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Whisper last won the day on March 28 2021

Whisper had the most liked content!


About Whisper

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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. Great googly moogly. What a lovely gun. Wish I had that much cash available.
  2. Thanks for sharing this. The Taylor 700AWE isn't stainless; it's heat-treated white steel. That's a good price, but I'm looking for a stainless version. It will be a great gun for some lucky buyer. Cheers, Whisper
  3. Outstanding. I'm interested. Apparently Taylor's has two engraved stainless 1873s; one with better quality engraving. Can you tell me the catalog number of this one or post a photo of the end of the box? Thanks, Whisper
  4. Beautiful. Doesn't really look like nickel plating. Is it stainless? Thanks, Whisper
  5. Clicking the photo link returns an "Unavailable" message.
  6. The really good news here is that it looks like the dam has broken and the universally despised lock is going to be washed away in the flood. God is good. Cheers, Whisper
  7. MSRP is $969 for the Model 10. No telling what the actual price will be in your gun shop.
  8. I concur. It brings a tear to my eye every time I see this gun still advertised. I tried to trade for it, but I didn't have anything the owner wanted, and I just don't have the cash it would take to buy it outright. Someone here should buy this to help out both the owner and other single action lovers like me who are tormented to see this lovely gun available. You could consider it a public service.... Cheers, Whisper
  9. Whisper


    The tumor being gone seems like progress. Prayers sent.
  10. Agreed. And more accurate than can be easily explained.
  11. FOUND ONE -- THANKS FOR LOOKING. With the announcement of the new HK VP9 A1, I'm hoping that I can find a deal on a VP9 Optics Ready before they're replaced with the new version. Nothing against the new version; I'm just trying to save some money by getting the earlier version, which I find completely satisfactory. If you have one you'd like to move along at a reasonable price, please let me know. I'm in Chattanooga but could be convinced to make a road trip. Thanks, Whisper
  12. A "best handgun" thread crawls out of the grave after 13 years. Might be some kind of record.... Cheers, Whisper
  13. What's the story on that front sight? Is that factory, or is it a custom job? Thanks, Whisper
  14. Damn. That's impressive weight loss. Congratulations. Cheers, Whisper


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