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Everything posted by Branket

  1. Don't forget to ban exhaust pipe shrouds.
  2. I found that to be an interesting read, it's good to know the differences between the state and federal congresses. Here you go: <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouZTIqcvb30"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouZTIqcvb30" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  3. We started to have monthly meeting last month and you actually just missed this month's on Saturday. Check out this thread for more info and to give your .02 about the June meeting: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=644 . Oh and welcome to the forum, this is a great group of people.
  4. Branket

    Stupid Bass Pro

    I go into Gander Mountain a lot and they have trigger locks on everything but will take them off of the rifles if you ask and will take it off of any pistol that you ask to see at the same time they take it out of the display case. I prefer that method to coal creek armory's, when I went there for the first time I asked to see a pistol and slipped my finger into the trigger guard and they flipped out like we both hadn't chamber checked it 20 seconds ago.
  5. I think there needs to be a support group thread for people like us.
  6. I enjoyed seeing familiar faces and meeting new people as well. Ashley says she had a good time as well even if she had a frightening fixation on my bayonet for most of the time, she did actually shoot some. All in all it was a good time and I wish we could have stayed a little longer. I'm also glad that this is starting to look like an actual monthly meeting, it gives me something to look forward to that has nothing to do with school.
  7. I'm a gun n00b and I'm not really familiar with duracote. As for robar, Tungsten sent his xd out for the np3 finish and should be getting it back soon, I'd suggest checking that thread every once in a while.
  8. I can honestly say that you never touched my guns, although I did touch yours...
  9. All XD's made after April '06 have the melonite finish. So it looks like you have the brunial, which is why you had a lot of problems with it, you have to religiously maintain the brunial finish if you don't want anything to happen to it. Whereas the melonite finish is almost identical to glock's tennifer finish and can stand up to a lot more abuse.
  10. Whats the date on the test fire bullet? Do you know if it had the brunail finish or the melonite finish? (Yes I know its a metallic bonding process not a finish but its easier to say finish)
  11. This is normally were I should say something like "don't worry we're not all like tower," but he's giving me free ammo so I can't make that kind of comment.
  12. Oh, and congrats on getting your permit.
  13. GAAHHHH!!! I got fingerprinted before you did. I have to stop looking at posts in this forum.
  14. I know I've told some people but consider this my formal announcement of my intent to be there. Ashley may or may not come due to some work related something or other, but I'll come for sure.
  15. Bah! Stop reminding me, I try to put it out of my mind but every day I still rush to the mailbox and it's never there. Of course it hasn't even been 4 weeks yet, but the wait is tougher than I expected it to be.
  16. I'm fine with it the way it is.
  17. Branket


  18. Signed it, still alot of signing that needs to be done if this will ever be taken seriously. I'll be sure to tell others.
  19. Well since it's almost impossible to get the true story out of the media coverage or the school district's release, I can only hope that the suspensions were necessary and no one has been made a whipping boy to please the media and the masses. I'm just assuming the actual story falls right in between the two sides of the story and if that is the case then I think they have done the right thing.
  20. Ah, thank you Broadside, I never noticed the check box before. In fact i never actually scrolled past the submit message button, thanks again.
  21. I don't know if I'm the only one having this problem but when I send a PM my message doesn't appear in my sent items folder. The sent messages used to show up there but about 1-2 weeks ago they stopped showing up in the folder. It isn't a huge problem, I just like some conformation that my message was sent.
  22. My dad taught high school for 32 years and now teaches teacher education and when I told him about this he said almost the exact same things as you. I guess teachers can see things from the same angle.
  23. Thanks for posting that up Mars. I'm glad it seems to be more a case of sensationalized media coverage than a shear outbreak of stupidity on the faculty's behalf, of course I'm sure the school has it's own best interests in mind and the release may be bending the truth a little as well. If everything is really going as smoothly as the release would have us think there would be no reason for the line "The situation is being investigated..." If indeed there is really no problems within the school then the only bad part is most people who hear about this will only get the media coverage and not the actually happenings. As someone who has been in public school for the recent outbreak of school shootings over the last 10 years, I'll be interested to see how this turns out. I already know how it would have turned out in my old school district in MI, and lets just say it wouldn't be good for the teachers.
  24. Some of you probably heard about this already but I figured it was worthy of discussion. In my opinion even if it was somehow a useful drill (which I personally believe it was not) it was most definitely too soon after the VT shootings to not be seen in a negative light. I just read it myself and the only other comments that currently come to mind are: 1) What the hell were they thinking? and 2) Why did it have to happen in Tennessee? I'd like to hear some other thoughts about his one.
  25. Branket

    Vacation Time

    My fiance's dad used to build rental cabins in Gatlinburg, we're going to see her parents tomorrow for mothers day so I'll ask if he knows of any good deals.


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