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btq96r last won the day on November 11 2024

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About btq96r

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  1. These men fought for a better tomorrow than they had. And their record of battle speaks for itself.
  2. Just seems a customer service thing. The form isn't terribly complicated, but I can see some folks who would hate the online version and appreciating some help.
  3. You're that asshole who kept shooting me down in War Thunder, aren't you?
  4. The best part of an expanded playoff is the gauntlet gets laid out. Very hard to say the four wins Ohio State needed to claim the championship didn't prove they deserved it. Just gotta keep reminding myself of this when I think about Ohio State being champions again.
  5. It's fairly common for something like this when a different party takes control, even if it's just a memo from the White House Chief of Staff instead of a formal Executive Order. Just a pause to let the new administration get their political appointees in place to guide priorities in policy and regulation enforcement for the various agencies. I'd like to think the Trump administration v2.0 will be good for gun rights, but I don't think it's a high priority. If we escape any bad ideas like the bump stock ban this time around, that would be nice.
  6. Everybody should have gun rights, but not everybody should have guns. The risk is supporting the first part enables stupidity like this.
  7. Never been. But it's on the list for a boring day.
  8. That looks like the start of a beautiful friendship.
  9. He had more success than people realize. The feelings about his term, coupled with the way Reagan's optimism told the tale of the terms after cloud things up a bit. Jimmy Carter helped bring Egypt and Israel to peace; pretty hard to overstate how important that was then and now. While Nixon may have went to China, Carter gave them formal diplomatic recognition. Domestically, he pushed deregulation in the oil, airline, and transportation industries. Yeah, a Democrat removing regulation. He also appointed Paul Volker as Chairman of the Fed, knowing full well the plans Volker had were likely to feel draconian, and his presidency would suffer just as badly. That and the "malaise" speech are a moral courage we just don't get anymore in our politicians. His life before and after the Presidency were pretty impactful too. I'm grateful for the service he gave throughout his life.
  10. 22 years ago, for my first vehicle, I wanted a Toyota Tacoma. I couldn't afford one, so I settled on a Ford Ranger. I still have that truck. But when I'm ready for a new one, the Tacoma is at the top of the short list. Hoping the quality holds until then, because I don't plan on buying for a bit to come if my Ranger holds out.
  11. Hope it's a great day for all celebrating!
  12. +1 for Private Internet Access. I've been using them for 10yrs without any issues.
  13. Ratings don't always equal money. Like I said, if you can't sell the advertising to high payers, then you're not generating money. The article didn't talk about how much that 25% pay cut came out to, did it? For someone has experienced as Tom Selleck, and Donnie Wahlberg, I can see being up there on a per episode basis, even after a 25% cut. And if I'm CBS, I'm not selling the show either. The residuals from having Blue Bloods in syndication and/or on streaming platforms is a way for them to keep revenue coming in without having to actually pay to produce more. 14 years is a crazy large catalog of episodes people will probably be willing to watch for a long time to come. At this point, CBS may have just wanted to make money on their 14 years of investment without putting any more into it due to diminishing returns.
  14. I'm guessing budget cuts came into play. Networks are burning cash, and the talent density on Blue Bloods couldn't be cheap. I'm also wondering if all the older, conservative tilt of the audience limited advertising revenue to offset the costs of the show. Great ratings only matter if you can tell companies the people they want to buy their products are watching.
  15. Hoping his family can come through their grief soonest as possible. Glad he didn't have prolonged suffering. Cherish the time you have with people, you never know how fleeting it can be.


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