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  1. Since the option has popped up, I chose non binary on question 14. If they want to add to the confusion, the Dude will abide.
  2. Have Bill call me.
  3. To be that clean I would say they have replaced that frame. Toyota dealerships are still replacing Tacoma, Tundra, and Sequoia frames years later - Alt Car news (tiremeetsroad.com)
  4. The thread is now over 600 pages so maybe start around page 500. There is lots of information and links and some great insight from attorneys. LIVE: Kyle Rittenhouse trial - Jury Deliberation DAY 4 - AR15.COM Free Kyle.
  5. EVs are going to be the CFLs of the light bulb world. Too many issues. Too few recharging stations for long mileage trips. The future will be hydrogen vehicles. Toyota just managed to get 845 miles from a single fueling of a car. Granted it was under a perfect set of circumstances, but, still way further than an EV could do. Toyota Mirai Sets Guinness World Record: 845 Miles On Hydrogen (insideevs.com)
  6. Please point me in the direction of one of his lies. As it stands now he is the best thing on the Fox platform and isn't afraid to say what is on his mind. He nailed it last night.
  7. He would probably be arrested for not having a handgun license. In N.Y. you can't even touch a handgun in a gun store without having a license. Which brings me to another point. FOPA would protect him from being arrested while in possession of a firearm during interstate travel if the firearm was legal at the start and end of his travel. He wouldn't even be legal at the start of his return trip. NJ would probably lock him up if they found it.
  8. Although I understand where you are coming from I’m of the belief that if you own land ( or anything else for that matter) you should be able to do whatever you wish with it.
  9. As a NYer who moved down here I’d say your problems aren’t from transplants like myself. It’s gonna be the youth. I look at the stuff going on in Johnson City, liberal attitudes, gay pride parades, etc. it’s almost as bad as CA there. For myself, I bought land in the hills, built some AR pistols that I couldn’t own in NY, unpinned my stocks and put A2 birdcages back on. Rocking the standard mags and putting in for a few suppressors. I love this place.
  10. I'll be up front here and admit that I do not regularly attend church. Having said that. One has to take into account the translation from language to language the Bible has gone through. In addition the time span of the writings. Words can take on different meanings over the years in a single language, much less the same word meaning different things in the same language but different countries at the same time. Fag is a perfect example of this. In England it's a cigarette, something entirely different here.
  11. I find comments such as this, “Let's face it, most people don't need an AR15 with a 30 round mag or a semiauto pistol with a 15 round magazine to defend themselves and their homes.” to be the biggest problem with keeping our 2A rights alive. In one fell swoop you managed to throw under the bus what our rights are all about. It isn’t what we need, it’s about what we should be able to own. Case in point, your 15 round mag comment. Have you ever needed to fire at someone under a stressful situation? Have you ever needed to fire at someone who was returning fire? If the situation ever arose, I’m certain you would want maximum capacity for the firearm. I for one don’t want some politician deciding for me what I might and might not need. As gunowners statements that include “most people don’t need” only serve to hurt us. It’s what Fuds say.
  12. To even touch a handgun in NY without having a license is against the law in NY. Having said that at the very least I would put in a locked box and stay quiet until the TN line.
  13. I wouldn't use Fram filters. But that's just me.


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