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Grayfox54 last won the day on December 24 2024

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About Grayfox54

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    Bartlett, TN
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  • NRA

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  1. So get a lightweight Commander sized gun.
  2. Exactly. For far too long WLP and his cronies have used the NRA to their personal benefit. Now that WLP is finally gone, its time to take out the trash. I urge all NRA members to follow the recommendations of NRA 2.0 and vote. We have been silent for too long!
  3. I have one of these. Great pistols! Somebody needs to jump on this.
  4. There is a movement afoot to rebuild the NRA. Starting with ridding the board of WLP's cronies and the old guard that let things get so bad. They call it NRA 2.0. I fully support them and what they're trying to do. The web-site has a list of recommended people to vote for. My ballot is already filled out and mailed. And yes, I followed their suggestions. https://www.shootingnewsweekly.com/nra/nra-2-0-why-its-time-to-elect-a-new-nra/
  5. Try Smith & Wesson Forum. com. I'm sure somebody over there can help you out.
  6. It seems to be the growing trend. I've done it several times here. 4473 comes up on a laptop, you sit down and fill it out with the keyboard, sign electronically and its submitted with a push of a button. But I did have to fill it out myself. Not sure exactly what's going on in the video. Maybe the girl is entering all the DL info and just asking the buyer questions which she adds to the form.
  7. I thought there was a politician involved.
  8. Most all gun clubs are NRA affiliates which are recognized by CMP. I don't know if it works for the pistols, but rifles can be bought by simply joining the Garand Collectors Association on line. A simple call should find out. If you do, let us know.
  9. The U.S. hasn't purchased any new 1911s since the end of WW II. Almost all the guns in inventory have been rebuilt at least once and some several times. They aren't perfect, but they are serviceable. Each gun has been inspected and repaired as needed to meet military specs. These guns were in storage to be issued to U.S. troops if needed. This is the real thing. A U.S. military issue pistol.
  10. Why? Its pretty easy for anybody to get one.
  11. I got an e-mail from CMP this morning. They're selling 1911s again. A few changes in the rules. No more "Rounds" of sales. No more Random Generated Numbers. Its first come, first served until they're gone. Still a lifetime limit of two per customer, but you can order two at the same time if you want. Prices went up a little, but its still a bargain. Details at https://thecmp.org/
  12. You might try checking Seamstress/ Alterations on Craig's List. Surly somebody out there can help you.
  13. Depends on when it was made. The older rifles required an off set scope mount due to the fact that it ejects straight up. But it can be done with the right mount. Kinda awkward, but it works. Winchester changed this about 30 years ago (?) when they came out with the Angle Eject (AE) versions. The receiver is factory drilled and tapped and its just a matter of mounting the scope. Personally, I don't care for a scope on a lever gun. But that's just me. You might consider going to peep sights. There are also mounts available for a Scout type scope or Red Dots.


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