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Everything posted by Jeb48

  1. I have a long drive also and have a Mighty Mule wireless proximity alert alarm on it. It takes a fairly large chunk of metal passing the sensor buried beside the drive to trigger the alarm. I had it about 40 feet in from the end of the drive and it was triggered a couple of times in the middle of the night but the car never came all the way up the drive. I assumed it was kids looking for a place to make out or some one that was lost and thought my drive was a continuation of the dead end road we live on. Because of the middle of the night alarms from people only going a little way up and I was pushing the range through the woods so missed some alarms (drive has a 90 degree bend so even though it is about 800 feet long the end of the drive is only about 400 feet away through the woods) I moved the alarm to only about 200 feet from the house. It works great for cars and trucks, even very small cars, but it will not alert for walk in traffic. 
  2. I have used Freedom Munitions free 1st timer deal but haven't shot any yet, just was delivered Thursday. A friend uses it all the time and turned me on to it. I also buy from http://www.targetsportsusa.com free shipping on case lots.   As another refugee from Western NY (East of Rochester, Williamson) welcome to East TN. We sold our house in August and then had all kinds of problems with the buyer getting a mortgage, we really didn't want to own it through the Winter. Finally got everything to work and the check went in the bank a couple of weeks ago. One more tax filing and I am completely free of that place. As someone else mentioned it is hard to believe I put up with that place as long as I did. Already have 2 of the guns on my list that I couldn't own in NY and a bunch of standard capacity magazines (and one big mag :-). Nothing keeping me from the rest on my list accept I'm pacing myself (and cash flow, all out). We have been here since mid June and it has felt like home from day one.
  3. I went, didn't buy anything but always fun to look.  It is billed as a Knife and Gun show and there were a few to many knife vendors.  Then you get the people selling socks and military surplus clothes. A few empty tables where vendors didn't show up. Lots of over priced .22 ammo.  I brought a few antique boxes of .22 that I had in a clear bag hoping to find someone that would trade some modern ammo for it. Had no idea what it was worth. The only offer was less than the ammo was worth just to shoot.   There was also a show another 20 minutes or so North in VA but decided not to do both.   Will probably go again when the next one rolls around. 
  4. Always nice to see another member from East TN.  Seems like mid has more active members.   It is a great forum   Welcome
  5. Check out the local gun clubs.  In our area seems like every gun club and a lot of gun shops have classes at least once a month. I took it at a local club for $50 a few weeks ago. Seems to vary from around $35-$100 in East TN.
  6. I tried 200 rounds of Tula 9mm and will not buy it again at even $5 a box. Very dirty and I had 5 jams out of the 200 in my G19 and it has feed a dozen different brands and is up to about 1500 rounds without any other jam.
  7. Jeb48

    New Glock 43

    Same here, my 19 always shoots to the left unless I go to the first joint.
  8. My experience is almost identical to yours BigAl. Class 9/19, DMV 9/21, finger printing at 1pm on 9/23, checked status at around 9pm on the same day 9/23 just to be sure everything was ok and it said approve allow 10 days.
  9. Better think a lot higher unless you have a very small house.  My Mother InLaw moved a 2 bedroom apartment 2 years ago 4 blocks and it cost her almost a $1000 and had no extras like a gun safe.  My move was 700 miles so that adds a lot. We did all the packing they did all the loading and unloading. 1400 sqft house was over $8000. That included a small gun safe. Not sure what triggers an extra cost but since the empty safe could be moved on their dolly it was just another piece of furniture. I move all the guns and ammo.   Two kinds of movers those that charge by the hour and those that charge by the pound. My MIL did by hour I did by pound (I didn't have a choice because of the distance).   Another not cheap but workable system is the pods, they drop off a pod or two you fill them and then call them, they move to the new location and you unload at your leisure.
  10. I have been looking for a place to shoot sport clays too, only one I have found so far is also a drive for you Kettlefoot in Bristol VA. I plan to check them out later this fall but they an hour away from me.
  11.   Only one I see listed is in the Nashville area, bit far to go for pizza, from East TN. Will keep it in mind for our next trip that way though. After I re-read my note, I wanted to clarify, didn't mean I haven't found good pizza just not reasonably close and good. But still checking them out. My wife limits how often I eat pizza out since she makes the great pizza most every Saturday night. Also now BBQ joints are crowding out my eating out choices, so many to choose from and so many really good ones.
  12. Like rmiddle we switched plates and license soon after we moved from Western NY in June. Wanted to get settled into a free life as soon as possible. The last plates I switched over were for my antique cars because one of those was shipped in after we moved and I wanted to do them all at once. It took less paperwork and time to register them in TN and apply for TN title than it did to turn in the plates after NY-DMV threatened me because they thought I droped insurance on them (company canceled and reissued the policy since we moved to a different state).   Miss some good friends back in NY and still looking for a new pizza joint that I like, but that is about all I miss from NY. I'm sure as Winter approaches there will be a lot less to miss. Unfortunately since our NY house hasn't sold yet we will still be paying the tax bill up there at least one more time. Yes the taxes seem to vary depending on where in the state and if you are in the country or town.   One thing to read up on to see if it affects you is the Hall tax. It is a tax on capital gains and dividends depending on where your money is stashed. There are exemptions and retirement and simple interest don't count. Just don't be surprised it can be lived with and minimized.   You will love life in TN.
  13. Currently using Winchester PDX1 95g, bought a box of Hornady FTX Critical Defense 90g to try.
  14. Happy owner of an LCR .22 for practice and LCR 9mm. The moon clips are expensive for what they are but they are nice minimalist fast loaders.
  15. Glad I got more encouragement  :surrender:
  16. I highly recommend "CCW Concealed Carry 50 State Guide" it is available for the iPhone and maybe Android. They are constantly updating it, the data can be updated from the app so you don't have to download a new version all the time. As I recall it cost a couple of bucks but has a wealth of information when you're traveling. It keeps track of multiple carry permits and resident and non resident. You can drill down and read the actual law. Don't leave the state without it.
  17. We had been thinking of cutting the cable, but the biggest part of the bill was the internet, since we had a sub basic TV package that was only about $15/month, that was in NY. We moved to TN and the house we fell in love with is out to far for cable, so it was cut for us. Luckily CenturyLink has 6mb DSL on the road and dropping from 20mb we were not sure but it has been plenty for streaming Netflix and Hulu and no cap. I had set Netflix to their lowest quality before we left NY to test knowing our internet would be  limited and the quality was fine so we have left it there. For TV I bought this Channel Master antenna put it on an 8 foot pole and screwed it to a tree stump in the back yard next to where the previous owner had Dish TV cabled in and used one of the lines they put in. Works great and we get more channels than we use to in NY. I did add a mast amp and a distribution amp to keep all the signal I could. I use a Apple Mini Mac with EyeTV to record as much as I want. I have only two tuners set up right now, I have 6 tuners total and will hook up a few more when the fall season starts. There is a piece of software that does a fair job marking commercials and I can adjust and remove commercials with about 2 minutes work per hour of show so I store shows to watch commercial free.   CenturyLink is $35/month for the first year then it will go up, we will decide what to do next then.
  18. I am considering Kettlefoot because of their Sport Clay course. I am not good at Sport Clays but enjoy the randomness of the clays and would like to get better. I figure Kettlefoot is at least an hour away so it would be a once in awhile trip. Might consider Cherokee but Unaka would be close enough to go more often if it has enough other things and it is cheap for old farts.
  19. TAC 2 looks interesting but it is a bit further and not sure they have the kind of shooting I normally do. I will stop in when I'm down that way and check it out.
  20. I moved from 20 miles East of Rochester in early June. East TN is great. We bought a place a little South of Jonesborough. Still getting settled so haven't had the time to do a lot of shooting yet but have converted one of my 10-22s to a thumbhole stock, officially a NY assault rifle now and bought a couple of standard magazines for my Glock. I have setup some steel behind the house so I can shoot off my deck, that needs some more work and more steel but it will come with time. Was just back in NY last week to move the last of my shop out of the state.   Have you narrowed down your area of interest yet?  I have a great realtor that works out of Kingsport that spent many days with us till we found the right house. He said I could recommend him to any of my conservative Yankee friends.   Jim...
  21. Looking for a member of Unaka Rod & Gun Club in Johnson City that would be willing to give me a tour of the club. I plan to join but wanted to see the place first.    I'm new to the area and live South of Jonesborough.   Jim...
  22. Here is my 10/22 Jeb...
  23. Welcome, I'm just south of you a little in Jonesborough. Been thinking of joining the Unaka Gun club.
  24. I plan to check out Unicol soon myself.  Was spoiled at our old place I had two gun clubs within 4 miles but just couldn't buy what I wanted to buy or afford the taxes and got tired of digging snow.
  25. I picked up a application from a shop in Greenville yesterday that does 2 a month. I will shop around a little before I sign up. They get $72 for the course. White Sand's Gun and Ammo. There was a pile of flyers at the shop that did an oil change for me.


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