I missed this when it first came around. As a much younger man I was a drunk. I say drunk rather than alcoholic because I never got to the point where I "needed" a drink. However I was at the point where one, more often than not, led to one too many. I woke up many mornings with a pounding head and no memory of the night before. It was when my wife got pregnant with our first son that I finally woke up. I've been dry for 45 years now and don't miss it one bit.
However, I'm not anti-alcohol. I have nothing against those who drink in moderation and enjoy it. If I take a lady out to dinner and she has a cocktail or glass of wine, I'm fine with that. Likewise with friends who have a beer or two while watching the game. However, I will not abide a sloppy drunk. One of us is leaving.
Having said that, I've dealt with a few alcoholics in my time. You can have the best of intentions, but trying to talk to them is useless. In fact, it often makes them mad at you and kills friendships. But that's not to say you shouldn't try. But there comes a point where the best thing you can do is walk away. Relieve yourself of their misery and leave them alone with it. Truth is that only the alcoholic can help themselves. They must make the decision to quit and then make it stick. Sadly, most have to hit rock bottom before the light comes on. Even sadder, some don't survive. That's just the way of this demon.