great gun. I ended up selling it and getting a PC M&P R8 and while it is cool I still wish I got the PC 627 instead all these years later. The triggers on PC guns are great and a lot of fun to shoot. I think you'll love it.
  6. I love to shoot my DA/SA P30L. With all the adjustability you can make the gun feel like it is part of your hand.
  7. Welcome to the area. If you just want to mess around and shoot pistols outdoors OK Corral is 20 minutes outside Murfreesboro in Woodbury. Strategic Edge in Chapel Hill is 40 minutes but private with a waiting list. Outpost Armory has an indoor range and is right next to Costco in town. Enjoy your new state!
  8. I've been a member at Strategic Edge for 5+ years now and really like it a lot. There is still a wait list so if you are new to the area the sooner you get on it the better.
  9. I ended up getting two lowers engraved at All Things Engraved in Franklin. They were very friendly/accommodating and did a really great job. I'd recommend them if you are in the area and would definitely use them again in the future. It was $45 per lower with a few business days turn around time, but I told them I wasn't in a rush so it might be even faster if you are.
  10. Has anyone used All Things Engraved in Franklin recently for a SBR lower? I've seen in the thread that some people have used them in the past but didn't post any pictures of their work. Does anyone else have any suggestions for the Middle TN area?
  11. I had to send in a newer P226 back in for service, CS was friendly/helpful and paid for shipping both ways.  Gun came back quickly and the issue was fixed.
  12. Wow, thanks for all of the replies.  There is some great information above and pretty much all of my questions were answered.   I'll have to check out Outpost Armory the next time in that part of town.  I'll check out the other options as well and shop around.     I grew up in the Worcester area (Central MA).  What part is your wife from?   The laws here are great and while it is nice to be able to buy any gun I want (without having to buy from the secondary market), have ammo shipped to my house, and can own standard capacity mags for newer guns the carry laws in MA are better if you live in a town/city that will give you a non-restricted LTC.  You can pretty much carry anyplace you want, and signage is non-binding (which itself is pretty rare) so worst case is the store can ask you to leave, but that is true if you have a gun or not.
  13. Hello,   My wife and I recently moved to Middle Tennessee from Massachusetts a couple of months ago.  She is glad to be living closer to her family and so far I'm enjoying the area and am glad we made the move.  I switched over to a TN Handgun Carry Permit and have some questions I was hoping to get some advice on.   What are the best gun stores in the Smyrna/Murfreesboro area, or give or take a  30 minutes drive?   Where should I have my transfers completed in the same area as above?  I used to pay $25 per transfer back home and was wondering what the going rate is.   I could also use some advice about ranges.  From what I've read online most charge by the hour which is an awesome system, but some recommendations from members would be great.  I'd rather check out recommended ranges than pick some at random and try my luck.  I don't mind driving 40-60 minutes if the range is worth it.   Thanks in advance for the help!   Jonathan


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