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Everything posted by gsbell

  1. We shoot rain/shine/snow we will pause for active lightning if in the immediate area.
  2. Pretty straight forward fast stages this match, should be a hose fest. See you all there!
  3. You are most welcome, I like to mix it up a bit and throw things like that into a match every now and then.
  4. Thanks everyone for coming out today!
  5. Dont let the threat of rain keep you away, we will be there.
  6. Welcome!
  7. Stages posted: http://mctsclub.com/01072012_MCTS_IDPA.pdf Hope to see you all there, we have a a couple of stages with two to the body one to the head. Good to change it up with failure drills, seeing more and more reports of armored bad guys.
  8. NEXT MATCH: IDPA Match - January 7, 2012 Registration starts at 8:30 AM. New shooters meeting 8:45 AM. Start shooting 9:00 AM Stage descriptions will be posted shortly
  9. Like I said there will be no fire sale prices on my Glocks, LOL
  10. No ck1 madness here, I will be keeping all the firearms I own. Not going to trade from Glock to CZ and back 5 times, LOL The one he just picked up is a pimp daddy gun for sure.
  11. Glock 19 is a fine carry weapon and will carry you a long ways into competition until you turn into a total gamer and need a Glock 34. I shot with my Glock 23 for years. Gen 3 all the way, stay away from the 4 in my opinion. Two very lightly used gen3 G19's at East Side Gun Shop saw them tonight, was in there picking up my new CZ 75 Shadow. Tell Bill I sent you, hopefully he wont charge you extra. LOL
  12. Glad you had a good time and sorry that you had to struggle with that god awful Tula ammo in my lightly sprung Glock.
  13. Always an option, but we were able to get them geared up to give it a try.
  14. Glad to hear you had a good time, see you after the holidays.
  15. General comment for new shooters! Don't let the fact that someone is wearing a "sponsored" jersey put preconceived ideas in your head. I bet if you walk up to 99 of 100 shooters wearing a team jersey they would go out of their way to engage you in conversation, answer a question or help you in any way they could. Now if a shooter is "on deck" to shoot and he is standing there trying to visualize his run, sponsored or not it's not the best time to engage anyone in conversation. For the record, yes I wear a team jersey. Anyone wearing a team jersey that acts like an idiot isnt likely to be wearing that team's jersey for long.
  16. Please let me know what you are short on and lets see if we can arrange for some equipment for you to borrow. I'd hate for you to drive out and see how easy it is to get started and not be prepared to do so. email: matchdirector@mctsclub.com
  17. Aaron You are on the right path, the next available match in the middile TN area is this Sat @ Music City. Come on out and get started we run a pretty friendly club the only thing we take serious is safety. Setup starts about 7:00, new shooter safety brief about 8:30 and shooters meeting at 9:00. My contact info is is listed on the club website give me a call if you have any questions.
  18. Welcome
  19. Glad you enjoyed it, I thought we should give the format a try. We will try it again on 1st sat in June.
  20. All safe shooters are welcome at MCTS, bring whatever level of tacticool gear you have.
  21. Here is the COF that you missed: http://mctsclub.com/12032011_MCTS_Steel_Match.pdf
  22. Randy, Sorry to hear about your injury! Get yourself healed up we will still be here shooting matches when you are ready.
  23. Shotgun scores are posted as well http://mctsclub.com/Match%20Results/2011/12032011_Shotgun.pdf Thx John and Carla!
  24. It was a great day on the range, warm weather and a lot of new faces giving competition a try.


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