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Everything posted by Jeb48

  1. Glock 26, GLock 19 and just to fill out the sizes KelTec Sub 2000 that takes Glock mags
  2. Reach for the sky
  3. More Fire Power
  4. First refund I have had in years. First time doing electronic filing since I never saw a reason to rush a check to them. I filed last Thursday afternoon and the money showed up in my checking account yesterday. Hard to believe, would have been happy with 3 or 4 weeks. I have already adjust my withholding so I should be even or owe some next year.
  5. Here you go. The longer one I made for use on the barrel also but I usually use a bore snake.
  6. Jeb48


    I auctioned my coin collection before I moved, majority sold at silver value but a few good things, I got around $600 for that. Tried to auction the stamp collection, which had lots of new plate blocks and such, the auction house said use the stamps. Nothing rare and they would not even get face value our of the unused stamps. I gave them to a stamp collector friend didn't want to put 8 to 10 stamps on each envelope. Both collections were started when I was a kid and not much done with them for 50 years or more.
  7. Ride-em Cowgirl
  8. Like several others I'm hooked on bore snakes for quick cleaning. I think I have all calibers covered that I own. I made my own tool for cleaning the revolver cylinders. I bought the cotton screw on cleaning tips in all the revolver calibers I have and attached them to nylon wire clamps so I have a loop to stick my finger through when I use them. Makes for quick cleaning. Of course a bunch of 6" q-tips for getting in hard to get spots.
  9. Jeb48


    Use to have many collections but many have went away and others have been dormant for many years. Still into old cars including the truck in my profile photo. Still add an old sign to my collection of car/farm/park signs when I fine one at a reasonable price that I like.
  10. Tailgate prevention accessory.
  11. I have a small closable cabinet above my bench for most of my cleaning supplies and gun smithing tools. An open shelf under the cabinet has all my solvents, extra ear plugs and such. I put a rack on the wall to hang cleaning rods and some other stuff. With all that the bench still fills up with things that I have to move. When I setup my new shop I decided to have a dedicate gun bench and it usually stays dedicated. I have the bench covered with low nap carpet and extra lighting above it.
  12. Good hunt
  13. The ones in the safe are loaded but not chambered. I figure in a locked safe that is safe enough and allows me change from defensive ammo to range ammo with out having to eject a round.
  14. Great scene, been years since I saw that movie. Those Tommy guns sure hold a lot of ammo.
  15. I also keep most all my guns loaded in the safe accept some shotguns that only get used for clay shooting. Even most of the .22s are loaded. Actually other than some wall hangers the ones not in the safe are loaded also. My kids 44 and I don't hide my guns when he visits, he has as many as I do.
  16. I like the rear wheels on this gun truck, inner duals for gong down the road and if they start to sink in an outer solid cleated wheel for traction and flotation.
  17. Wish the rain would stop. Red Army unit trying to setup a field telephone line in Stalingrad.1942
  18. I added one of the HYSKORE 6 Gun Modular Pistol Rack, talked about earlier, to the top of my one safes this week just to add some order and it helped, wish it was stiffer. I keep a few hundred rounds of ammo for each caliber that is stored in each safe as well as loaded magazines. The rest of the ammo is stored in large ammo cans and other assorted containers. Before we moved I had an old upright freezer, that we didn't use, that I used for ammo storage and that worked well, but I couldn't justify moving it just to store ammo.
  19. Welcome to TGO from just South of you. I took my carry class at Unaka.
  20. Grete Natzler slight better looking shooter/actress
  21. Calamity Jane, she really was a looker.
  22. Picture predates Hitlers rise. So maybe Hitler looked like a Keystone cop?
  23. Slightly updated version of Saturdays guy with spare ammo
  24. Keystone Raid


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