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Everything posted by mnoirot64

  1. Welcome from Clarksville!
  2. Welcome from Clarksville. Glad to have you here. When shopping for your 40, make sure to check out the SIG P229R. It's the best shooting 40 I've owned. Plus you can buy a 357 SIG drop in barrel. 40 is great, but the 357 SIG is one nasty little round. The P229 357 SIG is my EDC. Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life Member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Welcome from Clarksville! Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life Member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. [quote name="bersaguy" post="1150296" timestamp="1400533931"]Does this or anything else these leftist liberals idiots do surprise anyone any more? They have reached a point of desperation now that they feel they need to use banks to do their dirty work for them. They don't have the kahunas to do it themselves. Wait let me rephrase that. They are not smart enough to do it themselves so want someone that is smarter to do it for them. Nothing surprises me about these low life scumbags amazes me any more. Make sure all of you remember this when you make your trips into the polling booth come November and make sure you support anyone the NRA is backing. Would be a good place to begin looking to see what the NRA plans are. Make sure you read every email sent to you NRA members and make sure you tell all your friends and family to learn as much as they can about who the NRA is backing. That is where I will be throwing all of my support..............jmho [/quote] And I might say, if you're not a member of the NRA, join today. Sticking your proverbial head in the sand will not help. Get involved! Now, I will step down off my soap box. Have a great weekend, patriots! Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I'm guessing that is not going to do much for his business. While I never carry if I'm going to have an adult beverage, I can if I'm just going in for lunch and tea. I certainly would not give this guy a red cent of my money. Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. [quote name="MacGyver" post="1150842" timestamp="1400689187"]While I hate to post a link to a group like this, I'll agree that Alfonso Delcampo is not someone I want speaking for me as a gun owner: [url="http://aattp.org/meet-the-dangerous-ammosexuals-and-gun-fetishists-that-invaded-chipotle-with-their-blessing/"]http://aattp.org/meet-the-dangerous-ammosexuals-and-gun-fetishists-that-invaded-chipotle-with-their-blessing/[/url][/quote] I TOTALLY agree. They were flaunting their "mean, scary black assault rifles!" Their twenty minutes of fame could very easily set back open carry of pistols in the Lone Star state. OCT should disavow any association with these idiots. Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. [quote name="daddyo" post="1150540" timestamp="1400603112"]It remains to be seen as to whether or not they post their restaurants. Unless they do, I'll keep carrying concealed there.[/quote] Agreed. I do the same at Starbucks. I've yet to see one posted. Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. It was totally asinine for the guys to open carry ARs into Chipotle. I am not opposed to open carry. I can do it in TN. However, I only do it on the range. With the OC crowd trying to make a point this way, it is inevitable that more businesses will follow suit. Hopefully Chipotle will follow Starbucks' lead and not actually post signs. Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Now Chipotle says guns not allowed. I always liked Chipotle, but now, I will satisfy my burrito cravings elsewhere. Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I vote for Rendezvous. Get there early and make sure to get the pickle plate. Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life Member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. I am not a Glock fan. I'm sure they make a great gun, but I just don't like striker fired pistols. I am a DA/SA SIG P series junkie. They feel good in my hand and I shoot them accurately. Glock has a huge and loyal following and as long as there is demand, they will hold their value. They are worth as much as people are willing to shell out for them. When they quit selling at inflated prices, the resale values will drop accordingly. Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Welcome from Clarksville. Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Okay. I'll jump in on this one. 1) Henry 30-30 without the Weaver 4X scope (great for 75 yards and in - plus I have Hornady Zombie ammo!) 2) SIG P220R 45 ACP with Streamlight TLR-1 HL with my P229R EE 357 SIG as my back up 3) Benchmade 4 inch folder and my SOG Growl as back up on my neck lanyard Come on zombies! I'm ready to rock your world!! Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. [quote name="DaveTN" post="1148691" timestamp="1400065190"]She told both Fox News and the Tennessean she is not running.[/quote] How many times in the past five presidential election cycles have we heard that? Let's see if she starts showing up in Iowa and New Hampshire. She's got several months to decide. Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. [quote name="Eklipse113" post="1147823" timestamp="1399766226"]Keep it coming-- helpful so far. I did look around online at other holsters that are more square-ish, but they didn't make them for the nano. I'd have to get a custom one or something. After posting this thread up I gave it a try putting my IWB holster at the 2:30-3:00 position or so, and found I really like it just barely in front of the 3:00-- I can bend over completely without print. It has a tiny bit of the corner of the slide printing through when I'm standing up right but you have to be at exactly the right angle in front of me to see it. So, I think that's how I'm going to carry it from now on-- although the pocket is pretty convenient to slip in and out when going to a GFZ (the holster beretta sells is really easy to slip on and off too though)[/quote] I cannot add much which already hasn't been said. I am originally from Central Illinois. I moved to Missouri nearly 20 years ago and had a CCW there. While being gun friendly, MO is not nearly as friendly to 2O lovers as TN. I'm very happy I moved here two years ago. Welcome to TN! Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. [quote name="mhl6493" post="1145526" timestamp="1399136844"]I appreciate all the input on my previous question about the Ruger and M&P 22. I've pretty much decided that, money being as tight as it is, I can't justify the 22 right now. I first need to get my carry gun, then maybe down the line spring for the 22. Which leads to my next question. Since I kind of have a thing for revolvers, I'm leaning toward either the Ruger LCR or the Smith and Wesson Airweight, both in .38 rather than the .357 versions. +P will probably be the strongest thing I want to shoot out of something this light. It will most likely either be carried in my pocket or on my ankle -- for me, those seem to be the best options. I've held both at a lgs, and I like and dislike different aspects of each. I haven't been able to actually shoot either one, which I really want to do before I make my final decision. That being said, I'm looking for opinions on each from those who own one or the other. What has your experience been? Which do you think would work better for pocket and/or ankle carry? Overall, which would you recommend? Thanks again for putting up with all my newbie questions. I'm glad to have a forum of knowledgeable folks that I can rely on. [/quote] I'm a RSO here in central Tennessee. I had a gentleman who let me shoot his S&W Airweight 357 with full house 357 mag factory ammo. That little pistol kicked harder than my S&W 629 44 mag with a 2 5/8 inch barrel. I then shot it with 38 special +P factory ammo. It was tolerable, but not something I would shoot often. I shot a total of three or four rounds through it, thanking him and handing it back. Ouch! Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life Member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. I never wear earbuds. They totally eliminate my ability to interpret what's going on around me. Thank goodness he was meaning you no harm. Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life Member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Now that warm weather is upon us, I am altering my EDC pistol. On warm days, when shorts and a light shirt are called for, I'm carrying my SIG Sauer P938 in a Crossbreed Super Tuck. I have a spare 6 round magazine in a Crossbreed pouch, carried on my weak side. On cooler days, or when I have a bit heavier clothing on, I'm carrying my SIG P229R in 357 SIG. What is your EDC piece this Spring? Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. So, I just watched this video. Did the one woman AARP member actually say that the majority of NRA members want new restrictions on guns? I'm guessing she had just smoked a huge doobie! Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. [quote name="smokin45" post="1140137" timestamp="1397835099"]Left overs from the 60's !![/quote] Makes me think of the "flower power" movement of the late 60s and early 70s. Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Thanks friends! Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Life member National Rifle Association Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. [quote name="walton6467" post="1142277" timestamp="1398350467"]Welcome to TGO from a fellow Clarksvillian.[/quote] Thank you. Hopefully our paths will cross someday. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I carry whatever is on my hip, or in my pocket: 1911 SIG, P220, P229, P938, Ruger SP-101, etc... Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. [quote name="dcloudy777" post="1135201" timestamp="1396898701"]Spend a little more and get the SIG P938. It's my new "J-frame". Wearing it as a backup gun right now.[/quote] For deep concealment, I prefer the SIG P938. It's a nice single action pistol, albeit with a bit heavier trigger. My most common carry pistol is my SIG P229R in 40. Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. Greetings fellow Second Amendment friends/supporters. I'm new to this forum and look forward to reading posts here. I'm also a member of SIGTalk and The Firing Line forums, under the user name mnoirot64. Michael Noirot Clarksville, Tennessee Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


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