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Everything posted by SupaRice

  1. Looks to be tagged on the ear too. Failed management practices?
  2. This is the same story that's been playing out over there for centuries. Those people will never keep it together. An attack on the American homeland, maybe... it's happened before. An invasion, not unless we are first subdued by our own government by being disarmed.
  3. That's a really crazy video... awesome perspective.
  4. Yeah, my pal and I call that the "South Harpeth Special".... since we normally fish that river (His dad has 25 acres on it). It's a pumpkin-seed(Spring) or green-pumpkin (Fall) bitsybug (1/8 oz) with a 3" power grub pumpkin seed trailer.... gets'em every time.   I love those guys, the one I didn't get a video or pictures of, because I was so pumped, was prolly the biggest red eye I've ever seen, and I've had quite a few in hand. The one in the video wasn't bad.
  5. Who says you can't catch nice fish in urban areas.... this is the Warner parks in Bellevue https://youtu.be/BsB6N1gcYEs
  6. I'm by no means an authority on this, but I took the advice of Yeager and got a Galco. And I've enjoyed wearing that one a lot with my XDs... I'm about to make a move to carrying a M&P full size though I think. I've been carrying for about 3 years, and what I've found to be at least as important and maybe more important is the right belt. I found that the wrong belt allows things to get out of place and that's when it get uncomfortable. Just my two cents.
  7. Seems like it'd be largely ineffective on fixed-wing drones or other more advanced ones.
  8. Yeah, it's Mossy Oak Bottomland camo. I LOVE that pattern, blends in well almost anywhere.
  9. Headed to TX to hunt hogs next week.... then I'm going to try to track this dude down up in MD. He keeps showing up..... I'm dying over here!!!! Can't wait!
  10. Nice, y'all have a good time?
  11. Demolition Ranch   FPSRussia   Zero is the Man!       Also really like Ted's Holdover - he does some AMAZING shots with an air gun.   Like this one: https://youtu.be/8AJVxNxXHmc
  12. Saw a thread online that suggested a fabric store, it was white .... and $7 /foot.... but they had what I needed and it's on the way home. =/
  13. Tried Walmart and the craft store....   Where in the heck can I get a sheet of replacement foam for my Plano gun case in town?   It's this one: http://www.academy.com/shop/pdp/game-winner-gun-guard-double-scoped-rifle-case-with-wheels?repChildCatid=94944   I cut it to fit two shotguns and now need to take my rifle in it.... =/
  14. Reid Henrichs has a video showing him using axle grease.... I've wondered about that for my AR15's....   Anyone use that?
  15. Yeah, ball joints and hubs go fast on anything with bigger tires
  16. Take pics and post'em! I brought my gopro but was having such a good time I never used it... wish I had now
  17. Ugh.... miss my Jeep. Poor decision making and no check from friends.... now I'm am Jeep'less To answer your question. They're pretty hard to kill actually. Look for big dents in the underside, bent things, take a few minutes and look at any fluids you can. If it's got carpet, look behind it to see if there's signs of being completely under water. There's other stuff that isn't that bad... but you can check to see if the hubs are gone, ball joints, etc....
  18. We were southwest of San Antonio, close to Mexico. Dove paradise!
  19. https://youtu.be/CaK9bjLy3v4
  20. Was pretty awesome, we did poppers on the grill right there in the field!
  21. I'd like to see them be more open with night hunting for sure. I plan on bringing back a couple hundred pounds of it from Texas if anyone wants some my family can't eat that much. I'd love to trade out some meat for use of your meat grinder!
  22. My first Dove Hunt in TX, was a great time. Birds everywhere!
  23. This morning, i did the best thing you can do in times like this... I donated $100 to the NRA. Suckit Hillary Cunton
  24. Very nice!   #jealous


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