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Lincoln Osiris

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Everything posted by Lincoln Osiris

  1. Someone else understands the secret to a happy life!
  2. Do you also find it odd that you took a statement out of context and are now trying to pretend that I just randomly swooped into a thread and posted that single comment.
  3. I've had my Glock 23 for about 18 years. Not even 1 hiccup the entire time I've had it. It still goes with me everywhere. I don't really have a firm position on the .40 vs 9mm debate, but I'm much more inclined to buy something with 9mm in mind rather than the .40. I have very limited experience with 10mm. I'm just not a big enough fan of any handgun caliber to make any argument interesting. On the other hand, ask me about something like 5.56 vs 6.8SPC and things will go south really, really quick.
  4. You didn't miss anything. Let me give you the cliff notes: Academy sucks! I bought some nice $200 pants. All asses are not created equal. End of story. Academy: Part Deux is in the works, but I can't promise anything.
  5. Tone what down? Perhaps you would like to reference the offending part of my comment.
  6. I'm carrying and married. Still buying $200 pants when I want, $200-$300 shoes if need them, boxes of ammo when I find the right deal, and whatever computers or hardware I need. I'm not sure what carrying or marriage would have to do with that. Apparently, I must have some ninja stealth skills with a handgun and an awesome wife. Yeah, I guess I do. I have what you might call Hockey Ass. I have a very hard time finding regular jeans that fit me well. They either tend to be much baggier than I like or I feel like I'm squeezing myself into jeans that were made for guys who have flat asses and are packing like Ken dolls. I prefer the fit, function and look of my $200 pants. Proudly ugly, unkempt and hideously unstylish just isn't a good way to go through life. I simple check of registration dates would tell you that I'm not as new as you seem to think. In fact, you're newer than me. I'm that guy that sits in the back of the class and analyzes everyone and everything.
  7. I've said before that cost is only one aspect of when and where I spend my money. I don't want to advertise for any company, but they are made in Oregon and they are really good quality, extremely versatile and tend to last longer than other stuff I've tried. Technically, they're not really jeans. I could find something fairly similar from some company that makes their stuff in China, but I'd rather be putting Americans(hopefully legal Americans) to work than I would having people in a sweatshop thousands of miles away make my stuff. I buy my socks from a company in TN. I buy my shoes from American companies. I did buy underwear and some other items from a company in TN, but unfortunately they went out of business. I'm still really irritated that I didn't buy more, because they did make a line that's been far superior to anything else I've tried. And the price wasn't that much higher than other brands not made in the USA.
  8. I just got some nice $200 jeans delivered today and I bought 2 dozen of DD's new 32-round magazines. I'll find a way to cope. Life will go on. Mankind will find a way. It always has.
  9. Ahhhh..... Thanks for being a moral compass, Socrates. I guess a nice little "The gun crowd are some of the whiniest hypocritical bitches in this country." is okey dokey when it's obviously targeting specific people in this thread, but it's out of bounds to insist that the person making that accusation is the personification of a hypocrite and has the rationale of an 11 year old. You might wanna brush up on your reading comprehension: "your rationale is showing signs of borderline retardation" See it? your rationale is... But we can pretend that I was "calling another member of this forum retarded" if it makes you feel better about being a hypocrite yourself. I sure didn't see any stern warnings about someone insisting I was a WaaWaa bitch. Why is that? Just because he has the wit of a dull butterknife doesn't mean I'm just supposed to sit back while he's free to call other members whiny hypocritical bitches. You wanna break the ice underneath me? Go for it. No use in threatening me. I don't deal with bullies very well, and I sure as hell ain't donating to people who allow people to make moronic statements with faulty logic and sweeping generalizations without giving people the ability to call them out on their BS.
  10. Then they and you shouldn't worry about that small percentage effecting them. I now won't spend my money at Academy. So what? Seems that your whiny bitching about other people bitching kinda negates your argument about whiny hypocrites. If capitalism is such a beautiful thing, and if we're each free to use it to our advantage, then why aren't you shutting up and allowing other people to dictate when and where their capital flows? Clearly you are telling folks when and where they HAVE to spend their money, not just where and when you will spend yours. But, ya know, I gotta say [and you might get offended, but it needs to be said], your rationale is showing signs of borderline retardation when it comes to understanding how politics has been shaped by corporations and large businesses that help to sway the political climate and dictate how "our rights get trampled and officials get elected with leftist agendas." It's not just confined to guns; it's the entire spectrum of fiscal and social issues of today that have been hijacked by Corporatism and people who have no real regard for community. You're free to spend your money how you see fit. I'm free to spend or NOT spend my money how I see fit. That's essentially what you said, right? So I find it really odd that the people who have said they won't be spending their money at Academy are saying it as a personal stance, while people like you are basically attacking and belittling those people and their decisions. Little nugget of advice: You might wanna not embody the persona of a flaming whiny hypocrite while calling other people whiny hypocrites. Kinda of makes me think that whatever lead filtration system(water, gun range, whatever) you're relying on just... ain't... working. Get it checked out, stat!
  11. Sooooo..... you're saying I should buy more guns and stock up on ammo? Okay, cool.
  12. DD definitely understands how Negative Brand Association works and the ease at which policies and laws can be enacted once that happens. Their entire product line was taken off display, hidden and locked away, and now anyone wanting to even look at one of their products has to be treated like they're asking to fondle the Jeffrey Dahmer knife collection. Walk into the store and ask for the "special" items and now it's, "Oh, you're that kind of guy. Hmmmm"
  13. Daniel Defense just sold me on an ISR Gen 2 when I get to the point of going through the hassle of getting one. Possibly even 2, one for me and one for the wife.
  14. In case some have trouble making out the words on the image: Overview: Given Sunday's tragic incident in Orlando and out of sensitivity for the victims, Academy Sports + Outdoors ("Academy") is taking several steps related to the advertising and display of modern sporting rifles (MSRs). We also wanted to take a moment to reinforce several company policies and provide you with with guidance for customer interactions and how to funnel media or policy conversations about modern sporting rifles. Updated MSR Advertising Display Guidelines Until further notice, Academy is removing all Modern Sporting Rifles (MSRs) from store display until further notice. Academy also is removing these firearms from all advertising that we can affect and from academy.com. Academy will still sell MSR firearms at stores per the below guidelines. This document supersedes all previous policies and procedures concerning MSRs. Note: MSRs include any firearm in class ??? and any other firearms that resembles the appearance of an MSR. There are several immediate actions we need for you to take at the store level: Remove all MSRs from your display and place them in your secure firearms storage Review your long gun and glass displays to ensure all MSRs displayed with accessories are also removed All current display must be carefully repackaged into their original box and stored with all other MSR stock At this time, you may leave your scope display stocks in place The "Display" label should be removed from any MSR box Please add a trigger lock to all MSRs Ensure trigger lock is removed when transferring a firearm to the customer Please remerchandise remaining displays to fill any holes created by removal of the MSR displays Please remove all products resembling MSRs, inclucing AirSoft/air guns from impact areas including the race tracks, side kicks, end caps, etc. and merchandise back in home locations Follow all other procedures relate to the sale of firearms If you have any questions about the above procedures, please contact your DM. Public Communications Policy With heightened national media attention on firearms and retailers that sell them, and due to our recent decision to suspend advertising and display of MSRs, there are many possible media scenarios that could unfold. For your reference, Academy's Public Communications Policy is located on The Spot. As a reminder, only our President & CEO and certian members of our Executive and Corporate Communications team are authorized to make public statements on behalf of Academy Sports
  15. I wouldn't be so sure about that. Target's market cap has declined 20% since April. Even though their Q1 was decent for the most part, the stock continues on its downward roll. We'll know if the Target boycott has had any effect when Q2 and especially Q3 results are released and they have to reassure shareholders that the negative results are simply more bumps in the road. But the CEO won't be able to blame huge dips in sales on the weather, like he did with Q1. This isn't happening with Walmart, Costco or any others—just Target.
  16. Yeah, that would be an extension of anti-gunner logic. Taken even further: A Muslim goes on a psychotic killing spree, declaring his loyalty to Islamic extremism. Do they scurry to hide the Muslims and make sure they are out of sight so as not to offend anyone now scared of Muslims? Nope. They immediately declare that this had nothing to do with Islam or Muslims, and any attempt to stigmatize an entire group because of the actions of one person is bigotry. Most Muslims are peaceful we are told. Then again, most AR-15 type firearms are never used to kill or injure another person.
  17. Don't most of us have to make a buck to continue to exist? That certainly doesn't keep us from allowing politics to persuade or dissuade us from taking certain actions in life. I don't say anything about Walgreens or Best Buy not selling or displaying firearms, because they never have. It was never part of their business model. Academy, on the other hand, has devoted a sizable portion of their business to firearms and related merchandise. The consumerism that drove them to sell and display those scary black rifles in the first place can and should work against them when they all of a sudden decide to change direction. Whether they wanted to or not, they made it entirely political when they allowed the political climate to dictate their policy. But if consumerism is supposed to validate or refute those decisions, like you said, then why the chiding toward the people attempting to refute the decision of Academy? You seem to think very highly of your own opinions and ability to validate or refute something, but hold little regard for anyone else attempting to do the same. That might be the biggest difference between my philosophy and yours. I'm willing to pay more for something if I see value in other aspects of supporting a business, besides just saving a buck. I go out of my way to buy many American made products, even though I have to do a little more work and spend more money to do so. Businesses often use their money and clout as leverage to push policies that help them, and I'm free to use my $$$$ as leverage as I see fit. I'm not a consumerist robot. I realize that business has been intertwined with government and politics. The little Mom & Pop stores have been brushed aside to make way for corporations that have no true concern for any type of "community," only a concern for a bottom line. Rarely do you see large businesses and corporations that are completely apolitical when push comes to shove. You see more and more businesses going out of their way to stick their noses into hot-button topics and social issues. Anti-gunners and other Leftists have no problem trying to push businesses to conform to whichever direction the politically correct winds are blowing. Why shouldn't I be pushing right back? Speaking of groceries, why do I spend a little more at Kroger than other places? Is it because of lower prices? Not really. Is it because more selections? Not really. Is it because it's the only place to buy groceries near me? Nope. It might have something to do with the fact that Kroger management told the Moms Demand Action yentas to take a long walk off a short pier. Kroger doesn't even sell guns or ammunition or anything like that. Yet mysteriously, I've allowed a decision on guns to affect how I support a business that only sells groceries. Why? Because currency has been weaponized and I have to be willing to use it if/when/where others are trying to use it against me. What you see as a "friendly" business that at least still has some overlap with the firearms community, I see as a corporation who's quick to buckle under pressure and cut off its nose to spite its face. There's currently no law prohibiting them from selling AR-15s or displaying them right in the middle of the store. There wasn't even enough time for them to gauge any kind of negative consumer reaction or decrease in sales. This is something that corporate HQ was clearly ready to do should they come under even the slightest scrutiny. I don't need friends like that. As a gun owner who loves my AR collection, I certainly don't want to rely on those types of entities or give them more support and leverage than they deserve. The idea that they pull scary black rifles from public display that quickly was actually a political statement that plays right into the hands of the gun grabbers. It was as much of a business decision as was Target's business decision to allow grown men to walk into a bathroom with your wife or daughter. Again, it's all become politics when you scratch the surface. But you're right, you are free to patronize them and support them according to your own philosophy. I'm free to do the same. But you're not free to call into question my reluctance and personal boycott without getting some kind of negative reaction.
  18. He can call himself the second coming of Genghis Kahn for all I care. The logic that he uses is straight out of the anti-gun Leftist playbook.
  19. That's some really worn out, rusty and twisted Leftist logic. It's almost like an intentional diversion from the reality we've all experienced and/or have seen with our own eyes. Should we all support New York or California style restrictions on guns and magazines as well? Hey, they're not actually trying to ban all guns and all magazines—just a select few. We need all the support we can get, right? 10 rounds in a magazine is better than none, and it's not like they'd do something crazy like go on to push for an 8 or 7-round magazine ban and prohibit something as benign as an adjustable stock; or even something really crazy like try to make you get a background check when you buy a box of ammunition. Just a tiny step backward from one little retailer, no big deal. Everyone is being irrational and blowing things out of proportion. You're the sagely voice of reason in a den full paranoid and hyperventilating reactionaries who just don't understand how the slippery slope of restrictions and bans work. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
  20. Nice knowing ya, Academy. For the record, most of my past purchases from Academy were not firearms related.
  21. I can only speak about lowers with the closed trigger guard, since those are the only lowers I've used from Anderson. I have 4 builds with Anderson upper/lower combos. A 5th one is still sitting in a box. The only issue I've had is with one lower that seemed to have slight tolerance differences in the magwell that the others didn't have. When I say slight, it just means Gen 2 PMAGs won't drop freely, nor will Barrett 6.8 mags(very snug fit). Gen 3 PMAGS and just about everything else I've tried works fine.   For the price, if that's the biggest complaint that I can find out of 5 receiver combos, then Anderson has more than fulfilled their commitment to giving me quality receivers at a really good price.   Honestly, I've tried to find a reason to not like them. Still can't find a reason.
  22.   I have several thousand dollars reserved just for that opportunity.


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