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Everything posted by SupaRice

  1. NICE! I'm headed to TX to hunt them (at night) in a few weeks! Pigs are open season year round in TN as I understand, and land owners can get a permit for night time removal if their land qualifies. The twra said they caught a bunch of jerks bringing them in and setting them loose so that there would be hunting for them. I'd love to get a lease somewhere in TN where I could bust deer, coyotes, pigs, and birds.
  2. Been watching midway and psa, not seeing any good deals... anyone have suggestions where to find a deal on a basic upper?
  3. I did the same for my boys... you can email them to send you less
  4. Is it just me, or does everything Russians make lack any kind of design coolness?
  5. I do have a pistol lower, but it was manufactured as 5.56 / .223 so I'm not sure if it's legal to use with a .300 upper? That crap is so damn confusing....   Is there any loss in velocity for a 16" upper?   I'd be doing supersonic only...
  6. What's the barrel length y'all are using on it? I don't have one, but I'm thinking about ordering one for this trip.
  7. I've been reading online for some time, and I get conflicting stories. I'm headed to Texas at the end of the month to hunt hogs, and I'm considering getting a .300 upper for use on these critters. I have a .308 bolt gun which I'm sure will do the job, but if it'll do I'd like to try .300 for more rapid up follow up.   Have you guys hunted hogs with it? What's the consensus?   I've got a night optic to use for it, so I'll be shooting at less than 200yds also.
  8. So if I have a lower that started life as a pistol, and I retained the pistol upper but have converted it to a rifle with a 16" upper and a stock.... I'm not in violation being it started life as a pistol and I can change buffer tubes when I change uppers?
  9. So according to this if you have a pistol lower, which you put a standard upper on and stock ... making it a regular AR... but still have the pistol upper incase you want to convert it back... you're in violation? Which you could argue that if you had an AR pistol AND a full AR... you're also in violation by the concept of being able to swap out uppers quickly?
  10. Why is everyone so facinated with this? I mean, from a pure tech standpoint I get it... it's a cool challenge and has some interesting applications aside from every day commuting. I'm sure the self-exalted-silicon-valley-douchebag types that run companies like Apple, Google, Tesla all believe it's because they can save fuel, time, lives (number of fatalities). And it's up to them to save the world you know.... And yes, that's a stereotype.... but one reinforced by every one of those hipster aholes I meet. Yes you're smart, but you're still a libtard prick. /endRant But seriously, I'm not even remotely interested in a car that drives itself, are any of you? Who are they going to sell these to?! Or will hillary and Elizabeth Warren make us buy one of these to be able to use a public road? I just don't get it...
  11. Welcome to one of the most idiotic laws ever created.
  12. SupaRice


    Now that looks comfortable
  13. SupaRice


    Yeah my neighbor pretty much leaves his sitting in the driveway all the time, and washes it regularly....   If I had that joker, it'd be all scratched up and dented!
  14. Just add a little to it.... This is from my spot in MD. Sika Stag..... Oh Yeah!! Can't wait!
  15. SupaRice


    My neighbor has a white one, looks cool but sorta pointless. Unless your going to actually take it out and not worry about scratches
  16. Thanks guys, ordered that Magpul insert and a bolt / firing pin. I've got a couple of those brownells.com spring kits. I'll see what else I can fit once that gets in. Would love to be able to get a small thing of oil in there too
  17.   Link no worky....     Very good suggestions! No oil?
  18. What have you found that works well. My get from A-to-B gun has the Magpul grip with the storage department (AR). Thinking oil, a cleaning tool, what do you use? I want something quality that could stay in there for years, not leak or go bad. Put it in there and not mess with it unless shit has gotten real bad... Thoughts?
  19. It goes up when the market goes down, 3x. Triple leveraged REVERSE volitility index. It's the "fear, uncertainty and doubt index" The 1,000 point drop was a great day. It was a 100% margin week. Be cautious though, it's got teeth. Definitely do your homework on it, and don't hold it for long. There's a Russian markets version if you've got plenty of spare reading time and want to get really adventurous. :)
  20. Read.   Pay attention.   Profit.   http://finance.yahoo.com/q?uhb=uh3_finance_vert&fr=&type=2button&s=uvxy
  21. SupaRice

    308 pistol

    In places where shotgun is legal, but rifle isn't or only in pistol calibers.... I have one of these: http://www.remington.com/products/firearms/shotguns/model-870/model-870-sps-shurshot-synthetic-super-slug.aspx I've taken deer at 120yd with it. Some say you can go 200yd, and from the damage it did to that doe at 120yd... I'd agree.
  22. Curious about that rear sling mounting... Do you find that to be in the way? Looks like it's all up in the grip zone.   SWEET looking gun though, man that's pretty!
  23. Avoid 4Wheel Parts at all costs.....   EoR does good work, and if Jimmy doesn't have anything going on he MIGHT get you done a day or two later than what he says.... But typically he's got a bunch of stuff in there.   Honestly, for something that simple. Gateway tire in Cool Springs is a good choice. They're reasonable, and know how to do it. They do that stuff all the time, I had them do the same thing to the wife's 4Runner and it was <$200 and done in a day.   It's not that bad of a job if you have a lift and the tools, I had Gateway do the wife's truck because I'm lazy don't have a lot of time these days.   :2cents:


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