Anyone know what happened to Second Amendment Gun Shop in Springfield, TN? This place looks shut down, and has been that way for a few weeks. I've been wondering what happened to them and thought it would be posted on here, but so far I haven't seen anything.
Last time I drove by, there was some sort of stickers near the front door, the door was wide open, and it looked like it has been ransacked. There was also a jobsite dumpster out front that would make you assume either #1. It's going to be tore down or #2. It's going to be remodeled. However, nothing has changed since this showed up there.
It was my favorite gun shop b/c the owner rocked, and you could shoot all day for $5 whereas if I go somewhere like G&L or Ashberrys, I have to pay $20 and worst case at the latter, I have to buy THEIR bullets.
Thanks for any info. Not trying to start ****, Just wondering.