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Everything posted by gsbell

  1. Bresson is going to wear his short bus helmet
  2. My new to me, used 3 gun cart just arrived today as well. Now I can look like the cool guys on the range.
  3. I just saw a preview of the stages, looks good will have them up on the site soon.
  4. I'm sure Matt will have some fun stages for us.
  5. Welcome
  6. You just can't call back those misses, and they are killers in a limited vickers stage. I was not at all happy with my points today either.
  7. I wish you hadn't bought one, you really could have borrowed one until your order came in. I highly recommend either Ready Tactical from CPWSA or Comp-Tac for holsters and pouches Comp-Tac : Top-Quality Firearm Accessories Ready Tactical
  8. Everyone, The results have been uploaded to the MCTS website here: IDPA FEB 19,2011 Match All who have an IDPA number your classifications have been uploaded to the IDPA website. Those of you who are pending membership with IDPA please email me when you get your membership card and I will update your classification on the IDPA site. Thank you to everyone for coming out to shoot with us today, lots of new faces at the range we hope to see you again soon.
  9. Send me a PM to remind me but you are welcome to borrow one from me for the match.
  10. someone here on TGO posted about one with reloaded ammo using fed primers
  11. ir0nreign10, I think that was just a nudge to get you to use the new logo
  12. Yes it is ok to come to the classifier as a new shooter, they will need a strong side holster and mag pouch for the weak side. My very first match was a classifier it was ugly but I still had a good time.
  13. "young and vibrate" Umm no not gonna comment
  14. I didn't know what to think of the whole thing, I was in a state of shock. The only thing I could remember was the smell of some "fruity" lotion. What kind of guy uses lotion anyway?
  15. The offer is good, just get the info to me when you get your number and I will update the classification database.
  16. Welcome
  17. The postal match is a set of stages that get setup exactly the same for each club that hosts it. Then the scores are submitted to the match administrator. You can see how you compare against shooters all over the country without traveling to a major match. For this match you can shoot it for fun and get a local score but for your score to be submitted you will have to be an IDPA member. I plan on being there for this one I havent been to Gallatin since all the range work and want to check that out as well. Welcome to the 2010 IDPA Postal Match
  18. The only sanctioned major match on our schedule is in Nov for this you must be an IDPA member and classified. You may shoot all other matches with us without IDPA membership, you may also shoot the classifier for practice if you wish. I can hold your classification for a month or so if you decide to join, otherwise yes you would be NC until the next classifier.
  19. Welcome
  20. Excellent! Do bring them out they will have a good time. This match will be run with standard equipment, so a strong side holster is required. No concealment required on a classifer match either so you can wait a bit more on a vest if you want to.
  21. You do not need to be a member to shoot club matches at MCTS. You do need to be an IDPA member to shoot a sanctioned match or have a classifier recorded and submitted.
  22. I'm not HOGNUT but I will answer. We do not have practice days, the range is private property only open on match days. MCTS members can practice after a match as long as someone from the executive committee is still on the range.
  23. I came in on the last stage to give Michael and Rick a break.
  24. Thanks! Yes coal slag might be a bit much Econoline 526020G-40 40 Lbs Blast Media 40lb for $26 shipped


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