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Everything posted by btq96r

  1. I really think the gun community is blowing this one out of proportion.  Just refuse to answer or leave it blank on the forms.  If they press the issue, continue to refuse, and if all else fails, take your business for routine care elsewhere.   It's a legitimate question for insurance providers to ask, because they ultimately have to assess overall risk, but for doctors the only time they need to worry about it is if they are treating a gunshot wound, or one of those lovely accidents that come with assembly/disassembly of guns crunching flesh or ripping it.
  2. Everything seems to be gone in my AO.  Even the ice covering my back porch that rarely gets direct sunlight has melted away with the rain and warmer temps taking care of it.  I'm calling all clear for my section of Murfreesboro.
  3. You can keep Florida, I've never been impressed.  Between the absurdly high humidity, and all those toll roads, I wouldn't want to live there.    So we had a few days of winter here in Tennessee...no big deal.  It will feel like summer here in about a month and a half anyway. 
  4.   Then he should probably be in trouble for uploading a video of a trainee.  I wouldn't like to see myself or my son have the growing pains of basic training on the internet for all to see.
  5. Trainees get to use their cell phones during Basic now at the Drill Sergeants discretion. I can see it happening to record this and upload it. Plus think of how the average 18 year old would handle this. They don't take everything seriously as they should, and since the recruits come from the population at large...well, you get the idea.
  6. The Army was learning the benefit of letting soldiers zero without battle rattle on before I got out. Even in a unit as rigid as the 101st, we were running zero ranges where you were firing slick to get a better zero as early as 2007. It also might have been blank fire to get the Soldiers used to weapons handling, and range procedures. That's a data matrix code, so they can just scan it for inventory and to track who has possession of the weapon during all the transfers that happen when it has to go out for repairs. Plus all the records can be tied to that weapon and brought up when you scan it. It's DoD wide, and they do it for other property items as well, not just weapons.
  7. I would be pissed if there was an active range 300 yards from my house.  I like a quiet neighborhood.  A half dozen long guns on the firing line can crank out some noise riki tik.  I would imagine that amount, and more wouldn't be hard to get out on a weekend, even with only 100yds of lane to shoot down.   Also, the pistol bays pointed in towards the rifle range would require a lot of berm height & width for people to feel it's safe.  Those who have been to OK Coral in Woodbury know they do something similar, but have the pistol bays at least 20' below the elevation of the rifle range.  The topography out there is what made that possible, though. 
  8. Shower, sink, and toilet all seem just fine.  Sorry to hear about the troubles some of you are having.
  9. Geez, you guys are a bit harsh on the kid.  I guess nobody here had anything similar happen when they first picked up a gun.    It's called Basic Combat Training for a reason.  For all we know, this kid never touch a weapon in his life before the Army gave him one.  He's there to learn, and as DMark said, his Drill Sergeant is on top of it.  If he goes to a unit after Basic and AIT, and still has the same behavior, then there may well be a problem.  But until then, the Drill Sergeants have the lead in getting him up to speed.   Oh, and as far as all the "back in the day" syndrome goes of how much harder it was...yeah, it's fun to see how "soft" the Army has gotten, I suppose.  But the last 15 years have shown our troops are getting it done with the current training methods.
  10.   I also think the "cool factor" comes in when you have optics involved.  Red dots aren't a new thing anymore, and if you don't have one, it can seem like you aren't cool enough shooting next to the guy with an EoTech, or an Aimpoint micro.   Optics also let people think they are good to go right away, instead of focusing on the fundamentals.  I remember when my unit got enough Aimpoint's for everybody to have one, zeroing and qualifying became a chore, because people figured it would be easier with the cool toys and forgot the same fundamentals apply.  I would recommend all shooters learn the basics on iron sights, and when they are consistently hitting what they aim at, then they can add in an optic and go from there.
  11. http://www.medalsofamerica.com/content--name-Military_Ribbons_Mounted_for_Wear
  12. I'd rather shoot in the cold, at least I can layer up and keep warm by moving.  In the summer I just melt away and get burned.  Plus I bet there were a lot less people out there, and that always makes shooting more enjoyable.
  13.   Check out this list for a list of fatality numbers from Islamic terrorism since 1972.  Grand tally is 3,102 Americans killed in the last 43 years.  That includes the 2,996 from 9/11 with a whopping 16 people dead since the time of Nixon from other attacks.  9/11 was an outlier and the changes in security it brought about with carry on baggage and locking of cockpit doors make hijacking another commercial airliner a lot harder for terrorists to make happen.    Do you really think the risk terrorism represents justifies the paranoia, willingness to suspend to constitutional protections, amount of money thrown at the problem (think Dept. of Homeland Security), ect...I don't.
  14.   Please tell me someone will be prosecuted for that. 
  15.   If people are dependent on others for help, they're already dead.  This isn't France, it's Tennessee.  We have the ability to defend ourselves and I'm using it.   If it's my time to go because of a bomb, it's my time.  Statically I'm much more likely to be hit by a car, so I'm not sweating it.  But if there is a chance for me to influence an active shooter style terrorist attack, there's going to be brass from my gun on the ground as well as the other fellows.
  16.   How many people have died by a terrorist attack in America since 9/11?  Hell, include 9/11 if you need the numbers to make an argument.  Still doesn't justify the paranoia over it in my mind.  Terrorists have had 13 years, yet the most we've seen are fumbled attempts that aren't very inspired.   The "next strike" would be easy to do for anyone with half a brain and the motivation, but it hasn't come yet.  Two, maybe three attacks at the same time or in the same town would paralyze any metro area.  Look at how easily two asshat's with a homemade pipe bomb shut down the Boston and the surrounding communities.  Simultaneous shootings by guys yelling "Allah Akbur" at Opry Mills, Green Hills and Cool Springs would have Nashville on lock down riki tik.  So, why hasn't it happened?  Do those guys need more drill time at their "training camps" or what?
  17.   Good rule of thumb for most aspects of life, not just this.
  18. Another win for our cause brought about by the Second Amendment Foundation.  They are getting it done in courtrooms, that's for sure.
  19. People go to Little Caesar's to get cheap pizza to feed their kids.  They shouldn't expect to make much money charging similar prices other brands do, even for a gimmick pizza like this.
  20. The Muslims Are Coming!™   Why do I feel the need to do a line item audit on the Homeland Security budget every time I hear stories like this?
  21.   16" is all the rage on the civy side because that's as short as you can get without an NFA tax stamp.  The Army & Air Force M4 carbines actually have 14.5" barrels.  Not enough difference for most folks to go through the NFA process to be exactly like the kit our troops are carrying.   I agree with you that the Marines keeping a 20" rifle is a good call, but the Army really only trains out to 300 meters, so the M4 is good enough for that.  Anything past 500m is covered by crew served weapons and by what they call squad designated marksman, who carry a tricked out M14 with a new stock and some good optics on it.  Every infantryman I talked to who did that job loved their M14, and could put rounds on target at a good distance.  They were very useful in Afghanistan during long range engagements in all that open terrain.
  22.   Snow in Murfreesboro?  I'll believe it when I see it.  I've yet to see any snow beyond a skin thin layer on top of all the ice.
  23. Murfreesboro is clearing up decently.  The sunlight today helped the roads, and they're a lot better than yesterday.  I'll probably have to go to class tomorrow. 
  24. The guy is a double idiot.  He lives in NJ, so he should know any gun is more or less a no-go...then consenting to a search of his car was stupid as well.  I'm also curious as to why the gun was in his glove compartment, and not at home.  He's obviously not defending himself with it, was he on his way to a sale or something?    Not saying he deserves what he is getting, but situational awareness goes a long way.  I hope he gets 12 people that believe in jury nullification to decide his fate.
  25. This is a big issue.  I would expect to see a big fight from those who claim to support and fight for gun rights in Congress, in the lobbying sphere, and from the community.  Restricting ammo is just workaround to restricting guns.  It goes back to my principle of, if a police officer or Soldier have it available, so should the citizen.   A couple points on all this, some of which are echoes, but need to be restated...   1) Should we move this thread to a more visible area?  I only noticed it myself last night before bed.  Since I don't do my own reloading and shoot the same basic ammo, I don't have much use for this area.  Getting it into General Chat, or 2nd Amendment Issues would give it more visibility.   2)  Email your member of Congress.  Sending snail mail will take 6-8 weeks to hit their offices with the screenings for anthrax and whatever other testing they subject letters to at the capital, so it is less effective.  I plan to have my emails drafted and sent by the end of the day to both Senators and my Congressman.   3)  Also email whatever pro gun groups you are a member of.  Something like this is why they exist, in theory.  If they are like the NRA, let them know you are watching their actions on this, and expect them to leverage whatever political capital they have to draft and pass legislation to prevent BAFTE from doing this.  The ILA flexed their muscles when the expanded background check bill was coming up for a vote; I think the banning of ammo is far worse for gun owners.  For my part, I'm going to ask the 2nd Amendment Foundation if their legal team believes they could bring a lawsuit should this come to pass.


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