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Everything posted by Jeb48

  1. Congrats, we are escaping Western NY very soon.  We started looking in the Bristol/Kingsport area and found our perfect spot just South of Jonesborough.     Looks like a great gun club on the VA side of Bristol.
  2. We locked down a move date of June 22nd, last Wednesday, and they said June was filling up fast.
  3. Still in Western NY but will be moving to Jonesborough in June. As long as you obey all the Federal  laws and avoid the NYC area you should be fine.  Most of the state accepts the Federal law. But the other advice given about not drawing attention to yourself is not a bad idea.  You do want to pick a path that skips Maryland, they don't believe in the Federal law either, pretty much state wide.
  4. Welcome, we are getting ready to move just outside Jonesborough in June and will be doing the same search as you. Our new place will have handgun and .22 plinking off the back deck. Have to do some more walking of the property to see if I can setup a longer range.
  5. Had a guy in a Dodge roll coal going into St  Louis a few years back across multiple lanes of highway, I actually had to back off my speed because I couldn't see and he went by about 20mph faster than I was going so it wasn't like I was following. Not sure if he did it on my account because I was driving a Ford Powerstroke or just making a statement in general.
  6. I put one of these console vaults http://www.autosafes.net/ in my pickup. There is room for a gun on top of the safe under the console cover and you put it in the safe if you need to leave it in the car. Not an ideal location for access while in the car, I'm still thinking that out and may mount a holster on the side of the seat.
  7. When NY did away with the shell casing requirement a few years ago it was reported that no crime had been solved with the casings.  They kept cutting the budget of the department that was suppose to catalog the casing till they couldn't keep up and they were several barrels of cartridges behind in their work when closed down. 
  8. Welcome, you have joined a friendly group of people with a similar affliction.
  9. Oh and I forgot, in preparation for this they made it illegal to buy ammo mail order.
  10. Small tax is a lot better than the database NY is trying to push out that will require a background check for every box of ammo you buy and backdoor registry because there are rumors that you will have to tell them what gun you will shoot the ammo in. Guess they never heard of more than one gun of the same caliber. No word how much this will add to the cost of ammo.
  11.   Good idea, I can probably get more for  my 10 round Glock mags in NY than after the move.
  12. We are down from NY house hunting in the Tri-City area this week.  Today was the crap or get off the pot day, we put in an offer on a house south of Jonesborough and it was accepted. We have a pre approval letter from the bank and sign the final contracts tomorrow. Closing end of May.  Now PANIC is setting in. I have 45 years of crap to get rid of or move 735 miles.   Great house but I will be looking for builders to build an out building for me for some of my overflow collection and some modifications to the house.  Anyone on here in the general area that know any good builders/remodelers?     I will start a proper thread in General later but wanted to bring this thread upto date on the progress.   Jim...
  13. Found this link on place in Nashville that are posted or not.   http://crimepreventionresearchcenter.org/2015/03/with-the-nra-convention-coming-in-three-weeks-what-are-the-restaurants-in-nashville-where-permit-holders-are-welcome/
  14. The president of our local gun club tried one out. The rules of the game was only two shells loaded at a time and you team shoot. You can shoot as many rounds as you want but if you get out of sync with your partner you can quickly fall behind. Said it was a lot of fun and the guns were so hot when they were done you couldn't touch the barrels. I think he said they did a hundred clays.
  15. On the Armed American Radio podcast this week they were talking about the mixed bag of eating places on the main drag. Some have no gun signs some don't. They said if the 80,000 expected attendance boycotted any restaurant with a no gun sign it would send a message.  Not sure about the Bridgestone arena.
  16. I also got two lanyards in the mail. I assume the folded up flyer that says "The 144th NRA Annual Meetings Exhibits" is the badge.  It fits nicely in the front of the badge holder and they sent two.
  17. If you are only going to have one it is hard to go wrong with a G19. I love mine, I have put over a 1000 rounds through it in about 8 months. I like my revolvers and pocket guns to but if I just want to plink a lot of steel I grab the G19.
  18. Sounds like fun I may have to change my WiFi name. I actually have two networks, one private secured and one that is open for anyone close enough, to use. Public service. Of course I'm 500 feet off a back road so it is mainly for people visiting me.
  19. I'm a lever fan to. My Marlin 39a 1966 vintage with vintage scope is my favorite .22. I also have a .410 Marlin lever from around 1929, got it when I was around 12 to hunt with.  It got away from me for many years but with some help of a friend of my Dad's we tracked it down and I got it back a couple of years ago. Keep looking for my next lever.  Friend is into Henry and they do shoot nice.
  20. We are planning a move this summer also, from NY. Been on one house hunting trip already and plan another one next month.  Pretty sure NY has IL and MA both beat for socialism. Can't wait to move to a free state with less taxes and less winter.
  21. When you get 30 or so postings your suppose to be able to change your status as I understand it.
  22. I filled out the preregistration about 3 weeks ago but haven't gotten anything yet.  What have others seen for turnaround?
  23.   Where did you escape from? We are really looking forward to our next house hunting trip. Our friends are starting to believe we are serious. Figure just the taxes I will be saving will pay more than 6 months of mortgage payments, another month or so in saved heating bills. 
  24. Hoping to move to the Tri City area this year.
  25. Been an occasional visitor to the site for over a year, but it is looking more promising that we will actually move.  We spent a week or so in TN in the Spring of last year just looking around.  After lots of research TN is now at the top of our short list of where we would like to move.  We spent another week in the Tri City area in February, the week before you guys got hit with all the snow. Had a realtor  this time who drove us all over looking at houses for 4 days and we did some additional looking on our own a couple of more days.  Even checked out a gun store we were driving by.  Was interesting when I told the fellow behind the counter I was checking out gun shops if we relocated.  He asked where I lived and I told him NY and he said "Welcome to America".   Anyway I think we are sold on Eastern TN now we just have to find the right house. The realtor adjust his search criteria a little when I told him a big plus would be room for a small range. We are planning another trip down in April/May.   Hopefully you will welcome (or at least tolerate) a conservative that wants out of the Socialist Republic of NY. We hope to be moved before another Winter comes.  I know you have had a rough Winter but it would be a welcome change compared to Winter 2 miles South of Lake Ontario.   Jim...


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