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About MidfieldMarauder

  • Birthday September 1

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    Murfreesboro, TN
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  1. Just here to pile on that suspenders are the answer to this. I recently embraced the truth myself, and I now carry much more comfortably than ever before. Also, no more hiking up my pants because I'm asking more than any belt could ever provide.
  2. FN 503 Pocket carry mostly, and recently been testing out an Urban Carry holster with it. So far I'm liking having the freed up pocket again.
  3. This is so personal preference that you're going to get a different answer from every single one of us. Obviously, the Glock and the Ruger will be what many people put forward, and they are popular for good reason. They're just not for everybody.    Every time a new gen of Glock comes out, I go in and give them a feel, hoping that one day one will feel right in my hands. No Glock I've ever touched or shot has ever felt good for me, so while I refuse to say anything bad about them because they're obviously great firearms, I can't recommend it.    I used to have a SR40c that I used as my EDC, but I eventually decided that, for me, I didn't want to carry a gun with a manual safety of any kind. Great guns, love Ruger. Have many Ruger revolvers. The SR line just didn't end up being what I liked for carry.    The revolver would be an awesome choice. I prefer .357 Mag for revolver carry, but modern .38 +P ammo is plenty powerful. The main thing that most people will cite as being "against" a revolver is capacity. Everyone who I know who carries a revolver usually has two speed loaders or speed strips, making for 18 shots total.   I have very recently become a fan of the P250, but my reasons are very specific. First, it's a Sig that a left handed shooter can actually completely operate! Most people I've talked to about it really hate DAO, and that's really their only gripe about the pistol (Several of these people also have nothing but good things to say about the P320.). These same people also dislike shooting revolvers and almost always prefer striker pistols over DA/SA hammer fire. That's a bit of a generalization, but it's what I've personally found in my interactions. The P250 feels like shooting a revolver, and that's why I like it. A pistol with a revolver's trigger. I will admit that the P250 has the largest profile of all of the guns you've listed as options, so that's a consideration, too.    Ultimately, every choice has its own ups and downs, and it will always come down to your feelings and your gut. All four guns have the same ability to save your life if and when the time comes.    One consideration you might want to weigh is that at least one extra magazine is a good idea for an edc gun, so you could factor in the cost of an extra mag into the prices and see where that lands you, too. 
  4. Hey guys, I'm interested in coming out to see this competition. Is this the kind of event that has spectators?
  5. My most often used EDC is a Ruger LCR chambered in .357 Mag. I don't carry it loaded with .357. Instead, I carry it loaded with Buffalo Bore 158gr 38 Special +P. Packs quite a punch without the snap of .357 Mag rounds.   I'm not in any way biased against 9mm either. I just like my revolvers best. 
  6.   Thank you for your comments and support. I am seeing the point you are making, and I will likely not be calling any place again to make such inquiry. I don't think I did anything necessarily wrong this time. It's just frustrating to do the right thing and get told it's the wrong thing. I want to learn what I can from this community, and I in no way intend to step off on a bad footing. I'll make sure my passion doesn't get the better of me again. 
  7. My apologies. I was, perhaps, a bit too sensitive in my reply. I do ask, though, that the condescension from more senior members be replaced with an atmosphere of constructive help and advice that might help a "newcomer" such as myself more easily share experiences. Thank you, Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  8. Well, the whole thing was a farce anyway since I did not end up going due to a last minute business related emergency.    That said, I guess I need to clear things up just a bit, so that the assumption isn't that I'm stupid here.    I did not call them and ask if I could carry a gun into the symphony hall. I called and inquired as to whether or not they have a weapons policy. For all they know, I could have been an anti-gunner making sure that they were providing a "safe" environment for me to attend the symphony. Or maybe they thought I was asking if I could carry a gun into the building. Either way, I don't care one little bit. What bothers me more is that I report my findings here on this forum, and all I am met with is the assumption that I did something stupid or wrong by asking a question.   I see fear and derision from people who are supposed to be supportive of the rights that I choose to exercise and defend.    I understand that the majority of you are trying to be helpful, but for the rest of you, please refrain from offering useless, fear-based advice and comments. They should have no place here.    And one last thing. If we are beaten into submission to the point that we can't even ask questions for fear of the reprisal, then what's the point of fighting the madness anyway?
  9. Ended up calling the information office. They have a no weapons policy, and I asked about where it is posted. The person on the phone didn't know, but I'll be keeping an eye out to see what's up when I'm there tonight.    With this information, this thread might be better placed if moved to the prohibited locations thread. 
  10. Hey everyone,    I'm going to see the Nashville Symphony tonight, and I can't find out any information on whether or not they have a ban posted at Schermerhorn. Anybody here know anything either way?        
  11. Hello everyone,    I'm Dave. I recently got my HCP, and I am looking to keep training and learning more about handguns and self defense in general.    I work from home as a writer and help my wife run her business when called upon. I first got interested in shooting a few years ago when I purchased my first handgun, a Springfield XDM-40. Sadly, I no longer have that fine pistol, but it has been replaced with a Beretta PX4 SC 9mm (which my wife likes so much I think it's really hers now), and a Ruger GP100 6" 357 Magnum.    I don't plan to stop there, as I am looking to re-acquire a .40 caliber pistol for my collection soon, and I actually spent some of today looking at several at The Outpost Armory. I have it narrowed down, I think, so now just have to be patient.   I usually go shooting at On Target here in Murfreesboro, but I've also been out to the Stones River Hunter Education Center on Hobson Pike a few times over the past couple of years.    I'm glad to be getting connected with others of a like mind.     


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