More accurate than AKs, the SKS lacks the EEEEVIL "assault rifle" pistol grip associated with the panty-wetting anti reaction.
The SKS is my truck gun of choice. I had some that were put into folding stocks and I tried optics on the receiver cover and most of the gadgets out there.
I tried the 20 and 30 round mags, never got any to feed reliably in any of mine.
The stock 10 round mags are just peachy with stripper clips.
I never had any stolen and thrown into a lake, but I did lose mine in a tragic boat fire.
I recommend you:
1) Go here great bunch of people there.
2) Obviously its yours to do anything to it that you want, but please don't " bubba" a pristine virgin. If you feel the urge to " tacticool" it, recommend you pick up a beater specifically for that purpose. They're still cheap enoiugh to do that.