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Everything posted by Branket

  1. Oh I stay far away from the Turkey Creek WalMart. I went there once and after asking for a box of WWB 9mm the man asked for my ID, which I gave to him, he then told me I wasn't old enough to buy ammo. "Umm, I'm 21 how old do have to be to buy ammo from WalMart?" Then he asked for my ID again so I gave him both my DL and my HCP and let him know that I had to be 21 to even get an HCP. Then he types my DOB into the register and it says I'm ok. He looks at me again and says, "Is this for a handgun?" I was about to say "no its for a sub machine gun", but I said yes and he asked me for my ID again, which I gave to him. He typed my DOB into the register again and finally I was allowed to pay for my ammo and I got the heck out of dodge. I buy all my wally world ammo on Gallaher View now, I've never had any problems at that one.
  2. Being a former Michigander I remember one that blew off the Mackinac bridge under heavy winds Used to be a joke that Yugo was short for Yugo-over-the-bridge
  3. It is when someone shoots them self in the leg or butt because they got the the trigger caught on something or didn't take their finger off the trigger while holstering a Glock.
  4. Take it from someone who lived in Detroit, it doesn't matter who pays for it. Someone will burn the house down within a week anyway...
  5. Damn car is leaking oil, so it looks like I'm out. I'm too broke to get ammo for the AR as well...at this rate I don't think it will ever get shot.
  6. I had a 55g and it was a bit much for me so I downsized. Actually I still have the tank, someday I'll get around to selling it. Don't have any pics of the current tanks oddly enough, just some LR and two black oce clowns at the moment anyway. I've been away for a couple days the the cyano is really out of control now so I'm gonna scrub up and do a water change then I'll get some pics. I am on reefcentral, but I'm on NanoReef more often. Im also technically a member of the East Tennessee reef club but I haven't been to a meet since February...so I guess I'm not really member anymore lol.
  7. How big is your tank? I have a little 24g nano that I would like to get some corals into, but I want to get rid of this damn cyano first .
  8. Speer Gold Dot 124gr +P Runs flawlessly through my XD9
  9. Something isn't right here....
  10. They aren't too bad. They all have a search function and usually if you just search for concealed carry you can get close to what you need.
  11. A peaceable journey law allows you to carry a gun in your car if you are passing through the state, not stopping in it.
  12. OK, so my research is pretty much complete and it looks like I'll be able to continue packing all the way up I-75. However there is one thing I neglected to ask about on the phone and can't seem to locate on the web. Do you need to inform an officer at a traffic stop that you are armed in Kentucky? The answer is yes in Ohio and Michigan and I would more than likely do it anyway but I'd like to know anyway, and I'd rather not make another phone call just to ask this unless no one here knows the answer. On a positive note, while I'm in MI I can carry in Applebees
  13. Wow, what have I started. This thread is getting to pun-ny for me.
  14. Welcome, from another West-Knoxvillian.
  15. Man LEO's get all the breaks, why do I have to be an Aries...
  16. http://www.state.tn.us/safety/handgun/reciprocitycontacts.htm I seem to remember a map of the states where there were quite a few more states we could carry in than those 12. Maybe it was the difference between reciprocity and simply honoring the permit. Any current information on this would be helpful. I'm going up to Michigan for about a week soon and while I'm glad they are on the list I'm bummed that Ohio isn't because I can't just stay armed for the duration of my drive, I'll have to unload and case my gun in Kentucky I guess.
  17. Having missed out on the last 3 meets I am very excited to see everyone again, hopefully I can scrounge up some cash for ammo/mags for the AR and finally shoot the damn thing.
  18. This could have been even later than '57 I remember being in some of those scenarios when I was younger and no one caring the slightest.
  19. Oooo, I like this avatar. In honor of my new carry piece.
  20. Took too long to get to the conspiracy part so I gave up after 5 minutes.
  21. Cars, although mine is at a point where any more money into it would be a waste. Guns, where all the money that used to go into a car hoes now. Video games, although not competitively anymore so it truly is a hobby now. And guess what...I play the guitar. As for why I started playing, two words....Led Zeppelin.
  22. Branket

    MTAC 1911 Holster

    Looks real nice. I just got an email that mine has been built and was sent to shipping, so hopefully it will be here soon as well.
  23. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee ® 76.19% match At least he's republican...


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