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E4 No More

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Everything posted by E4 No More

  1. The bug nerds are trying to reassure us that this is not a problem. These are the same nerds saying that honeybees are well on the decline, so we shouldn't be alarmed that these hornets can wipe-out an entire beehive like it's nothing.
  2. The link is actually posted above.
  3. More truth to this than I like to think about. @Capt.Dunsel I think that I'd get the survey and start digging corner post holes immediately. That way they can't move the pins and claim that they were never there. I think that I'd also let the Sheriff's Office know about what is going on by filing a report over the septic tank. Once you have a report number it's a matter of record regardless of whether the Sheriff actually does something about it. Remember: The first one reporting is assumed to be the victim. By having a report of previous incidents it supports your case of future incidents - which sounds like you are destined for.
  4. I said this before on this forum and got numerous people trying to deny it. I even pointed out an encounter that I had with some Hell's Angels and was told that I was wrong to judge them on their appearance.
  5. I saw this. I was also shocked to hear that they were considering charges against the parents as if they handed him the keys and told him to drive to LA.
  6. Some of the worst racists that I have ever met were from up north and California.
  7. We've dodged the bullet from numerous storms going through the area so we're about due. It's convinced us to go out and buy a portable generator to get us through any outages.
  8. I love the blonde guy's expression of utter disgust!
  9. I feel for them. I'm a big dude with really big hands, and there are many things that I can't do because of those hands. It's why I hate working on cars. I remember in 1983 opening the hood of a new Toyota and not being able to see the pavement anywhere. I knew that I was pretty much so out on working on any new car engine. I can keep to things like brakes, (as I did this very weekend replacing the brakes and rotors of my daughter's Ford Fusion), and exhaust. I put shorty headers on my 2008 Mustang GT which was difficult enough to get me to hire someone to put the long tube headers on my GT500.
  10. You are really trying to go out of your way to put words in my mouth, and I'm not sure that debating it on a forum is effective. You asked a question and I answered it. If you don't accept that answer that's your choice, but it doesn't make it true nor any inferences you try to draw accurate. To answer your last question, I certainly believe that we have a lot of waste in both local and federal government that should be cut-out before raising taxes.
  11. In what universe does that post advocate higher taxes? The cost for infrastructure and services go up. In other words, it is not static. I was simply answering your question. I never stated that the taxes that I currently pay are reasonable, nor would I ever say that because that's not reality as pointed out by stating some of the things that I see that chaps my ass.
  12. And which post would that be? EDIT: I think you should re-read that post.
  13. No argument there, but read my post before this one.
  14. The first paragraph I agree with. That's why I say I'm OK with 'reasonable" taxes. It chaps my ass to go into the VA or other government offices and see waste, inefficiency, or lazy people being promoted because they don't work on a merit system. It also chaps my ass when I see someone "pay-in" to the feds then get a tax return of not only that money but also receive thousands of dollars in "earned income" credit because they have kids. My answer to Greg's question is not a dodge, and you claiming that it's so doesn't make it so. We live in a unique society that elects our leaders who set the taxes. That means society determines our taxes by their collective action. Whether you like it or not, that is what we have to deal with. If you don't like it then the choices are pretty clear: change society or move to a society that you agree with. Good luck changing society because the human collective is pretty damned stupid or just lazy.
  15. If you think reasonable taxes are theft then why don't you move to a country that doesn't have taxes? Of course, those are mostly Arab countries or places where the tax is replaced with a large fee or "investments" to become a citizen.
  16. In America, that's up to society to decide. I pay more in taxes than a lot of people even make in a year. Is it too much? For what I get it certainly is. That's why I don't vote for stupid or dumb s. But I have no issues with paying taxes for things that make sense. I notice that the people saying taxes are theft don't say that when they are driving down a public street, or when the fire department is trying to save someone they love.
  17. Not even the liberals raise taxes that often so that's a straw man argument.
  18. E4 No More

    S&W M&P

    In my case it was like the trigger was binding on something so not really subjective. I should have sent it to S&W but it happened at the same time I was having the magazine release problem with the 9c so the experience gave me a poor impression of the M&P. The 9c did have a good trigger. The holster was a CrossBreed Supertuck holster. The only part that the release could touch was the large leather pad that protects your side and that the Kydex is riveted to. I used the same holster for my 1911 and my P320 without the same problem.
  19. Not really watching movies that much, but the wife and I stumbled upon the Netflix series called "The Ranch" and find it hilarious. You kind of got to get past the incessant F-bombs, but it can have you laughing one minute, annoyed the next, and sad in one show.
  20. E4 No More

    S&W M&P

    The 9mm compact that I bought had a good trigger. Unfortunately, the magazine release would release the magazine when the gun was simply in the holster. I'd pull out the gun and the magazine would drop right on the floor. S&W sent me a new one, but it did the exact same thing. Ended up trading it in to get rid of it.
  21. I'm on a cellular connection to the nearest cell tower about 4 miles away. I have two directional antennae on the roof of my house coming in to the router. The best speed that I've ever had was 40 Mbps down and 30 up. The worst is below dial-up speeds. I'm on my 4th service provider now (not the carrier). The first two service providers must have been doing something to piss-off the carriers because they would slow down to dial-up speeds for no apparent reason. Recently, T-Mobile cut my router off completely just as the virus caused the shutdowns. Verizon is the first time the service provider and the carrier is the same, and it's currently at >1Mbps on one of their Jetpacks. I have the new service provider installed but I'm not working on it yet because I'm waiting on them to send me the login information to set-up a new SSID and stronger password. My daughter who also works from home says it's working better.
  22. I resemble that remark!
  23. It was very much so poorly managed. They just had a big hubbub over their budget defying the law and not balancing. That's why the new mayor was elected. He's a liberal, but he believes in a balanced budget.
  24. When I lived in LaVergne both would fly directly over my house when they did the airshows at Smyrna. They'd circle over the lake and come over the house so low that I could hit them with a rock if I so desired. It's really the only thing that I miss about moving into the country. Well, that and a cable Internet connection.


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