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Everything posted by Jeb48

  1. Deer hunters?????
  2. Smith and Wesson Revolver (called Revolving Firearm) invented by Daniel B. Wesson. The patent was issued by the United States Patent Office on November 29, 1898
  3. Sergeant Preston of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and his lead sled dog, King
  4. Percussion Sharps New Model 1863 straight-breech carbine
  5. John Dillinger in 1934
  6. Not sure what is going on here but I think it needs a caption.
  7. Jeb48

    Plane ID

    I grew up in NW Ohio an I seem to remember back in the mid to late 60s a loaded C130 mading a bad landing at the Toledo airport, with one set of wheel hitting first it cracked the foot thick main runway putting it out of commision for a long time while they did repairs.
  8. Yellowstone Kelly (1959) - Clint Walker & John Russell
  9. Saigon 1965
  10. I took some good advice when I was in my mid 20's and started putting money away for retirement and increased the amount with each raise. My plan was to be ready to retire at 55 if I wasn't enjoying work and I was ready at that point. I told my boss if he wanted me to continue to work to keep me happy and he did. At 57 1/2 the company was looking for volunteers to reduce the size of the company and put out an offer of a years severance and bridge medical to 65 and I jumped on it. I decided that since they were paying me well that I would not consider retiring till I knew I could make it without going back to work part time for smaller wages and I haven't. I did do eBay to sell a bunch of junk I had accumulated for a few years, was something to fill some time but was never enough money to say so, a few thousand in the best years. When the sales were less than minimal wages for the time I was putting in I stopped. Still have a bunch of crap I should sell. I have not regretted my decision one day. I already had several hobbies that kept me as busy as I wanted and was involved with Habitat for Humanity till I moved to TN, was on the local board for 25 years. Was also on the board of the local gun club till the move. Also involved in a couple of car clubs and still am. I would only recommend early retirement if you really hate your job or you have the money and activities to keep you busy. I would rather work an extra couple of years that take a lower paying job to make ends meet. Just as a PS, I'm finishing up my 14th year retired in December and loving life, even more since moving to TN.
  11. Sorry for your loss. If you don't have any luck this fall with grass, spread more seed in late winter so it can start to sprout on the warm days and get a head start on spring. The type of grass is also important, I like a mix of annual rye and perennial rye for the quick cover. I also mix in some clover seed, it gives off nitrogen, a natural fertilizer, the grass will start to crowd it out as it does it's thing and it comes back when the grass slows down. If you want fancier grass in the mix add some red fescue. I never buy the premix seed, usually to much filler, I go to the farmers coop and buy the seed I want, cheaper and what I want.
  12. Steve McQueen as Carter "Doc" McCoy in The Getaway (1972)
  13. Make my day
  14. Werewolf was my first thought
  15. How about these dandies
  16. For those running around on the windows we have found a plastic pop bottle with a little water and a few drops of Dawn dish soap works wonders. Just bring the mouth of the jar under the stink bug and they practically jump in. Then just put the top back on and put it on the window sill till needed again. The first year in TN we had dozen we caught every night during the winter. The next year I started spraying around all the windows and eaves with Bifen I/T, active ingredient Bifenthrin, in late summer before they started moving inside. Since then we still have a few a week but it is much better. Not sure if the spray helped or they are just on a cycle. We still have lots outside, just not many get in. We also caulked as many cracks and seams that we could find.
  17. I love my Marlin 1894 .357, mine was made in 1981. Not sure about the new ones. Bought mine here on TGO.
  18. What are these weapons?
  19. Going through a similar situation in another state and talked to a lawyer I was using to settle my Mother's estate a few days ago and he informed me he was already the buyers lawyer so he could not do the paperwork but would recommend a good lawyer. I think in TN all you need is the title company.
  20. Gatling's Marvelous Gun


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