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    Franklin, TN
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    Skilled labor


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  1. I have a little High Standard 22 pistol thats taken to not wanting to feed well. I live in the Franklin TN area, any advise on a good gunsmith close to me?
  2. I finally got this piece. And man, she's a sweet shooter
  3. I am, and have been looking for, a CZ75B SA in a 9mm. Everybody, keep your eyes and ears open if you hear of a gun shop that has one for sale.
  4. I won't own a Glock because it's the "trendy" thing to do. I like the CZ choices. Go against the flow.
  5. Like I said, I've felt bad about inviting someone over and letting them see my reloading stuff. They can surmise from there that there must also be firearms. Nothing bad ever came of it.
  6. Enjoy marching in lockstep............
  7. It's been a couple years back. And at that time, I wasn't always making good decisions (stay away from Ambien). But I found some local dude that was selling reloading supplies and he'd bring them straight to your door. I think it was Zero that he was selling. Anyways, I talked to the guy and let him bring me some. In hindsight I feel really stupid about that. I never meet anyone here at the house and let them see what I've got. Does anyone here know the dude I'm talking about?
  8. Yeah brother, ain't that the truth!?!?!?! Back to the OP........... just carry. Laws are just crap someone has written down in a book somewhere. Regardless of age, race, religion, sexual preference, or which phase of the moon we're currently in........ just carry. You're only going to be in trouble if you get the gun out and start waving it around. And you should only get the gun out and start waving it around if YOUR life (I'm hesitant to draw for anyone outside of myself) is in danger. And when it comes down to that, it's either judged by 12 or carried by 6.
  9. I can see getting a 650 at some point. But right now, this 550B is a great leap forward from what I'm used to.
  10. jparris001


    I couldn't compromise and go with the decocker model. I got go looking at how much different the SA is from any of the other 75B models. And I contacted CZ, the 75B SA is their most backordered model. So I got on the list.
  11. We all have our battles.
  12. I buy local when I can. I got a great deal on a used press off Gunbroker, so I broke my rule there. But I've bought everything at Reloaders Bench since I got the press home. Funny how this always works, but since my original post I've had two more 550B presses come my way at real good deals.
  13. The last Levis I owned were purchased for me. I've been buying Diamond Gusset Jeans for over a decade now and really like 'em. The carpenter jeans have deep pockets and it makes using a pocket holster much easier.
  14. jparris001


    The non-A1 nod goes to.............. a CZ 75B. I really wanted a SA but I'm going to be good with a de-cocker model. I know I didn't give y'all the option of straying from 1911s. But this is where it's led me.


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